37 research outputs found

    Relationship of Organic Material with Abundance of Toxic Benthic Dinoflagellata on Sediment in Waters of Teluk Bakau Village Bintan Regency, Riau Island Province

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    Dinoflagellata was included in one of microalgae groups which are on waters of the sea and the river, it can be found on detritus floats, sediments, and also swim freely. This research done on May – June 2018 at waters of the mangrove bay village, Bintan Regency, Riau Island Province. The aims of this research was to know relationship between organic material concentration toward abundance of toxic benthic dinoflagellata on sediment. In addition, to analyzed organic material concentratin and amount of abundance of toxic benthic dinoflagellata on sediment in waters of Teluk Bakau. The method used was survey method which is the location of sampling is done by pursosive sampling. Measurement of water quality sampling done at any point, the surface water temperature range 31-33oC, 28-31 ‰ salinity, pH 8-9 and the current speed from 0.045 to 0.051 m / det.Perairan predominantly sandy gravel sediments, making an average of organic materials ditemukn at each station is 0.027%, 0.043%, 0.033%, 0.024%. The result of this research found 3 genus of toxic dinoflagellata, which are Prorocentrum, Gambierdiscus, and Ostreopsis. Poisonous dinoflagelatta can produced a several types of toxic that found the sea. The highest of abundance found at station 2 on 75,615 sel/m2 and the lowest found at station 1 on 35,176 sel/m2. the results of simple linear regression analysis the relationship between the concentration of organic material with the abundance of dinoflagellates has a positive relationship with the regression equation y = 32,913 + 556,13

    Pendapatan dan Manfaat USAhatani Padi Organik di Kabupaten Pringsewu

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    Pesticide and chemical fertilizer USAge in rice farming is known to deteriorate soil and environment. Organic rice farming is developed. However, there are not many farmers who cultivate organic compared to nonorganic rice. The objectives of this research are to analyze the cost, production, the income of organic and nonorganic rice farming, and to explore the benefits of organic rice farming. This research was conducted in Pringsewu Regency in August 2015. The sampling method employed was a census on 30 farmers cultivating organic rice in two villages, and simple random of 30 farmers cultivating nonorganic rice. Data were analyzed using farming analysis and descriptive qualitative. The results showed that organic rice production (6,587 kg per ha) was lower than nonorganic rice production (6,630 kg per ha in two planting seasons). The production cost of organic rice farming was higher (Rp39,011,679.00 per ha) than that of nonorganic rice farming (Rp30,326,937.00 per ha in two planting seasons). Income of organic rice farming was higher than nonorganic, Rp50,759,725.00 and Rp24,454,808.00 respectively. Organic rice farming was more profitable than nonorganic rice farming with the R/C on the total cost of organic rice farming of 2.30 and nonorganic rice farming of 1.81. The B/C was 3.03. In addition to economic benefit, farmers of organic rice obtained social benefits such as providing job field and farmer groups' activity. Environmental benefits that were obtained by farmer were reducing dependence on chemicals and creating a secure work environment for farmers

    Effectivity of Nipah (Nypa Fruticans) Extract on (Aedes Aegypti) Larvae in Brackish Water

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    The most commonly used method of vektor control is temephos (the synthetic larvicide). Currently in some areas there has been resistance of aedes aegypti larvae to temephos, so that natural larvicide is required as an alternative. Nypa exctract contains flavonoid compounds that are respiratory toxins that can kill aedes aegypty larvae.This research was conducted in January - February 2019. The purpose of this study was to determine the inhibitory power of nipah extract against larvae in brackhish water. The results of this study are expected to increase knowledge and provide information about the pontential of nipah as a soursce of bioactive compounds. The method used is the experimental method, where the location of the research sampel was obtained at one sampling location point in the Sungai Kayu Ara village, Siak Riau province. The results showed that the average mortality of larvae in nipah laeves in the 60th minute was 55, 80, 100 and 100%. While root extracts have larvae deaths as many as 60 minutes, namely 100, 90, 90, and 100%. For the average mortality of larvae at the root of nipah there are 60 minutes, which are 95, 100, 100 and 100%. As wel as positive and negative controls as a comparison. So it can be compared to 3 administration of nipah extract both leaves, roots and midrib so that the three conncentrations used are better than the use of midrib extract compared to leaf and root extract. It can be concluded that the more concentration used the higher the mortality of larvae is the concentration of 12%. For the concentration used the percentage of larvae mortality in the test media is as much as 6%, 9% and 12%. Every death of larvae has reristance to different bodies so that at the 30th minute there is a difference in mortality of larvae wich a given concentration. The larvae species used are aedes aegyti larvae. The highest mortality of dead es was found in midrib extract and also positive controls. So that the death of larvae is very effective against the given solution has the same ability. The mortality of A. aegypti larvae were then analyzed using probit analysis to obtain LC50 (Lethal Concentration 50) and LT50 (Lethal Time 50) values. The results of the probit analysis of leaf, root and midrib extracts are the estimation of LC50 1.493, 2.618, 0.005. while leaf , root and midrib extracts at the LT50 estimate were 2.841, 1.579, 2.22

    Effect of Addition of Different Nitrate Concentration on Spirulina Platensis Biomass with Semi Outdoor System

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    Spirulina platensis is one type of microalgae that has high nutrient and protein content and can live in fresh and marine waters. In the growth of S. platensis requires several supporting factors in its growth period, one of which is nitrate (NO3). Nitrate is needed in the formation of proteins and amino acids in cells and also helps in increasing biomass. This study was conducted with the aim to see the effect of adding different nitrate concentrations to S. platensis biomass with a semi-outdoor system. This research was conducted in MarchApril 2019 using the experimental method. Water quality parameters during the study obtained in the form of temperatures ranging from 29 – 30oC, pH 9 and salinity 25 ppt. The optimum nitrate concentration for the growth of S. platensis was at a concentration of 9 ppm with a total biomass of 0.669 grams

    Effect of Addition “Attack” Detergent at Different Concentration and Exposure TIME on Heterotrophic Bacterial Growth in Sea Water

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    This research aims to determine the effect of “Attack” detergent addition at different concentration and exposure time on heterotrophic bacterial growth in sea water. The research was conducted from February to April 2017 used experimental method. The results showed that the highest number of heterotrophic bacteria was observed on the A5 day 1st exposure treatment of 6,69 x 107 (CFU/ml) and the lowest was in the 16th day of exposure treatment of 0,098 x 107 (CFU/ml). At day 1st, the value of the correlation coefficient (r) obtained by 0.277 showed the relationship between two variables with positive linearity, while day 6th to day 21th, the correlation coefficient (r) are 0,982, 0,9426, 0,9778 and 0,986, showed the relationship between moderate two was very strong variables with negative linearity. The regression relationship between exposure time and bacterial growth showed a strong correlation with negative linearity, where the coefficient value (r) was 0,87. Significant treatment of detergent concentration that was equal to 0,00 and exposure time that was equal to 0,00 < α (0,05). The bacterial growth on treatment A1 (control) was significantly different with treatment A2, A3, A4 and A5. Bacterial growth at day 1st was significantly different from 6th, 11th, 16th and day 21th. The result of this research showed that there were a effect of “Attack” detergent addition with different concentration and exposure time to the growth of heterotrophic bacteria in seawater

    Effectivity Of Extract Leaf, Fruit, Root Mangrove Avecennia Marina On Aedes Aegypti

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    Inhibiting the life of the Aedes aegypti mosquito is the mian way that is done to eradicate DBF, which is popularly done by chemically synthetic insecticides can be used air pollution and poisoning of humans so it needs safer natural incecticides such as compounds derived from mangrove plants. Mangrove Avecennia marina contains saponis, flavonoids, and alkaloids can act as stomach poisons resulting in larval death. The study was conducted in Februari-Maret 2019. The purpose of the study was to deteremine the efectiveness of extracts of leaves, fruit Avecennia marina mangrove root that quickly inhibit the growth of Aedes aegypyi larvae. The method used was the experimental method, the location of the research sample taking in Kayu Ara Village, Siak Riau Province. Results showed the mangrove leaves at a concentration of 12% mosquito larvae deaths reached 99 tails in the 120th minute, results showed the mangrove fruit at a concentration of 12% mosquito larvae deaths reached 96 tails in the 120th minute, Results showed the mangrove root at a concentration of 12% mosquito larvae deaths reached 85 tails in the 120th minute, analyzed using probit analysis to obtain LC50 (Lethal Concentration 50) and LT50 (Lethal Time 50) values. The LC50 probit analysis velue is estimate leaves 2.721, estimate fruit 1.584 dan estimate root 1,232. Whereas at LT50 estimate leaves 2.841, fruit 1.579, root 1.115

    Isolation and Antagonism of Bacteria Test of Biota in the Mangrove Ecosystem Kayu Ara River Siak Regency

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    The General area is the mangrove biodiversity and marine life that have biological activity that likely has the same pharmacological potential as an antimicrobial compound. The purpose of this research is to know the bacterial antagonism in isolation from mangrove, mangrove crabs, snails and fish tembakul against pathogenic bacteria (Aeromonas hydrophila, Aeromonas salmonicida, Edwardsiella ictaluri). This research dimula from May – June 2019. From the results of research that has been done shows that isolates that have the capability of antagonism against pathogenic bacteria test three (A. salmonicida, A. hydrophila and E. ictaluri) were isolate CS7 with category stronger, isolate CS6, CS5, CS4, AI4, AI5, CS9 AI2, with weak category, whereas isolates CS1, B22, B33, B44, AI6 AI7 AI8, was only able to inhibit pathogenic test of 2 with a weak category. The results of the DNA analysis of the 16S rRNA sequence with the use and analysis of BLAST obtained that isolates the Bacillus cereus species are included