23 research outputs found

    Average proportions of significant SNPs in the simulation study.

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    <p>The values in the table represent the proportions of SNPs (averaged over 10 replications) found to be significant. The significance level was set to 0.0001. The results are present for 4 scenarios, which are described in the section: "Evaluation via simulated association studies ".</p><p>* For these methods in the scenario with 3 underlying discrete subpopulations we took 2 principal components and 2 ancestry estimates, as recommended by the authors.</p><p>Average proportions of significant SNPs in the simulation study.</p

    5 European subpopulations.

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    <p>The polygons around the nodes represent the detected communities. The node colors represent the actual labels.</p

    3 American subpopulations.

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    <p>The polygons around the nodes represent the detected communities. The node colors represent the actual labels.</p

    3 African subpopulations.

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    <p>The polygons around the nodes represent the detected communities. The node colors represent the actual labels.</p

    Contingency table for American subpopulations, rows correspond to detected communities, columns to actual subpopulations.

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    <p>PUR—Puerto Rican, CLM—Colombian, MXL–Mexican</p><p>Contingency table for American subpopulations, rows correspond to detected communities, columns to actual subpopulations.</p

    Additional file 13: Figure S9. of RNA sequencing identifies novel non-coding RNA and exon-specific effects associated with cigarette smoking

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    Exon-level expression of MAN1A2. The top plot shows mean normalized counts by smoking status on the log scale for each analyzed exon. One exon that showed significant differential usage (ENSE00001635177). The bottom table maps tested exons to known transcripts (1 = exon present in that transcript, 0 = exon not present in that transcript). (PNG 51 kb

    Additional file 10: Figure S6. of RNA sequencing identifies novel non-coding RNA and exon-specific effects associated with cigarette smoking

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    Exon-level expression of SASH1. The top plot shows mean normalized counts by smoking status on the log scale for each analyzed exon. One exon showed significant differential usage (ENSE00001444573). The bottom table maps tested exons to known transcripts (1 = exon present in that transcript, 0 = exon not present in that transcript). (PNG 64 kb

    Additional file 6: Table S3. of RNA sequencing identifies novel non-coding RNA and exon-specific effects associated with cigarette smoking

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    Significant gene ontology terms over-represented in genes differentially expressed between current and former smokers. P-values are Bonferroni corrected for multiple comparisons. (XLSX 16 kb