15 research outputs found

    Methods for Collecting Milk from Mice

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    Mouse models offer unique opportunities to study mammary gland biology and lactation. Phenotypes within the mammary glands, especially those caused by genetic modification, often arise during lactation, and their study requires the collection of adequate volumes of milk. We describe two approaches for collecting milk from lactating mice. Both methods are inexpensive, are easy to use in the laboratory or classroom, are non-invasive, and yield adequate volumes of milk for subsequent analyses

    Rumen sampling methods bias bacterial communities observed.

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    The rumen is a complex ecosystem that plays a critical role in our efforts to improve feed efficiency of cattle and reduce their environmental impacts. Sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene provides a powerful tool to survey the bacterial and some archaeal. Oral stomach tubing a cow to collect a rumen sample is a rapid, cost-effective alternative to rumen cannulation for acquiring rumen samples. In this study, we determined how sampling method (oral stomach tubing vs cannulated grab sample), as well as rumen fraction type (liquid vs solid), bias the bacterial and archaeal communities observed. Liquid samples were further divided into liquid strained through cheesecloth and unstrained. Fecal samples were also collected to determine how these differed from the rumen sample types. The abundance of major archaeal communities was not different at the family level in samples acquired via rumen cannula or stomach tube. In contrast to the stable archaeal communities across sample type, the bacterial order WCHB1-41 (phylum Kiritimatiellaeota) was enriched in both liquid strained and unstrained samples as well as the family Prevotellaceae as compared to grab samples. However, these liquid samples had significantly lower abundance of Lachnospiraceae compared with grab samples. Solid samples strained of rumen liquid most closely resembled the grab samples containing both rumen liquid and solid particles obtained directly from the rumen cannula; therefore, inclusion of particulate matter is important for an accurate representation of the rumen bacteria. Stomach tube samples were the most variable and were most representative of the liquid phase. In comparison with a grab sample, stomach tube samples had significantly lower abundance of Lachnospiraceae, Fibrobacter and Treponema. Fecal samples did not reflect the community composition of the rumen, as fecal samples had significantly higher relative abundance of Ruminococcaceae and significantly lower relative abundance of Lachnospiraceae compared with grab samples

    The Impact of Essential Oil Feed Supplementation on Enteric Gas Emissions and Production Parameters from Dairy Cattle

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    Societal pressure to reduce enteric methane emissions from cattle continues to increase. The present study evaluated the efficacy of the commercial essential oil feed additive Agolin® Ruminant on reducing enteric gas emissions and improving milk parameters in dairy cattle. Twenty mid-lactation Holstein cows, blocked by parity and days in milk, were randomly assigned to a top dress treatment with Agolin or an un-supplemented control for a 56-day trial. Cows were group housed and individually fed twice daily. Enteric gas emissions, including methane, carbon dioxide, ammonia, and nitrous oxide, were sampled every 14 days for a 12 h period via head chambers connected to a mobile air quality laboratory. Cows supplemented with Agolin versus the control had less methane intensity (g/period/kg energy-corrected milk (ECM); p = 0.025). Ammonia was the most affected gas, with lower ammonia production (mg/period; p = 0.028), and ammonia intensity (mg/period/kg ECM; p = 0.011) in Agolin-fed versus control-fed cows. All cow performance variables, including dry matter intake, ECM, milk fat, milk protein, or feed efficiency were similar between treatments. Further research should evaluate how Agolin impacts ruminal flora, focusing on mechanistic impacts to fermentation