10,528 research outputs found

    Earnings inequality and central-city development

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    This paper was presented at the conference "Unequal incomes, unequal outcomes? Economic inequality and measures of well-being" as part of session 4, "Economic inequality and local public services." The conference was held at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on May 7, 1999. The author considers not only the competition between cities, but also the competition between cities and the surrounding areas - the suburbs. He notes that rising income inequality tends to lead to greater income disparity between the suburbs and the central cities because the rich are more likely to move to the suburbs. In addition, business suburbanization has occurred because modern transportation and communication technologies have reduced the costs of moving people, goods, and messages over considerable distances. Moreover, some central business districts have become so large as to exhaust the advantages of locating there. However, the author suggests that the movement of businesses away from central cities began to change around 1996. Tighter labor markets have induced U.S. businesses to locate in central cities for the same reason that these businesses have been going to Mexico and East Asia - namely, the availability of relatively low-wage workers. The author also cites the dramatic fall in central-city crime rates in the 1990s and new legislation allowing cities to limit "brownfields liability" - the liability of businesses for environmental damage that occurred before their occupation of a site - as developments that have made it easier for businesses to return to the central cities.Income distribution ; Income ; Urban economics

    Should government try to control suburban growth?

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    Metropolitan areas - Statistics

    Sustained eruptions on Enceladus explained by turbulent dissipation in tiger stripes

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    Spacecraft observations suggest that the plumes of Saturn's moon Enceladus draw water from a subsurface ocean, but the sustainability of conduits linking ocean and surface is not understood. Observations show sustained (though tidally modulated) fissure eruptions throughout each orbit, and since the 2005 discovery of the plumes. Peak plume flux lags peak tidal extension by \sim1 radian, suggestive of resonance. Here we show that a model of the tiger stripes as tidally-flexed slots that puncture the ice shell can simultaneously explain the persistence of the eruptions through the tidal cycle, the phase lag, and the total power output of the tiger stripe terrain, while suggesting that the eruptions are maintained over geological timescales. The delay associated with flushing and refilling of \emph{O}(1) m-wide slots with ocean water causes erupted flux to lag tidal forcing and helps to buttress slots against closure, while tidally pumped in-slot flow leads to heating and mechanical disruption that staves off slot freeze-out. Much narrower and much wider slots cannot be sustained. In the presence of long-lived slots, the 106^6-yr average power output of the tiger stripes is buffered by a feedback between ice melt-back and subsidence to \emph{O}(1010^{10}) W, which is similar to the observed power output, suggesting long-term stability. Turbulent dissipation makes testable predictions for the final flybys of Enceladus by the \emph{Cassini} spacecraft. Our model shows how open connections to an ocean can be reconciled with, and sustain, long-lived eruptions. Turbulent dissipation in long-lived slots helps maintain the ocean against freezing, maintains access by future Enceladus missions to ocean materials, and is plausibly the major energy source for tiger stripe activity

    Continuous Monitoring of STAR\u27s Main Time Projection Chamber

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    STAR refers to the Solenoidal Tracking instrument At RHIC (the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider). For momenta above 500 MeV/c charged kaons are not separated from pions within STAR\u27s Main TPC (Time Projection Chamber) by track density alone and they are poorly separated below 500 MeV/c, even when using information from other sources like the vertex tracker. Within the TPC large numbers of kaons and pions decay into muons (and undetected neutrinos). Earlier work has shown parent pions and kaons whose decays are detected within a TPC may be distinguished uniquely from each other in a two-dimensional plot of muon-emission angle versus momentum difference (between each parent meson and its decay muon). Since pions and kaons have zero spin, each muon decay-product emerges isotropically in its parent meson\u27s rest frame. Identification of particle type provides the parent meson\u27s rest mass and, thus, its total energy. This means the measurement of each decay event is kinematically complete. Thus, Lorentz Transformations may be used to transform each component of the decaying muon\u27s laboratory four-momentum into the rest frame of its parent meson, where the muon decay is isotropic. An aggregated plot of muon directions from many parent rest frames will be isotropic in each (selected) sub-volume of the TPC unless there is a problem within the TPC or in its tracking algorithms. Continuous monitoring of a TPC is possible using this subset of detected charged particles

    A CCD search for distant satellites of asteroids 3 Juno and 146 Lucina

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    The results of CCD searches for satellites of asteroids 146 Lucina and 3 Juno are reported. Juno is one of the largest asteroids (D = 244 km); no previous deep imaging search for satellites around it has been reported. A potential occultation detection of a small satellite orbiting 146 Lucina (D = 137 km) km was reported by Arlot et al. (1985), but has not been confirmed. Using the 2.1 m reflector at McDonald Observatory in 1990 and 1991 with a CCD camera equipped with a 2.7 arc-sec radius occulting disk, limiting magnitudes of m(sub R) = 19.5 and m(sub R) = 21.4 were achieved around these two asteroids. This corresponds to objects of 1.6 km radius at Juno's albedo and distance, and 0.6 km radius at Lucina's albedo and distance. No satellite detections were made. Unless satellites were located behind our occultation mask, these two asteroids do not have satellites larger than the radii given above