14 research outputs found
Tenunan Songket Melayu Riau di Kota Dumai Provinsi Riau
Riau Malay songket woven in Dumai City is a traditional cloth Melayu Riau Riau Malay cultural heritage. Current issues Malay songket weaving is not widely known outside the community of Riau, this study aimed to describe the Riau Malay songket woven In Kota Dumai which includes the type of thread, color, dye and dyeing yarnThe method used is descriptive qualitative method. Collecting data in this study is done by using observation, interviews and documentation. Source of data taken is shaped notes both written and non-written (recorded) derived from informants who were interviewed, documentation, literature study. Furthermore, the data reviewed and analyzed by the steps of data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions. Data validation was done with the extension of observation, increase persistence and triangulation.The results showed that the type of thread used to weave songket in Kota Dumai Riau Malay is cotton yarn (CSM) with an assortment of colors, embroidery thread and gold thread for motives. Riau Malay songket woven color in Dumai city which initially predominantly use original colors (red, yellow, green) has developed into unlimited colors, so that the use of color today are very diverse. Dyes used for dyeing yarn dye is artificial (synthetic). Substances in the form of powder or powder color is called dye procion. Natural dye is not used as a reason for the creation of a long natural dyes and natural dye material limitations that exist. The process of yarn dyeing yarn bleaching done in advance, after the bleached yarn dyeing yarn made into a synthetic dye.
Pengaruh Garam terhadap Hasil Pencelupan Bahan Sutera dengan Ekstrak Kulit Pohon Mahoni
The purpose of this study to reveal the resulting color dyeing silk using mahogany bark extract using a ratio much salt 10 grams, 30 grams and 60 grams, and the difference in outcomes dyeing (color, value, color and flatness). This type of research is experimental research. The variables of this study is the variable X as a control, the independent variables are X1, and Y variables dyeing color difference results (value and flatness of color). Types of data used are primary data. Sources of data in this study was a faculty department UNP KK FT 5 people and students by 5 people. Mechanical analysis of data processed and compiled, and analyzed by one-way analysis of variance. Processed using SPSS version 12.0. Based on the analysis of variance of data on the color (hue) colors obtained landing leads to Yellowish brown (Peru), with the addition of 10 grams of salt leads to a brown color (Chocolate), 30 grams of salt leads to a young brown color (Sienna), and 60 grams of salt leads to a young brown color (Sienna)
Pengembangan Modul Desain Busana dengan Adobe Photoshop Cs3
The aim of this research is to design and make colouring technic fashiondesign with Adobe Photoshop CS3 as the alternative of learning media and able to beused to give some helps in explain the materials in class or personally. The researchuse research and development method, which is designing an make a module ofcolouring fashion design with Adobe Photoshop CS3. Data collection in this researchuse validation and gave to the lectures and the questionnaire to the students about themodule. The questionnaire consists of form, contents, motivation and the practicalityof this module. Data analyzed using Likert Scale. Hoped this module can give theeasiness for the lecturer and other people in designing a learning media, so canmotivate the student, and the aim of the learning is gained
Tingkuluak di Nagari Koto Nan Gadang Kota Payakumbuh Provinsi Sumatera Barat
The purpose of this research is to describe about the form, the technique and making the philosophical meaning of tingkuluak at Nagari Koto Nan Gadang Payakumbuh, West Sumatera Province. The type of this research is qualitative. The data source are primary and secondary data. The collecting technique of the data using observation, interviews and documentation. The result of this research are : 1) The form of Nagari Koto Nan Gadang Payakumbuh West Sumatera Province's has many variation, there are : a) The form of tingkuluak which like buffalo horn with the blunt, tip called tingkuluak baikek, b) The big tingkuluak, where at the top of the head of tingkuluak is like chimney, the name of this tingkuluak is tingkuluak kompong and tingkuluak talakuang putiah but this tingkuluak is bigger than tingkuluak kompong. c) The tingkuluak which has a simple form, on the side of this tingkuluak is upright and it's called tingkuluak bugih. 2) The technique of making tingkuluak is first tingkuluak baikek, by wrapped the tingkuluak two times, to the head so it is like buffalo horn but the end is blunt and the technique to make tingkuluak kompong and tingkuluak talakuang putiah are by slung the tingkuluak on the head, but it is made big like chimney but tingkuluak talakuang putiah is bigger than tingkuluak kompong and to make tingkuluak bugih is by slung the tingkuluak on the head and at the end of the fabric is up. 3) The philosophical meaning of the tingkuluak baikek are brave, fair, persevring and never give up. The tingkuluak kompong has the meaning a modesty. Tingkuluak bugih has the meaning a friendly and persevering and the tingkuluak talakuang putiah has meaning simplicity and the holy of our religion
Studi Tentang Desain Pakaian Pengantin Suku Talang Mamak Dikecamatan Rakit Kulim Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu Provinsi Riau
This study aimed to documentation , analyze and describe data about wedding apparel designs Talang Mamak tribe as seen from the Bride Outfits design philosophy and meaning. This research is descriptive qualitative. The location of this study in the district of Kulim Raft Indragiri Hulu in Riau Province. Data collection techniques using three techniques are observation, interview and documentation. The results of the study Talang Mamak tribe clothing Bridal bride and groom men wearing form perempuanya shirts, pants, and cap Salempang . Material shirts of cotton, wool, Salempang, cotton and velvet . Kundur florals and diamonds. Colors used red and black color hiasanya using woven hangings . Bride of using the short form of Kebaya , gloves , and tools Salempang andam, songket woven material , meaning the philosophy of the wedding dress is courage, sanctity became the bride dared to enter the gates of the household and cheerfulness lost all cocky arrogant, originated from the household life flows along to the grave