3 research outputs found

    A systems thinking approach to validate the dynamics of environmental degradation issues: evidence from the Nigerian oil and gas industry

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    The paper focuses on all aspects of the numerous activities causing environmental degradation in the Nigerian Niger-Delta region, focusing particularly to the activities of the host communities and oil and gas companies using the systems thinking approach. The vast majority of the revenue that Nigeria's federal government receives from its oil resources is held by the Niger-Delta region. Numerous issues that affect the region, including as poverty, environmental damage, unemployment, and oil pipeline vandalism involving host communities and oil and gas companies. This paper aims to validate, in light of the current situation, the dynamics of environmental degradation issues involving host communities and oil and gas companies in the Nigerian Niger Delta. Consider the various ways that host communities' activities and oil and gas activity contribute to environmental degradation in Nigeria's Niger Delta. The paper used a systems thinking approach, which is necessary for capturing the involvement of host communities and oil and gas companies to environmental degradation in the Niger Delta. The Niger Delta's environmental degradation is the consequence of a complex relationship between oil and gas operations, host communities, and surrounding environments. ST is a qualitative technique that seeks to understand this relationship holistically. In order to convey unbiased insights and understanding of the environmental degradation as experienced in the Niger Delta, ST enables the application of Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) usage to capture the problem as a whole. The data collected from the literature review were analysed using computerised simulation software as Stella Architect®. It is also highly advised that an integrated and multidisciplinary research be carried out to examine this enduring issue in order to build a comprehensive plan and solution to deal with concerns related to environmental degradation and oil pipeline vandalism. Oil and gas companies have created a strategy to prevent environment pollution and treat waste before discharging it to minimize its effects in several locations around the world. However, similar methods are not widespread in Nigeria. In Nigeria, these methods must be adapted in order to preserve the already-degrading environment