11 research outputs found

    Density-plots of memory T cell subsets in lung transplant recipients.

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    <p>Representative density-plots of acute rejection-free lung transplant recipients (A) and suffering acute rejection episode (B) showing the different subpopulations of CD4<sup>+</sup> and CD8<sup>+</sup> T cells before transplantation. Four different subpopulations are depicted: naïve (CD62L+CD45RO-), TCM (CD62L+CD45RO+), TEM (CD62L-CD45RO+) and TEMRA (CD62L-CD45RO-).</p

    Follow-up of the percentage of T cell subsets.

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    <p>Follow-up of the percentage of CD4+ subsets in lung transplant recipients within first year (A). The median of central memory (TCM) on black line and open squares, naïve on dotted line and open triangle, effector memory (TEM) on truncated line and open triangle and terminally differentiated effector memory (TEMRA) cells on thin dotted line and open diamond are depicted. Follow-up of the percentage of CD8+ subsets in lung transplant recipients within first year (B). The median of central memory (TCM) on black line and open squares, naïve on black line and open triangle, effector memory (TEM) on truncated line and open triangle and terminally differentiated effector memory (TEMRA) cells on thin dotted line and open diamond are depicted. Ranges are not depicted because of simplicity. Median percentage of T cell subset differences were tested by U-Mann Whitney test (* and §, p<0.05 and p<0.1 respectively).</p

    IL-7 measurement in supernatant after 48hour-culture in Lung transplant recipients.

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    <p>Medians and interquartile ranges are depicted and Kruskall-Wallis test was used to compare medians.***p<0.001,** p<0.01, *p<0.05.</p

    Percenteage of naïve and effector memory CD8+ T cells in lung transplant recipients.

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    <p>Comparison of the percentages of naïve (A) and effector memory (TEM) CD8+ T cells (B) between the groups of rejection-free (F, white box-plot) lung transplant recipients and with an episode of acute rejection (AR, grey box-plot) during several time points post-Tx: pre-Tx (basal), 1 week (wk), 2 weeks, and 1, 2, 3, 6, and 12 months (m) post-Tx. The medians and interquartile range are depicted and compared using Mann-Whitney U test.* p value <0.05. </p

    Follow-up of regulatory T cells in lung transplant recipients (LTR).

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    <p>Absolute number of regulatory T cells (CD4<sup>+</sup>CD127<sup>low/-</sup>Foxp3<sup>+</sup>CD27<sup>+</sup>) was measured before the transplant (Pre) and first, second week (wk), first, second, third, sixth, twelfth month (m) post-transplant in peripheral blood of lung transplant recipients (A), median and interquartile range are depicted. (Comparison of absolute number of Tregs in LTR (B)), the box plot shows the median and interquartile ranges of regulatory T (Treg) cells in peripheral blood of lung transplant recipients with acute rejection (AR) episode (grey boxes) and lung transplant recipients without rejection (F, white boxes). The whiskers show 5 and 95 percentile. Kruskall-Wallis and <i>U</i>-Mann-Whitney test were assessed to compare medians of Treg levels at different timepoints in AR and F groups, (*, p<0.05 and **, p<0.01).</p

    Comparison of absolute numbers of effector memory (TEM) T cells in LTRs.

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    <p>The CD4<sup>+</sup> (A) and CD8<sup>+</sup> (B) TEM cells were measured in peripheral blood of rejection-free (Free) and lung transplant patients suffering an acute rejection episode (AR). Medians and interquartile ranges are depicted and compared using Mann-Whitney U test. The cut-off (C.O.) value of 185 CD8<sup>+</sup> TEM cells/mm<sup>3</sup> discriminate between Free and AR lung transplant recipients.</p