453 research outputs found

    Signal processing for improved MPEG-based communication systems

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    System requirements and considerations for visual table of contents in PVR

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    With the introduction of non-tape-based digital video recorders also known as personal video recorders (PVR), consumers can expect alternative navigation methods to the well-known trick-play modes found on analog and digital tape-based systems. In this paper, we explore the system requirements and aspects of a visual table of contents (VTOC). A primary advantage of implementing a VTOC search mode is that it provides a much higher visual performance at high search speeds (50 times or higher) than the conventional search techniques. We present a solution for generating a video signal for visual search that is based on reusing MPEG-2 compressed video data. The video search signal is composed of a set of MPEG-2 compressed subpictures, resulting in a mosaic screen. An efficient strategy is introduced, that allows either full or partial reuse of the compressed sub-pictures via motion compensation of earlier reference sub-pictures to allow the generation of a new mosaic screen

    DVB-H link layer

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    System design of advanced video navigation reinforced with audible sound in personal video recording

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    This paper presents an advanced video navigation concept based on a picture in picture (PiP) allowing combined rendering of fragments of normal-play video and fast search video simultaneously. Loss of audio during conventional fast search trick-play is eliminated, by adding the sound of the normal play fragment. The normal-play fragments provide detailed information, whereas the fast-search signal presents a course overview. The audio associated to the normal-play fragments enhances the navigation process, allowing the viewer to concentrate on either the normal play or the fast search window. Efficient signal processing in the MPEG-2 domain permits re-use of the standard MPEG-2 decoding path for decoding the normal play audiovisual fragments. Applying a scalable MPEG-2 decoder for decoding the fast search signal enables a low-cost implementation for personal video recording (PVR)

    IP-recovery in the DVB-H Link layer for TV on mobile

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    System requirements and considerations for visual table of contents in PVR

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    Chorea bij patiënten op de geheugenpolikliniek

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    In deze klinische les beschrijven we twee patiënten met cognitieve stoornissen, die gezien werden op de geheugenpolikliniek, waarbij bij beide patiënten twijfel bestond over de eerder gestelde diagnose. Bij lichamelijk onderzoek viel op dat er sprake was van bewegingsdrang. Na herhaalde diagnostiek, bleek bij beide patiënten sprake van de ziekte van Huntington. De dementie bij deze ziekte wordt vaak vooraf gegaan door psychiatrische symptomen hetgeen de diagnose kan bemoeilijken. Hierdoor kan in een vroeger stadium van de ziekte de diagnose gemist worden. Dit bevestigt het belang om bij geringe twijfel of nieuwe inzichten patiënten terug te laten komen naar de geheugenpolikliniek en ziektegerichte diagnostiek te herhalen
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