10 research outputs found

    Pomiar stopnia akceptacji choroby oraz charakterystyka pacjentów z obrzękiem lipidowym

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    Introduction Lipoedema is a chronic disorder of the subcutaneous tissue that occurs mainly in post-pubertal women. It is often misdiagnosed as lymphedema and obesity, therefore the aim of our work was to identify the most common symptoms of lipoedema and to measure the acceptance of the disease. Material and method The study was based on an online survey, which consisted of several original questions and the Acceptance of Illness Scale (AIS). In the statistical analysis, the Student's t-test was used, and one-way ANOVA was used to determine the differences in the results between individual data. Results The survey was completed by 110 women. The most common symptoms reported by the respondents were: symmetrical swelling of the legs (98.2%), feeling of heaviness in the legs (88.2%) or bruising with minimal trauma. (82.7%). 19 (17.3%) respondents manifested poor acceptance of their illness, 48 (43.6%) moderate and 43 (39.1%) good. The mean age, BMI and disease duration increased with the degree of lipoedema. Conclusions Patients with lipoedema report a number of symptoms that distinguish it from obesity or lymphedema. In addition, patients are characterized by a moderate acceptance of their own disease, and its level decreases with the advancement of lipoedema.Wstęp: Obrzęk tłuszczowy jest przewlekłym zaburzeniem dotyczącym tkanki podskórnej, który występuje głównie u kobiet po okresie dojrzewania. Często jest on mylnie diagnozowany jako obrzęk limfatyczny i otyłość, dlatego celem niniejszej pracy była identyfikacja najczęstszych symptomów obrzęku lipidowego oraz pomiar akceptacji choroby. Materiał i metody: Badanie oparto na internetowej ankiecie, która składała się z kilku autorskich pytań oraz ze skali akceptacji choroby (AIS). W analizie statystycznej zastosowano test t-Studenta, a dla określenia różnic w wynikach pomiędzy poszczególnymi danymi zastosowano jednoczynnikową analizę wariancji ANOVA. Wyniki: Ankietę wypełniło 110 kobiet. Najczęstsze objawy, które zostały zgłoszone przez badanych, to: symetryczny obrzęk nóg (98,2%), uczucie ciężkości nóg (88,2%) czy powstawanie siniaków przy minimalnym urazie (82,7%); 19 (17,3%) respondentów wykazało słabą akceptację swojej choroby, 48 (43,6%) badanych umiarkowaną, a 43 (39,1%) dobrą. Średnia wieku, wskaźnika masy ciała (BMI) oraz czasu trwania choroby wzrastała wraz ze stopniem zaawansowania obrzęku tłuszczowego. Wnioski: Pacjenci z obrzękiem lipidowym wykazują wiele objawów, które pozwalają odróżnić go od otyłości czy obrzęku limfatycznego. Ponadto chorzy odznaczają się umiarkowaną akceptacją własnej choroby, a jej poziom maleje wraz z zaawansowaniem obrzęku tłuszczowego

    Successful surgical treatment of popliteal artery cystic adventitial disease

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    We present the case report of a 43-year-old male, professional sport user, complaining of pain in his right lower extremity. We have discussed the symptoms, diagnostics with its differentiation, treatment methods and their efficacy. The diagnosis of cystic adventitial disease was made on the basis of diagnostic imaging such as Doppler ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. Surgical procedure is the treatment of choice, to which the patient was qualified

    Measuring the quality of life and itch intensity in patients with chronic venous disease using CIVIQ-20 and Pruritus Numerical Rating Scale among individuals in Poland

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    Introduction: Chronic venous disease (CVD) is a condition affecting many people worldwide. This study aimed to measure the quality of life and itch intensity in patients with CVD using the Chronic Venous Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire (CIVIQ-20) and Pruritus Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) among individuals in Poland. Material and methods: The study was based on an internet questionnaire fulfilled by 160 respondents. 57 (35.6%) represented grade 1 according to Clinical–Aetiology–Anatomy–Pathophysiology (CEAP) Classification, 57 (35.6%) grade 2, 26 (16.2%) grade 3, 12 (7.5%) grade 4, 5 (3.1%) grade 6 and 3 (2%) grade 5. Results: The mean CIVIQ-20 global score for all CEAP classes was 50.1 ± 17.7. 67 (41.9%) respondents reported the presence of itch. The mean intensity of itch for individual groups was: 1.6 for C1, 1.9 for C2, 1.0 for C3, 2.3 for C4, 7.0 for C5 and 3.6 for C6. A fair positive correlation was found between the level of advancement of CVD and a global score of CIVIQ-20 (r = 0.332, p < 0.001), level of advancement of CVD and body mass index (BMI) (r = 0.345, p < 0.001), and the number of symptoms and the global score of CIVIQ-20 (r = 0.370, p < 0.001). Conclusions: To assess the quality of life of patients with CVD, CIVIQ-20 can be used in clinical practice regarding its fair correlation with the intensity and advancement of CVD

    Characteristics of piercing and screening for body dysmorphic disorder among individuals in Poland

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    Introduction: Piercing is an art of body ornamentation that consists of piercing parts of the body such as the ears, nose, eyebrows, nipples or tongues. The aim of the current study was to analyse individuals interested in piercing and screen them for body image disturbances. Material and methods: This was a cross-sectional internet-based survey, conducted on 659 individuals from Poland. The survey was conducted using self-created questionnaire and Body Dysmorphic Disorder Questionnaire — Dermatology version (BDDQ–DV). Results: Six hundred forty-six (98%) participants were females and 13 (2%) were males, aged from 14 to 47 years (mean age ± SD = 21.8 ± 5.74 years). Most popular locations for piercing were ears (39.4%), nose (21.6%), nipples (9.3%) and (8.7%) navel. Mostly, individuals got their piercing from esthetical reasons (32.4%) or because piercing gives them power and strength (22.8%). In our survey, 21.1% respondents were screened positive for body dysmorphic disorder. In this group 138 (99.3%) respondents are willing to make a new piece of piercing in the future (vs. 91.7% whole group; p &lt; 0.05), which was statistically significant. Conclusions: Such high prevalence of Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) among pierced individuals indicates that clinicians should be aware of body image disturbances among pierced individuals and pay more attention to this group of patients.Introduction: Piercing is an art of body ornamentation that consists of piercing parts of the body such as the ears, nose, eyebrows, nipples or tongues. The aim of the current study was to analyse individuals interested in piercing and screen them for body image disturbances. Material and methods: This was a cross-sectional internet-based survey, conducted on 659 individuals from Poland. The survey was conducted using self-created questionnaire and Body Dysmorphic Disorder Questionnaire — Dermatology version (BDDQ–DV). Results: Six hundred forty-six (98%) participants were females and 13 (2%) were males, aged from 14 to 47 years (mean age ± SD = 21.8 ± 5.74 years). Most popular locations for piercing were ears (39.4%), nose (21.6%), nipples (9.3%) and (8.7%) navel. Mostly, individuals got their piercing from esthetical reasons (32.4%) or because piercing gives them power and strength (22.8%). In our survey, 21.1% respondents were screened positive for body dysmorphic disorder. In this group 138 (99.3%) respondents are willing to make a new piece of piercing in the future (vs. 91.7% whole group; p < 0.05), which was statistically significant. Conclusions: Such high prevalence of Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) among pierced individuals indicates that clinicians should be aware of body image disturbances among pierced individuals and pay more attention to this group of patients

    Critical ischemia of the fingers in an auto mechanic as a result of occupational exposure

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    Hypothenar hammer syndrome is a rare cause of ischemic fingers observed mainly in young men smoking cigarettes and it is associated with repeated trauma of the ulnar artery in the area of the hypothenar eminence of the dominant-hand arm, resulting in a deficit of blood supply with the occurrence of hand symptoms typical for chronic and sometimes critical ischemia. Artery injury in this location is most often the result of multiple repetitions of the same activity being mostly the result of occupational exposure. We present a case of a 27-year-old car mechanic admitted to the hospital with symptoms of critical ischemia of the fingers III, IV, and V of the right hand, which resolved after conservative treatment

    Diabetic Muscle Infarction—A Rare Diabetic Complication: Literature Review and Case Report

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    We present a case of a 31-year-old patient with type 1 diabetes diagnosed at the age of 6. Diabetes is complicated with neuropathy, retinopathy, and nephropathy. He has been admitted to the diabetes ward due to inadequate diabetes control. Gastroscopy and abdominal CT were performed, and gastroparesis was confirmed as an explanation for postprandial hypoglycemia. During hospitalization, the patient reported sudden pain localized on the lateral, distal part of his right thigh. The pain occurred at rest and was aggravated by movement. Diabetic muscle infarction (DMI) is a rare complication of long-lasting, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. It usually occurs spontaneously, without any previous infection or trauma, and is often misdiagnosed clinically as an abscess, neoplasm, or myositis. DMI patients suffer from pain and swelling of the affected muscles. Radiological examinations, including MRI, CT, and USG, are most important for the diagnosis, assessing the extent of involvement and differentiating DMI from other conditions. However, sometimes a biopsy and histopathological examination are necessary. The optimal treatment has still not been determined. There is also a potential risk of DMI recurrence

    Disability and emotional symptoms in women with lipedema : a comparison with overweight/obese women

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    Background: Lipedema is characterized by the painful abnormal deposition of adipose tissue in the lower limbs and is often misdiagnosed as obesity. Considering the numerous bothersome physical symptoms of lipedema, women with lipedema may have greater disability and emotional problems than women with lifestyle-induced obesity. Objectives: Our study aims to assess disability, anxiety and depression symptoms in women with lipedema compared to women with overweight/obesity. Material and methods: Women with lipedema (n = 45, with a mean age of 41 years) and women who are overweight/obese (n = 43, with a mean age of 44.95 years) were asked to complete the following questionnaires: The World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule (WHO-DAS II), Beck's Depression Inventory - II (BDI-II), and The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Results: Despite the higher BMI in the overweight/obesity group, the group with lipedema was more disabled in numerous domains of the WHO-DAS II questionnaire, including Life activities - domestic, work and school responsibilities and Participation in society When the influence of BMI was adjusted, a difference in the domain of Mobility was also present. The study groups did not differ in anxiety and depression symptoms. Conclusions: We showed that behavioral impairment was the main factor affecting functioning in women with lipedema. Emotional symptoms did not differentiate the study groups. Leg volumes and adipose tissue pain intensity were associated with greater disability in women with lipedema, and should be considered in managing women with this condition and in future research estimating the effectiveness of lipedema treatment

    Disability and emotional symptoms in women with lipedema : a comparison with overweight/obese women

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    Background: Lipedema is characterized by the painful abnormal deposition of adipose tissue in the lower limbs and is often misdiagnosed as obesity. Considering the numerous bothersome physical symptoms of lipedema, women with lipedema may have greater disability and emotional problems than women with lifestyle-induced obesity. Objectives: Our study aims to assess disability, anxiety and depression symptoms in women with lipedema compared to women with overweight/obesity. Material and methods: Women with lipedema (n = 45, with a mean age of 41 years) and women who are overweight/obese (n = 43, with a mean age of 44.95 years) were asked to complete the following questionnaires: The World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule (WHO-DAS II), Beck's Depression Inventory - II (BDI-II), and The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Results: Despite the higher BMI in the overweight/obesity group, the group with lipedema was more disabled in numerous domains of the WHO-DAS II questionnaire, including Life activities - domestic, work and school responsibilities and Participation in society When the influence of BMI was adjusted, a difference in the domain of Mobility was also present. The study groups did not differ in anxiety and depression symptoms. Conclusions: We showed that behavioral impairment was the main factor affecting functioning in women with lipedema. Emotional symptoms did not differentiate the study groups. Leg volumes and adipose tissue pain intensity were associated with greater disability in women with lipedema, and should be considered in managing women with this condition and in future research estimating the effectiveness of lipedema treatment

    Critical ischemia of the fingers in an auto mechanic as a result of occupational exposure

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    Hypothenar hammer syndrome is a rare cause of ischemic fingers observed mainly in young men smoking cigarettes and it is associated with repeated trauma of the ulnar artery in the area of the hypothenar eminence of the dominant-hand arm, resulting in a deficit of blood supply with the occurrence of hand symptoms typical for chronic and sometimes critical ischemia. Artery injury in this location is most often the result of multiple repetitions of the same activity being mostly the result of occupational exposure. We present a case of a 27-year-old car mechanic admitted to the hospital with symptoms of critical ischemia of the fingers III, IV, and V of the right hand, which resolved after conservative treatment