110 research outputs found

    Managing migration: the Brazilian case

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    The objective of this paper is to present the Brazilian migration experience and its relationship with migration management. The article is divided into three parts. First, it reviews some basic facts regarding Brazilian immigration and emigration processes. Second, it focuses on some policy and legal issues related to migration. Finally, it addresses five issues regarding migration management in Brazil.international migration, immigration, emigration, migration management, migration policies, migration laws, Brazil

    Pobreza, migrações e pandemias

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    The objective of this paper is to combine three topics - international migration, poverty, and pandemics - in the context of public policy formulation at the national level. I revise the literature and put together historical evidence. First of all, I discuss international migration; second, I emphasize the role of geography, development, and poverty; and finally I argue about pandemics. The three topics are brought together at the concluding remarks. Regarding international migration, I point to the importance of internal regulation of the Brazilian emigration process and bilateral agreements. In the case of poverty, the regional perspective points to the limits of external help, the role of good institutions, and the importance of investments in health. In terms of pandemics, international cooperation helps prevent and battle epidemics.migration; poverty; pandemics

    Estudo exploratório do perfil ocupacional no setor agropecuário brasileiro.

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    Para fins de classificação e registro de empregos e relações de trabalho, a estrutura ocupacional do setor agropecuário no Brasil distingue produtores de trabalhadores, em função da natureza das atividades executadas por cada um dos grupos de ocupações agrícolas. Entretanto, é possível que se observe um conjunto de atividades que são desenvolvidas, independente do tipo de cultura ou criação e da posição na qual o indivíduo se encontre na estrutura ocupacional. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho é analisar quais são as áreas de atividades que são comuns e as específicas de cada grupo ocupacional do setor agropecuário brasileiro. O estudo baseou-se no inventário de atividades de 28 grupos ocupacionais do setor agropecuário realizado no âmbito da CBO/MTE e que utilizou uma metodologia na qual os próprios trabalhadores descrevem as atividades que desenvolvem no seu dia a dia (método DACUM), construindo uma matriz detalhando grandes áreas de atividades. A análise indica que é possível elaborar uma síntese das atividades dos dois subgrupos - pecuária e agricultura. O estudo poderá iniciar uma agenda de pesquisa, com base nas informações sobre ocupações agropecuárias geradas com a atualização da CBO. Estudos mais aprofundados poderão subsidiar a formulação de políticas de qualificação profissional para o setor.estrutura ocupacional; setor agropecuário

    Issues of Demographic Data Collection during Covid-19 and Its Aftermath

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    This essay examines data collection efforts in Brazil and the implications of postponing the Brazilian 2020 Demographic Census to 2021

    Mother's or teacher's education? Educational stratification and grade progression in Brazil.

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    grade progression; education; hierarchical linear model; educational achievement; Brazil

    Análise do dividendo demográfico na matrícula escolar no Brasil numa abordagem hierárquica e hierárquica-espacial

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    Esse artigo procura investigar os determinantes da matrícula escolar no Brasil, nos ensinos fundamental e médio, combinando duas tradições dos estudos educacionais. A primeira refere-se ao dividendo demográfico e a segunda aos estudos dos determinantes educacionais que utilizam o arcabouço teórico da Função de Produção Educacional. Somado a isso, busca-se incluir a dinâmica espacial na análise educacional, através da construção de uma metodologia alternativa, que combina os modelos hierárquico e espacial. Os principais resultados indicaram que uma menor pressão demográfica constitui um dos fatores contextuais mais importantes para a matrícula no fundamental. Já para o ensino médio, a disponibilidade de oferta educacional, representada pela razão professor/população em idade escolar, é o fator municipal mais relevante. Quando se considera o espaço na análise através do modelo hierárquico-espacial, observa-se que a razão de dependência e as demais variáveis contextuais das cidades vizinhas afetam a matrícula de determinado município

    Demographic Change and the Structure of Wages: A Demand-Theoretic Analysis for Brazil

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    With rapidly declining fertility and increased longevity the age structure of the labor force in developing countries has changed rapidly. Changing relative supply of workers by age group, and by educational attainment, can have profound effects on labor costs. Their impacts on earnings have been heavily studied in the United States but have received little attention in Asia and Latin America, where supply shocks are at least as large and have often proceeded less evenly across the economy. We use data on 502 local Brazilian labor markets from Censuses 1970-2000 to examine the extent of substitution among demographic groups as relative supply has changed. The results suggest that age-education groups are imperfect substitutes, so that larger age-education cohorts see depressed wage rates, particularly among more-educated groups. The extent of substitution has increased over time, so that the decreasing size of the least-skilled labor force today is barely raising its remaining members' wages.

    Comparação entre metodologias de idade-período-coorte para o estudo de probabilidades de progressão por série selecionadas no Brasil

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    The aim of this article is to realize a comparative methodological exercise of two APC estimators: the conventional restrict estimator obtained by the generalized linear models (MLGR) and the so-called intrinsec estimator (EI). Both instruments are contrasted by means of the parameter estimates and of the model’s efficiency. The object of our interest are the contributions of age, period and cohort effects to temporal changes in grande progression probabilities in Brazil. The APC modelling of grade progression probabilities is justified as age, period and cohort effects may signficantly affect school transitions: age effects reflect both the mininal age of school entry as the trade-off between study and work, which becames strong along the educacional carrier; period effects are associated with different economical and political conjuctures, as well as with the state of the educational policies; finally, cohort effects reflect social attributes proper of some group of individuals. This article shows the potentiality of the solution to the ageperiod-cohort model based on intrinsec estimator, which presents excelent statistical properties, namely: best adjust to predicted values, small variance, and significance of the parameters. Therefore, projections of grade progression probabilities based on this estimator may be very promissing.Age-Period-Cohort Models, Intrinsec Estimator, Grade Progression Probability

    Desigualdade de oportunidades educacionais: seletividade e progressão por série no Brasil, 1986 a 2008

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    This article aims to contribute to the understanding of the inequality of educational opportunities in Brazil, identifying the magnitude of the relationships between social origins and the probability of progression on the educational scale between 1986 and 2008. We apply the Grade Progression Probability concept (RIOS-NETO, 2004) on the individual level through the estimation of school transitions logistic model. We show that men have lower chances of school progression, as well as black, residents in rural areas and the non-residents in metropolitan areas, and that those differences are not neutral with respect to the transition considered: we found that those differentials tend to decrease along the educational career. Important evidence was that, in the case of race, and situation/area of residence, there was a reduction in the advantage of whites or people with residence in metropolitan or urban areas. Also we tested if the two hypothesis proposed by Mare (1980) to the educational stratification are valid to Brazil. The first one, which states that the effect of the social origins decreases along the educational trajectory, could be not be corroborated by none of the measures employed (education, sex, race and occupation of the head of the family; number of siblings). Regarding the second hypothesis, Mare states that the educational expansion between two periods would reduce the inequality of educational opportunities in a given grade. Overall, we show that this hypothesis is corroborated when the education and occupational status of the family’s head is considered on the first school transitions between 1986 and 2008. We can conclude, therefore, that the educational policies that promoted the universal access on the education system and on the elementary level were effective on reducing inequality of educational opportunities, measured by our Proxy variables.Age-Period-Cohort Models, Intrinsec Estimator, Grade Progression Probability