498 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Connolly, Edward (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    Alien Registration- Connolly, Edward (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    Master of Science

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    thesisThe actual role that Is played by the mountain lion ( Fells concolor) in its relationship with big game and livestock on the range has long been a subject of considerable controversy. It is hoped that the information contained in this study will help to explain the long misunderstood complex relationship that exists between this predaceous animal and its prey. The author first became interested in mountain lions in the winter of 1942-43* His initial interest was in hunting them for sport; and, subsequently, as he became acquainted with stockmen and ranchers throughout the state, he was called upon periodically to remove a lion which had killed livestock. After release from the armed forces he was employed by the Predator and Rodent Control Division of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service of Salt Lake City. It was while thusly employed that he came into daily contact with numerous stockmen who desired the lions left unmolested on their ranges and refused to allow government hunters on their property. The attitude of these ranchers caused the author considerable concern, because prior to that time he had felt that it was almost universally accepted that the mountain lion was a carnivorous creature whose presence on the range was detrimental to everyone*s interest. His efforts to obtain data concerning the l io n 's activity only furnished factual fuel for the already existing fires of controversy. The author discussed this problem with Dr. A. M. Woodbury of the Biology Division, University of Utah, and found that a fact finding study of the actual day by day activities of the mountain lion would be very desireable. The study was initiated in January of 1948 and has continued for one and one h alf years. Game management officials of the Utah State Fish and Game Commission and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service took an interest in the study because they felt that information could be obtained which would be of value in practical game management. These two agencies expressed their interest in a financial way, under the Pittman-Robertson Act which enabled the study to be more comprehensive and to proceed at a more rapid rate. The removal of large numbers o f mountain lions ftom some areas of Utah,by sportsmen and government hunters, previously thought to contain only a few lions caused considerable concern among some of the officials charged with managing the game of the state. I f previous estimates of the number of deer killed per lion per unit of time were correct, then the number of lions removed from these areas would Indicate that the deer herd there should have been completely exterminated within a few years time. Thus of special importance to officials of practical game management is the phase of the study which deals with the tracking of the mountain lion through the snow in 3 order to obtain information as to the number of deer killed per mature lion per unit of time. A study was made by Erank C. HIbben in order to obtain this rate of k il l Information in 1934-35 under a cooperative setup between state and federal agencies In New Mexico. HIbben' s figures on the rate of deer killed by mountain lions were questioned by several Utah wildlife officials because Hibben was trailing the lions with trail hounds, and might, therefore, have been "pushing" the lions away from deer kills to which they might normally return. So, the procedure of tracking the mountain lions through the snow without trail hounds, as was done in this study, was believed to be a better approach which would give us a much more accurate figure for the rate at which a lion kills deer. This tracking phase of the study also revealed, clearly written i In the snow, many facts of considerable Interest concerning the lion's life history. An extensive review of the literature revealed that for the state of Utah there was no statistical Information available as to the sex and age classes end conditions of deer killed by mountain lions, nor was there any Information concerning the lion's food habits based on a stomach and scat analysis. Also found lacking from the literature for this area was information on the lion's life history, habits, and migration, and the lionlivestock- deer relationships. Therefore, considerable emphasis was placed on these items during the course of the study

    Conformations of dendrimers in dilute solution

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    Conformations of isolated homo- dendrimers of G=1-7 generations with D=1-6 spacers have been studied in the good and poor solvents, as well as across the coil-to-globule transition, by means of a version of the Gaussian self-consistent (GSC) method and Monte Carlo (MC) simulation in continuous space based on the same coarse-grained model. The latter includes harmonic springs between connected monomers and the pair-wise Lennard-Jones potential with a hard core repulsion. The scaling law for the dendrimer size, the degrees of bond stretching and steric congestion, as well as the radial density, static structure factor, and asphericity have been analysed. It is also confirmed that while smaller dendrimers have a dense core, larger ones develop a hollow domain at some separation from the centre.Comment: RevTeX, 14 pages, 19 PS figures, Accepted for publication in J. Chem. Phy

    Returning to employment following a diagnosis of cancer: An Irish survey. ESRI Survey and Statistical Report Series 103.

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    Almost half of people returning to work after a cancer diagnosis reported that their diagnosis had a negative impact on their career, a new study reveals. Females, younger workers, the self-employed and those working in the public sector were more likely to report a negative impact

    Monte Carlo simulations of infinitely dilute solutions of amphiphilic diblock star copolymers

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    Single-chain Monte Carlo simulations of amphiphilic diblock star copolymers were carried out in continuous space using implicit solvents. Two distinct architectures were studied: stars with the hydrophobic blocks attached to the core, and stars with the polar blocks attached to the core, with all arms being of equal length. The ratio of the lengths of the hydrophobic block to the length of the polar block was varied from 0 to 1. Stars with 3, 6, 9 or 12 arms, each of length 10, 15, 25, 50, 75 and 100 Kuhn segments were analysed. Four distinct types of conformations were observed for these systems. These, apart from studying the snapshots from the simulations, have been quantitatively characterised in terms of the mean-squared radii of gyration, mean-squared distances of monomers from the centre-of-mass, asphericity indices, static scattering form factors in the Kratky representation as well as the intra-chain monomer-monomer radial distribution functions.Comment: 12 pages, 11 ps figures. Accepted for publication in J. Chem. Phy

    Intra-chain correlation functions and shapes of homopolymers with different architectures in dilute solution

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    We present results of Monte Carlo study of the monomer-monomer correlation functions, static structure factor and asphericity characteristics of a single homopolymer in the coil and globular states for three distinct architectures of the chain: ring, open and star. To rationalise the results we introduce the dimensionless correlation functions rescaled via the corresponding mean-squared distances between monomers. For flexible chains with some architectures these functions exhibit a large degree of universality by falling onto a single or several distinct master curves. In the repulsive regime, where a stretched exponential times a power law form (de Cloizeaux scaling) can be applied, the corresponding exponents ÎŽ\delta and Ξ\theta have been obtained. The exponent ÎŽ=1/Îœ\delta=1/\nu is found to be universal for flexible strongly repulsive coils and in agreement with the theoretical prediction from improved higher-order Borel-resummed renormalisation group calculations. The short-distance exponents Ξυ\theta_{\upsilon} of an open flexible chain are in a good agreement with the theoretical predictions in the strongly repulsive regime also. However, increasing the Kuhn length in relation to the monomer size leads to their fast cross-over towards the Gaussian behaviour. Likewise, a strong sensitivity of various exponents Ξij\theta_{ij} on the stiffness of the chain, or on the number of arms in star polymers, is observed. The correlation functions in the globular state are found to have a more complicated oscillating behaviour and their degree of universality has been reviewed. Average shapes of the polymers in terms of the asphericity characteristics, as well as the universal behaviour in the static structure factors, have been also investigated.Comment: RevTeX 12 pages, 10 PS figures. Accepted by J. Chem. Phy

    Detection of “Xisco” gene for identification of Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates

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    We describe a PCR-assay differentiating Streptococcus pneumoniae from closely-related species of the Mitis group of the genus Streptococcus and identification of pneumococcus clinical isolates, based on the “Xisco” gene discriminatory marker. The complete “Xisco” gene sequence was observed in all S. pneumoniae genomes analyzed and absent in all non-pneumococcus genomes

    LSST: Comprehensive NEO Detection, Characterization, and Orbits

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    (Abridged) The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) is currently by far the most ambitious proposed ground-based optical survey. Solar System mapping is one of the four key scientific design drivers, with emphasis on efficient Near-Earth Object (NEO) and Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (PHA) detection, orbit determination, and characterization. In a continuous observing campaign of pairs of 15 second exposures of its 3,200 megapixel camera, LSST will cover the entire available sky every three nights in two photometric bands to a depth of V=25 per visit (two exposures), with exquisitely accurate astrometry and photometry. Over the proposed survey lifetime of 10 years, each sky location would be visited about 1000 times. The baseline design satisfies strong constraints on the cadence of observations mandated by PHAs such as closely spaced pairs of observations to link different detections and short exposures to avoid trailing losses. Equally important, due to frequent repeat visits LSST will effectively provide its own follow-up to derive orbits for detected moving objects. Detailed modeling of LSST operations, incorporating real historical weather and seeing data from LSST site at Cerro Pachon, shows that LSST using its baseline design cadence could find 90% of the PHAs with diameters larger than 250 m, and 75% of those greater than 140 m within ten years. However, by optimizing sky coverage, the ongoing simulations suggest that the LSST system, with its first light in 2013, can reach the Congressional mandate of cataloging 90% of PHAs larger than 140m by 2020.Comment: 10 pages, color figures, presented at IAU Symposium 23

    SDF1-A Facilitates Lin−/Sca1+ Cell Homing following Murine Experimental Cerebral Ischemia

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    Background Hematopoietic stem cells mobilize to the peripheral circulation in response to stroke. However, the mechanism by which the brain initiates this mobilization is uncharacterized. Methods Animals underwent a murine intraluminal filament model of focal cerebral ischemia and the SDF1-A pathway was evaluated in a blinded manner via serum and brain SDF1-A level assessment, Lin−/Sca1+ cell mobilization quantification, and exogenous cell migration confirmation; all with or without SDF1-A blockade. Results Bone marrow demonstrated a significant increase in Lin−/Sca1+ cell counts at 24 hrs (272±60%; P<0.05 vs sham). Mobilization of Lin−/Sca1+ cells to blood was significantly elevated at 24 hrs (607±159%; P<0.05). Serum SDF1-A levels were significant at 24 hrs (Sham (103±14), 4 hrs (94±20%, p = NS) and 24 hrs (130±17; p<0.05)). Brain SDF1-A levels were significantly elevated at both 4 hrs and 24 hrs (113±7 pg/ml and 112±10 pg/ml, respectively; p<0.05 versus sham 76±11 pg/ml). Following administration of an SDF1-A antibody, Lin−/Sca1+ cells failed to mobilize to peripheral blood following stroke, despite continued up regulation in bone marrow (stroke bone marrow cell count: 536±65, blood cell count: 127±24; p<0.05 versus placebo). Exogenously administered Lin−/Sca1+ cells resulted in a significant reduction in infarct volume: 42±5% (stroke alone), versus 21±15% (Stroke+Lin−/Sca1+ cells), and administration of an SDF1-A antibody concomitant to exogenous administration of the Lin−/Sca1+ cells prevented this reduction. Following stroke, exogenously administered Lin−/Sca1+ FISH positive cells were significantly reduced when administered concomitant to an SDF1-A antibody as compared to without SDF1-A antibody (10±4 vs 0.7±1, p<0.05). Conclusions SDF1-A appears to play a critical role in modulating Lin−/Sca1+ cell migration to ischemic brain
