2 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Nilai Ekspor Di Sumatera Selatan Dengan Nilai Ekspor Propinsi Lainnya Di Indonesia Dari Tahun 2012 Sampai Dengan 2017

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    Penelitian merupakan perbandingan nilai ekspor di sumatera selatan dengan nilai ekspor provinsi lainnya di indonesia dari tahun 2012 sampai dengan 2017. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan data historis atau data sekunder yang telah dipublikasikan secara resmi oleh badan pusat statistik indonesia, badan pusat statistik sumatera selatan dan kementrian perdagangan republik indonesia. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa nilai ekspor di sumatera selatan khususnya, maupun di provinsi lainnya di indonesia mengalami penurunan, untuk provinsi sumatera selatan rata-rata nilai ekpornya adalah sebesar US Dollar 3,1 Milyar, sedangkan untuk nilai ekspor indonesia rata-rata selama enam tahun terahir adalah sebesar US Dollar 166,3 Milyar


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    Marketing strategy is important for a company that produces products or services.  It is not only to introduce the products, reach a broad customers, but also to increase the companies’ turnover and revenue. Therefore, the companies or marketers have to have good strategies to get a lot of customers, meet the consumers’ desires, and distribute their products or services. The partner of this community service activity is the Small Medium Enterprise (SME) Crackers-Keplang Hj. Eva Yunus, which located on Jl. KH Azahari, 5 Ulu Palembang. From surveys, it was found since beginning until today, this company has no particular strategy to market their products, it flows by the air from the previous generation who managed it. This of course have impact on the achieving of yearly profits. There are no trademarks, no sales targets, and the seriousness of managing Instagram makes the company that was founded in 1960 does not show an increasing number in sales and profits. Therefore, the purposes of this community service are to assist the partner in improving their marketing strategies, especially in manufacturing trademarks, enriching social media content and how to create and set sales targets per year.