977 research outputs found

    Des jeunes lecteurs critiques Ă  Aulnay-sous-Bois

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    Depuis sept ans, Edwige Martin anime le Club de jeunes lecteurs critiques (CJLC) à Aulnay-sous-Bois (93), qu\u27elle a créé avec volonté et persévérance. Il s\u27agit d\u27un outil de développement de la lecture et de l\u27écriture pour les adolescents et les enfants à partir de neuf ans. Les échanges se déroulent principalement dans les établissements scolaires, les rencontres avec les auteurs à la bibliothÚque

    Piana del Lago (Montefiascone) : campagnes de fouille 2020‑2022

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    DonnĂ©es scientifiques produites :archeo.ens.frSituĂ© sur la rive mĂ©ridionale du lac de Bolsena (fig. 1‑2), en contrebas de la colline de Cornos, et face Ă  l’isola Martana, le sanctuaire de Piana del Lago a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©couvert en 1987 lors de l’implantation d’un rĂ©seau d’épuration des eaux, et fouillĂ© Ă  diverses reprises par la Soprintendenza Archeologica per l’Etruria Meridionale entre 1987 et 1988, puis entre 2000 et 2005, sous la direction d’Irene BerlingĂČ et de Valeria D’Atri. Dans l’aire de prĂš..

    Congested shallow water model: on floating body

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    International audienceWe consider the floating body problem in the vertical plane on a large space scale. More precisely, we are interested in the numerical modeling of body floating freely on the water such as icebergs or wave energy converters.The fluid-solid interaction is formulated using a congested shallow water model for the fluid and Newton's second law of motion for the solid. We make a particular focus on the energy transfer between the solid and the water since it is of major interest for energy production. A numerical approximation based on the coupling of a nite volume scheme for the fluid and a Newmark scheme for the solid is presented. An entropy correction based on an adapted choice of discretization for the coupling terms is made in order to ensure a dissipation law at the discrete level. Simulations are presented to verify the method and to show the feasibility of extending it to more complex cases

    Congested shallow water model: roof modelling in free surface flow

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    International audienceWe are interested in the modeling and the numerical approximation of flows in the presence of a roof, for example flows in sewers or under an ice floe. A shallow water model with a supplementary congestion constraint describing the roof is derived from the Navier-Stokes equations. The congestion constraint is a challenging problem for the numerical resolution of hyperbolic equations. To overcome this difficulty, we follow a pseudo-compressibility relaxation approach. Eventually, a numerical scheme based on a Finite Volume method is proposed. The well-balanced property and the dissipation of the mechanical energy, acting as a mathematical entropy, are ensured under a non-restrictive condition on the time step in spite of the large celerity of the potential waves in the congested areas. Simulations in one dimension for transcritical steady flow are carried out and numerical solutions are compared to several analytical (stationary and non-stationary) solutions for validation

    Chikungunya intra-vector dynamics in Aedes albopictus from Lyon (France) upon exposure to a human viremia-like dose range reveals vector barrier’s permissiveness and supports local epidemic potential

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    Arbovirus emergence and epidemic potential, as approximated by the vectorial capacity formula, depends on host and vector parameters, including the vector’s intrinsic ability to replicate then transmit the pathogen known as vector competence. Vector competence is a complex, time-dependent,quantitative phenotype influenced by biotic and abiotic factors. A combination of experimental andmodelling approaches is required to assess arbovirus intra-vector dynamics and estimate epidemicpotential. In this study, we measured infection, dissemination, and transmission dynamics of chikungunya virus (CHIKV) in a field-derived Aedes albopictus population (Lyon, France) after oral exposureto a range of virus doses spanning human viraemia. Statistical modelling indicates rapid and efficientCHIKV progression in the vector mainly due to an absence of a dissemination barrier, with 100% ofthe infected mosquitoes ultimately exhibiting a disseminated infection, regardless of the virus dose.Transmission rate data revealed a time-dependent, but overall weak, transmission barrier, with individuals transmitting as soon as 2 days post-exposure (dpe) and >50% infectious mosquitoes at 6dpe for the highest dose. Based on these experimental intra-vector dynamics data, epidemiologicalsimulations conducted with an agent-based model showed that even at low mosquito biting rates,CHIKV could trigger outbreaks locally. Together, this reveals the epidemic potential of CHIKV upontransmission by Aedes albopictus in mainland Franc

    Pharmacological analysis of transmission activation of two aphid-vectored plant viruses, turnip mosaic virus and cauliflower mosaic virus

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    Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV, family Potyviridae) and cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV, family Caulimoviridae) are transmitted by aphid vectors. They are the only viruses shown so far to undergo transmission activation (TA) immediately preceding plant-to-plant propagation. TA is a recently described phenomenon where viruses respond to the presence of vectors on the host by rapidly and transiently forming transmissible complexes that are efficiently acquired and transmitted. Very little is known about the mechanisms of TA and on whether such mechanisms are alike or distinct in different viral species. We use here a pharmacological approach to initiate the comparison of TA of TuMV and CaMV. Our results show that both viruses rely on calcium signaling and reactive oxygen species (ROS) for TA. However, whereas application of the thiol-reactive compound N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) inhibited, as previously shown, TuMV transmission it did not alter CaMV transmission. On the other hand, sodium azide, which boosts CaMV transmission, strongly inhibited TuMV transmission. Finally, wounding stress inhibited CaMV transmission and increased TuMV transmission. Taken together, the results suggest that transmission activation of TuMV and CaMV depends on initial calcium and ROS signaling that are generated during the plant's immediate responses to aphid manifestation. Interestingly, downstream events in TA of each virus appear to diverge, as shown by the differential effects of NEM, azide and wounding on TuMV and CaMV transmission, suggesting that these two viruses have evolved analogous TA mechanisms

    Collaboration between Public Health and Schools: An Example of an Integrated Community Social Care Model

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    Introduction: There is a need to improve public health interventions to promote youth social and emotional development in close collaboration with schools, families and local communities. A close intersectoral collaboration between the regional public health, schools and school boards was established to co-construct and implement “Positive Intervention (PI)” in the Eastern Townships region (Quebec, Canada). This paper describes its implementation according to the “Integrated Community Care (ICC)” framework. Description: PI is a collaborative and personalized intervention leaning toward an integrated community social care model. In fact, PI relies on the close proximity between Public Health and their educational counterpart as well as their individual temporality. However, PI offered mainly social services and its relationships with Primary Care services was not yet a priority. Discussion: The results show that it is possible to develop and implement an intervention promoting positive mental health in children, with and for local organisations. The level of integration between schools and Public Health services achieved after only 6 months of implementation is encouraging. Conclusion: More research is needed to thoroughly document the implementation, social validity, and effects of such an intervention by taking in the point of view of all stakeholders.  RĂ©sumĂ© Introduction: Il est nĂ©cessaire d’amĂ©liorer les interventions de santĂ© publique pour promouvoir le dĂ©veloppement social et Ă©motionnel des jeunes en Ă©troite collaboration avec les Ă©coles, les familles et les communautĂ©s locales. Une telle collaboration intersectorielle entre la santĂ© publique rĂ©gionale, les Ă©coles et les commissions scolaires a Ă©tĂ© mise en place pour coconstruire et mettre en Ɠuvre l’Intervention positive (IP) en Estrie (QuĂ©bec, Canada). Cet article dĂ©crit sa mise en Ɠuvre initiale selon le cadre conceptuel des soins de santĂ© et services sociaux intĂ©grĂ©s en proximitĂ© des communautĂ©s. Description: L’IP est une intervention collaborative et personnalisĂ©e qui s’inscrit dans un modĂšle de services sociaux intĂ©grĂ©s en proximitĂ© des communautĂ©s. En fait, l’IP s’appuie sur une forte proximitĂ© entre les services de santĂ© publique et les milieux scolaires, ainsi qu’un ajustement Ă  la temporalitĂ© des partenaires. Cependant, l’IP offre principalement des services sociaux et ses relations avec les services de soins primaires n’étaient pas encore une prioritĂ©. Discussion: Les rĂ©sultats montrent qu’il est possible de dĂ©velopper et de mettre en Ɠuvre une intervention de promotion de la santĂ© mentale positive chez les enfants, avec et pour les organisations locales. Le niveau d’intĂ©gration entre les Ă©coles et les services de santĂ© publique atteint aprĂšs seulement six mois de mise en Ɠuvre est encourageant. Conclusion: Des recherches supplĂ©mentaires sont nĂ©cessaires pour documenter de maniĂšre approfondie la mise en Ɠuvre, la validitĂ© sociale et les effets d’une telle intervention en prenant en compte le point de vue de toutes les parties prenantes. Mots-ClĂ©s: SantĂ© mentale; promotion de la santĂ©; Ă©tude de cas; intersectorialitĂ©; proximit
