182 research outputs found


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    The article presents the analysis of philosophical, pedagogical and psychological work on concepts of professional development.В статье представлен анализ философских, педагогических и психологических работ, посвящ нных концепциям профессионального развития личности


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    Introduction. The scientific schools serve as engines of development of science and the training centers for scientists. At the same time, the identity of the founder and head of the scientific school is of great importance; this person has to have unique theoretical thinking, talent and the researcher’s intuition, to be purposeful, responsible for generation of the ideas and personally interested in the development of current scientific problems, as well as to have distinctive managerial and pedagogical qualities.The aim of this article is to analyse the establishment and “evolution” of the scientific school of G. M. Romantsev, the Academician of the Russian Academy of Education; to identify the prospects for the main directions of the school development. Methodology and research methods. The study was based on the hermeneutic method of interpretation and understanding of scientific texts; general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization and interpretation of available scientific heritage were applied. Results and scientific novelty. The authors of the present publication have made an attempt to comprehend the content of scholarly writings by G. M. Romantsev and his followers within the framework of the scientific school; a theoretical model of professional pedagogical education in Russia was designed by them. It was found out that most of the research publications are interdisciplinary, often conducted at the intersection of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy, Law and Economics; research and practice nature of most of the studies was defined: theoretical studies are traditionally accompanied by innovative experimental activity. The place of Vocational Pedagogy in the system of pedagogical sciences was proved; its role as theoretical and methodological foundations of vocational-pedagogical education was highlighted as well. The key theoretical and methodological premises of this type of education are formulated; its logical processes and vectors for further development are denoted. Scientific achievements of the scholars of G. M. Romantsev’s school in the field of the higher vocational education are presented; possible ways of advancement of vocational training for workers and handicraftsmen in Russia are presented. Practical significance. The output of the work undertaken by the representatives of the scientific school of G. M. Romantsev continue to be the basis for correction and development of education and vocational standards, the conceptual framework, regulatory background of vocational education, including legal support for occupational guidance among young people. Continued innovative activity of the research team and application in practice of the outcomes obtained will enable to narrow the gap between the theory and practice of vocational education, to enhance the competitiveness of the Russian higher school, and to meet the demands from the manufacturing sector and economy for qualified specialists. Furthermore, the research outcomes can provide substantial assistance to design the modern structure of the pedagogical scientific research organization and build an effective process management workflow. Введение. Научные школы служат локомотивами развития науки и центрами подготовки ученых. При этом большое значение имеет личность основателя и руководителя научной школы, который должен обладать уникальным теоретическим мышлением, талантом и интуицией исследователя-экспериментатора, быть целеустремленным, способным к генерации идей и лично заинтересованным в разработке актуальных научных проблем, а также иметь незаурядные организаторские и педагогические качества. Цель статьи – исследование становления, эволюции и прогнозирование перспектив развития основных направлений научной школы академика РАО Г. М. Романцева. Методология и методы. В основу работы положен герменевтический метод – метод толкования и понимания научных текстов, а также общенаучные методы анализа, синтеза, сравнения и обобщения научного наследия. Результаты и научная новизна. Авторами предпринята попытка осмысления содержания трудов Г. М. Романцева и коллектива авторов созданной им научной школы, спроектировавших теоретическую модель профессионально-педагогического образования в России. Отмечается междисциплинарность многих работ, которые часто ведутся на стыке педагогики, психологии, философии, права и экономики, и научно-практический характер большинства исследований: теоретические изыскания непрерывно сопровождаются инновационной экспериментальной деятельностью. Обоснованы место профессиональной педагогики в системе педагогических наук и ее роль как теоретико-методологического фундамента профессионально-педагогического образования. Сформулированы ключевые теоретические и методологические положения данного вида образования, обозначены его закономерные процессы и векторы дальнейшего развития. Представлены научные достижения ученых школы Г. М. Романцева в области высшего рабочего и ремесленного образования и описаны возможные сценарии совершенствования профессиональной подготовки рабочих и ремесленников в России. Практическая значимость. Итоги деятельности представителей научной школы Г. М. Романцева на сегодняшний день являются основой для коррекции и разработки образовательных и профессиональных стандартов, их понятийного аппарата, нормативно-правовой базы профессионального образования, в том числе правового обеспечения профессиональной ориентации молодежи. Продолжение инновационной деятельности научного коллектива и внедрение в практику ее результатов будет способствовать сокращению разрыва между теорией и практикой профессионального образования, усилению конкурентоспособности отечественной высшей школы и удовлетворению нужд производства и экономики квалифицированными специалистами. Кроме того, результаты исследований ученых могут оказать существенную помощь при создании современной структуры организации педагогических научных исследований и сделать более эффективным управление этим процессом.

    Methods of the development strategy of service companies: Logistical approach

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    The urgency of the analyzed issue is due to lack of attention of heads of service companies to the theory and methodology of strategic management, methods and models of management decision-making in times of economic instability. The purpose of the article is to develop theoretical positions and methodical recommendations on the formation of the logistical approach to the development strategy of service companies. The leading approach to the study of this issue is the logistical approach, which allows identifying the most significant factors, carrying out the quantitative assessment of their interaction with each other and determining the extent of their influence on the parameters of the system under research. This research presents a methodology for the selection of optimal functional business strategies of service companies from the alternative, based on the use of economic and mathematical modeling techniques. The authors assess the parameters of the micro, macro and internal environment of the company, represent the company’s business profile, a general development strategy of based on the determination of optimal logistics, marketing, production, financial and human resource management strategies for individual strategic business areas. The contents of the article may be useful for managers of service companies, auto-transport enterprises in making rational decisions on the formation of the optimal business development strategy in uncertain environmental conditions. © 2016 Toymentseva et al

    Model of preparation of a craftsman in the framework of continuous vocational education

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    The significance of the issue under study is stipulated by a social order for targeted preparation of stafffor a craft type of companies. The aim of the article is development and approbation of structural-functional model of continuous craftsman education. The main research method of the given issue is modeling which enables to see the issue as a process of targeted, continuous and conscious acquiring of vocational competences by future craftsmen, in the course of formal, non-formal and informal education. The article presents a structural-functional model of continuous craftsman education that includes formal, non-formal and informal education and outlines a complex of organizational-pedagogical conditions contributing to implementation of this model. The contents of the article might be of interest for students of craft trades, all categories of vocational-pedagogical workers, specialists of state government institutions in the area of vocational education. © Authors

    Spiritual and moral foundations of craft profession training

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    The relevance of the problem under consideration stemmed from the need of revival of craft education system in Russia which focuses on training personnel for small handicraft enterprises, and it is also very important to identify, to preserve and to adapt it to the modern realities of pedagogical experience which was gained by the vocational education system in the past. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the need for development of spiritual, moral, organizational and pedagogical foundations of craft vocational education development in Russia theoretically and methodologically. The central approach to the investigation of this problem is the study and generalization of pedagogical experience which makes it possible to substantiate the tendencies of formation of a new type of vocational education in Russia. The result of the study was the substantiation of the key qualities of a master craftsman as a creative thinker and craft labour as a man-making system of knowledge and practical experience forming “multidimensional human integrity”. The statement that modern craft education should take into account the productive and transforming essence of a person as fully as possible, and thus, it should be acmeologically oriented can be considered the key conclusion. The materials of the article can be useful to practitioners and vocational education scientists, teachers and postgraduate students who are interested in the development of teaching system and personnel training system. © 2018 by the authors

    Manufacturing practice as a factor mobility educational and professional activities

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    First examines the role of production practices as a factor mobility training and professional activities. Through the methods of analysis and synthesis revealed the peculiarities of teaching and professional work in the conditions of industrial practice and given its interpretation. It substantiates the idea of synergetic nature of work experience as a backbone factor of educational activitiesВпервые рассматривается роль производственной практики как фактора мобильности учебно-профессиональной деятельности. Посредством методов анализа и обобщения выявляются особенности функционирования учебно-профессиональной деятельности в условиях производственной практики и дается ее трактовка. Обосновывается идея синергетической сущности производственной практики как системообразующего фактора образовательной деятельност

    Craft training in Russia: Theory and practice of development

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    The relevance of the research topic is substantiated by the social commitment to the establishment of a system of craft training focused on training personnel for craft enterprises. The purpose of the article is to provide theoretical and methodological substantiation of the necessity to provide organizational and pedagogical foundations for the development of craft training in Russia. The main method of research on this problem is the method of studying and generalizing the pedagogic experience to identify the main tendencies and contradictions of formation of a new kind of vocational education in Russia. The outcome of the research is the theoretical and methodological justification of the development of craft training as a special kind of vocational education, revealing its role and place in the social economic sphere and in the system of vocational education; the identification of the value and target base and organizational pedagogical foundations of the development of vocational education in crafts as a set of interrelated managerial and organizational, informative and technological ideas, principles and conditions taking into account the patterns and contradictions of development of this kind of education. The material of the article may be useful for practitioners and researchers in the field of vocational education, for lecturers and graduate students who are interested in the development of the system of vocational education and training. © 2016. Romantsev et al


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    . В статье рассматриваются некоторые подходы к обоснованию теоретических основ нового направления профессионально-педагогического образования по подготовке педагогов и мастеров по обучению ремесленным профессиямThe article discusses the theoretical foundations for the training of teachers and masters in teaching craft trade

    Off-Pump Surgical Treatment of Anomalous Origin of the Left coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery

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    An anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery, or Blund – White – Garland syndrome, is a rare congenital heart disease in which an anatomically correctly formed left coronary artery extends away from the pulmonary artery. Most patients with this defect die from progressive left ventricular failure during the first year of life, and the rest may suddenly die in adolescence or adulthood from acute coronary insufficiency. Several surgical methods of correction of the defect have been proposed, but a small number of observations do not allow one to express unequivocally in favor of one of the methods of performing the operation. We present our own observation of a surgical correction of a defect in a teenager. We performed off-pump aortocoronary bypass surgery of the anterior interventricular artery, and separation of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery by ligation, with the stitching of the left coronary artery. The issue of the expediency of tying hypertrophied collaterals between right coronary artery and left coronary artery systems was discussed with the purpose of reducing competitive blood flow after performing left coronary artery shunting. Experience in performing coronary artery bypass surgery without artificial circulation made it possible to perform an off-pump operation