433 research outputs found

    Social Mobility in the United States as a Markov Process

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    Previous research on intergenerational mobility in income, occupation, or social class as a Markov process typically uses regression models to analyze cross-sectional data. In this paper we draw data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) to build Markov transition states, producing a set of stylized facts from these longitudinal data. We derive the probabilities that children will repeat the occupational, educational, or child-raising choices of their parents. This gives us insight into how such lifestyle choices are vertically transmitted from parents to children, and the degree of persistence of these choices over the generations.

    Untitled #3

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    Taller de resonancias : una herramienta interdisciplinar para educación primaria

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    La Naturaleza nos brinda una gran variedad de fenómenos, como el sonido, la música, la luz, el movimiento de los planetas, el Sol, los terremotos o los volcanes, que tienen algo en común, su carácter oscilatorio/cíclico. Este hecho puede servir como hilo conductor para ofrecer al alumnado de Educación Primaria una forma distinta de aprender sobre el mundo que les rodea y sobre la estrecha relación entre conceptos que ven aparentemente desligados, como pueden ser la música, las matemá¬ticas, la historia o las propiedades de la materia. La conexión entre todos estos saberes se llevará a cabo a través de una serie de talleres sencillos y baratos que van desde la construcción de un péndulo simple a la fabricación de un altavoz con un trozo de papel y un motor eléctrico


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    Objective: To determine the prevalence of hypertension in hospitalized patients with asthma who were treated with beta-2 agonists. To evaluate the correlation between the duration of the use of beta-2 agonist with the incidence of hypertension.Methods: This research is a descriptive epidemiological, observational cross-sectional and retrospective study design. The study population was all adult asthma patients (age ≥ 25) without a concomitant diseases such as hypertension or metabolic syndrome treated with β2 agonists as a bronchodilator and underwent hospitalized in January 2015-December 2015 (n=108). Patient data were collected from the medical record. Data were analyzed using univariate and bivariate to count the number of occurrences of hypertension and recognizing the correlation between the duration of the use of β2 agonists with hypertension event.Results: The incidence of hypertension in patients with asthma who were treated with beta-2 agonists are 50, 93% at the stage of pre-hypertension (120 mm Hg/80 mm Hg) and 25, 9% in stage I hypertension (140 mmHg/90 mmHg). Body weight and duration of therapy with a β2 agonist positively correlated with the incidence of hypertension with a correlation coefficient (r) 0.231 and 0.386 respectively.Conclusion: In this study, duration of therapy with a β2 agonist in asthma patients positively correlated with the incidence of hypertension.Â

    On the Stability of Non Force-Free Magnetic Equilibria in Stars

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    The existence of stable magnetic configurations in white dwarfs, neutron stars and various non-convective stellar {regions} is now well recognized. It has recently been shown numerically that various families of equilibria, including axisymmetric mixed poloidal-toroidal configurations, are stable. Here we test the stability of an analytically-derived non force-free magnetic equilibrium, using three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations: the mixed configuration is compared with the dynamical evolution of its purely poloidal and purely toroidal components, both known to be unstable. The mixed equilibrium shows no sign of instability under white noise perturbations. {This configuration therefore provides a good description of magnetic equilibrium topology inside non-convective stellar objects and will be useful to initialize magneto-rotational transport in stellar evolution codes.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Sensitivity analysis of the solar rotation to helioseismic data from GONG, GOLF and MDI observations

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    Accurate determination of the rotation rate in the radiative zone of the sun from helioseismic observations requires rotational frequency splittings of exceptional quality as well as reliable inversion techniques. We present here inferences based on mode parameters calculated from 2088-days long MDI, GONG and GOLF time series that were fitted to estimate very low frequency rotational splittings (nu < 1.7 mHz). These low frequency modes provide data of exceptional quality, since the width of the mode peaks is much smaller than the rotational splitting and hence it is much easier to separate the rotational splittings from the effects caused by the finite lifetime and the stochastic excitation of the modes. We also have implemented a new inversion methodology that allows us to infer the rotation rate of the radiative interior from mode sets that span l=1 to 25. Our results are compatible with the sun rotating like a rigid solid in most of the radiative zone and slowing down in the core (R_sun < 0.2). A resolution analysis of the inversion was carried out for the solar rotation inverse problem. This analysis effectively establishes a direct relationship between the mode set included in the inversion and the sensitivity and information content of the resulting inferences. We show that such an approach allows us to determine the effect of adding low frequency and low degree p-modes, high frequency and low degree p-modes, as well as some g-modes on the derived rotation rate in the solar radiative zone, and in particular the solar core. We conclude that the level of uncertainties that is needed to infer the dynamical conditions in the core when only p-modes are included is unlikely to be reached in the near future, and hence sustained efforts are needed towards the detection and characterization of g-modes.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical journal. 15 pages, 19 figure

    THE ANTIBACTERIAL EFFECTS OF ESSENTIAL OIL FROM GALANGAL RHIZOME Alpinia galanga (Linn.) Pierre ON RAT (Rattus norvegicus L.) WERE INFECTED BY Salmonella typhi

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    The research was conducted to evaluate the antibacterial effect of  essential oils galangal rhizome on rat were infected by Salmonella typhi. This study begins by isolating the essential oils galangal rhizome (Alpinia galanga (Linn.) Pierre.) followed by tested the antibacterial activity of Salmonella typhi in rats (Rattus norvegicus L.) using the Widal test for measuring antibody titre of Salmonella antigen.Mice were divided into six treatment groups, ie normal control group (NoCG),   negative control group (NCG) given PGA 10%, positive control group (PCG)  given the suspension of chloramphenicol 8 mg/250 g BW, experimental group 1 (EG1) given the emulsion of essential oil at the dose  25 mg / ml, experimental group 2 (EG2) given the emulsion of essential oil at the dose 50 mg / ml, and the experimental group 3 (EG3) given the emulsion of essential oil at the dose 75 mg / ml. Before treated, mice were adapted for 2 weeks and measurement of antibody titre (Widal test 1) as a baseline, then the mice induced by Salmonella typhi suspension oral.  On  day 8 titre antibody was measuring  and followed the administration of the test material orally 3 times a day for 7 consecutive days - respectively. On day 14 measurements of antibody titre was repeated (Widal 3) to see the effectiveness of treatment.Results show that essential oil from Galangal (Alpinia galanga (Linn.) Pierre.) at the dose 25mg/ml, 50 mg/ml and 75 mg/ml can reduce antibody titre of Salmonella antigen. Keywords: antibacterial effects, essential oil, galangal rhizome, Salmonella typhi, Widal tes


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    Implementasi BPJS RS X Serang masih terdapat masalah-masalah terutama terkait klaim INACBG’s seperti adanya missed komunikasi, pengetahuan yang masih kurang, SOP (birokrasi) yang tidak berjalan dengan baik, kurangnya kepatuhan (disposisi) petugas dalam menjalankan peraturan sehingga berdampak pada besaran klaim yang dapat merugikan rumah sakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pengetahuan, kepatuhan, dan prosedur terhadap implementasi klaim INACBG’s dengan komunikasi terbuka tentang kendali mutu dan biaya sebagai variabel moderasi di rumah sakit X Serang. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah penelitian survei yang bersifat analitik kuantitatif pendekatan cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel 70 orang yang di ambil menggunakan stratified random sampling. Data di peroleh dengan menggunkan kuesioner dan analisis dengan uji jalur pada α=5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan, kepatuhan, dan prosedur terhadap implementasi klaim inacbg’s dengan komunikasi terbuka tentang kendali mutu dan biaya sebagai variabel moderasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap implementasi klaim INA CBG’s. R square sebesar 0,925, artinya variabel tersebut dapat menjelaskan pengaruh terhadap variabel implementasi kebijakan JKN tentang klaim INA CBG’s sebesar 92.5% %. Disarankan kepada pihak manajemen meningkatkan kualitas, sumber daya dan profesionalisme pegawai agar dapat menjalankan implementasi kebijakan JKN tentang klaim INA CBG’s dengan lebih baik sehingga dapat meningkatkan mutu pelayanan dan pendapatan rumah sakit