546 research outputs found

    Preposisi dan frase berpreposisi

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    Buku Preposisi Dan Frase Berpreposisi ini merupakan salah satu hasil Proyek Penelitian Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah Jakarta tahun 1991 yang pelaksanaannya dipercayakan kepada tim peneliti dari Jakarta. Untuk itu, kami ingin menyatakan penghargaan dan ucapan terima kasih kepada Pemimpin Proyek Penelitian Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah Jakarta beserta stafnya, dan para peneliti, yaitu Tim Pcneliti S. Effendi, Buha Aritonan

    Corrosion Studies on Ss-321 in Natrium-Hydroxide Solution

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    Corrosion Studies On Ss-321 In Natrium-Hydroxide Solution. Experimental corrosionstudies on commercial SS-321 have been carried out. The experiments were carried out in a sodiumhydroxide medium with a concentration variation of 0.4 M. 0.5 M, 0.6 M, and0.7Mcorresponding topHvalues of 13.6, 13.69, 13.78, and 13.84 respectively. The experiments were carried out using a type ofM-273 EG&Gpotentiostat/galvanometer test instrument. The post-corrosion samples' microstructure wereanalyzed with the aid of EDS (energy dispersive spectroscopy) equipped SEM instrument to detect thepresence of any viable corrosion byproducts. Forfurther verification x-ray diffraction method was alsoused to detect any possible emerging corrosion byproducts on the samples' surfaces correlated to theSEM-EDS result. Experimental results confirm that A1SI-321 commercial alloys immersed in a natriumhydroxide corrosion medium with a variation of concentration experience very little or almost nocorrosion, so that according to the so-called Fontana's criteria these test-materials turn out to have anexcellent resistance toward natrium hydroxide corrosion. This is also evidenced by the very low corrosionrate value measured in this study. EDS study and X-ray diffraction results indicate that the possibleensuing corrosion byproducts are iron oxides, chromeoxides and silicon oxides

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Matematika dengan Metode Inkuiri Terbimbing di Kelas VI Sdn 12 Matan Hilir Utara

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    The results of the study are the results achieved by students as evidence of the success of the learning process in the field of knowledge , skills , attitudes and values ??. Factor because the teacher as the center inpormasi because teachers only use the lecture method to force students to memorize math formulas , especially about the area of ??a circle without trying to help students learn to rediscover the formula students to be low. To achieve that purpose : (1) . describe the implementation of learning plans (2) Describe the steps of learning (3) . Describe the impact of the use of inquiry method with rectangular approach on learning outcomes . Descriptive research methods in the form of action research that is collaborative , research subjects teachers and students of class VI Elementary School 12 North Matan Hilir district ketapan totaling 12 students consists of 7 men and 5 women . student learning outcomes in the first cycle an average value of 57.9 with mastery learning students with KKM 60 by 4 students from 12 students or by 33.33 % , on sikus II obtained an average value of 71.08 with 11 students completeness of 12 students or 91.66 %

    Evaluasi Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Tanaman Koleksi Plasma Nutfah Jarak Pagar {Jatropha Curcas L.) [Growth and Production Evaluation of Jatropha {Jatropha Curcas L.) Germplasm Collections]

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    For anticipating future need for physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) variety with high yield, short growing period demand and tolerant to pest and plant disease, an exploration for collecting new accession to East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Bali and Gorontalo had been conducted. Beside exploration it has also been developed some accession and improve population from KIJP Pakuwon, Muktiharjo and Asembagus.Population formed in plan furrows and designed in sizes of plots. Accession from the exploration and donor have been planted on August, 2008 in PT Bumimas Ekapersada\u27s plantation in collaboration with Indonesian Center for Estate Crops Research and Development at Pasirranji, Bekasi, West Java. Physical data and collection plant identification result was targeted to obtain variety that has short period to bare fruit, high yield rate and tolerant to pest and plant disease.Based on the examination of morphological growth and development, it can be concluded that Jcur.0006 showed characterstic of short and development in growth and production, accession that has characteristic a short period to bloom and high yield rate with perfect growth is Jcur.0006, plant number 15, and Jcur.0030 with plant number 8, but this variety is less tolerant to louse pest.With assumption that each branch has one bunch, thus 1.600 dry seed weight equals to 1 kg and 2 m x 2 m planting range, first year production potential from each accession originated from Gorontalo Jcur.0006; while plant number 6 and from NTT Jcur.0030 plant number 8, may reach minimum rate not less than 2.25 ton/ha dry seeds and 2.39 ton/ha dry seeds
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