2,676 research outputs found

    First-Principles-Based Strain and Temperature Dependent Ferroic Phase Diagram of SrMnO3_3

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    Perovskite structure SrMnO3_3 is a rare example of a multiferroic material where strain-tuning and/or cation substitution could lead to coinciding magnetic and ferroelectric ordering temperatures, which would then promise strong magnetoelectric coupling effects. Here, we establish the temperature and strain dependent ferroic phase diagram of SrMnO3_3 using first-principles-based effective Hamiltonians. All parameters of these Hamiltonians are calculated using density functional theory, i.e., no fitting to experimental data is required. Temperature dependent properties are then obtained from Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations. We observe a sequence of several magnetic transitions under increasing tensile strain, with a moderate variation of the corresponding critical temperatures. In contrast, the ferroelectric Curie temperature increases strongly after its onset around 2.5\,\% strain, and indeed crosses the magnetic transition temperature just above 3\,\% strain. Our results indicate pronounced magnetoelectric coupling, manifested in dramatic changes of the magnetic ordering temperatures and different magnetic ground states as function of the ferroelectric distortion. In addition, coexisting ferroelectric and ferromagnetic order is obtained for strains above 4\,\%. Our calculated phase diagram suggests the possibility to control the magnetic properties of SrMnO3_3 through an applied electric field, significantly altering the magnetic transition temperatures, or even inducing transitions between different magnetic states.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Numerical performance of stability enhancing and speed increasing steps in radiative transfer solution methods

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    AbstractMethods for solving the radiative transfer problem, which is crucial for a number of sectors of industry, involve several numerical challenges. This paper gives a systematic presentation of the effect of the steps that are needed or possible to make any discrete ordinate radiative transfer solution method numerically efficient. This is done through studies of the numerical performance of the stability enhancing and speed increasing steps used in modern tools like Disort or Dort2002.Performance tests illustrate the effect of steps that are taken to improve the stability and speed. It is shown how the steps together give a stable solution procedure to a problem previously considered numerically intractable, and how they together decrease the computation time compared to a naive implementation with a factor 1000 in typical cases and far beyond in extreme cases. It is also shown that the speed increasing steps are not introduced at the cost of reduced accuracy. Further studies and developments, which can have a positive impact on computation time, are suggested

    Porous Gold Surfaces for Implantable Neural Electrodes

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    Neural electrodes used for measurements of action potentials in brain cells are often made of gold. These electrodes need to be suciently small to cover only one brain cell, but this induces the problem of increased impedance since impedance scales inversely with surface area. This means that if the surface area is too small, only noise will be measured. One way to overcome this problem is to try to enlarge the real surface area by making the gold nanoporous. In this way, the geometric surface area can be kept small while the real surface area becomes several times larger. In this project, attempts to increase the surface area by anodization has been made. First, a silicon wafer with a large number of chips containing six electrodeseach was fabricated using techniques such as evaporation, UV exposure and etching. Then the chips were diced out of the wafer and each chip was glued onto a circuit board. The copper and gold were connected by a thin aluminum wire and covered by silicone for protection and isolation. Different anodization modes and times were tested on the electrodes, and the results were evaluated by both an optical microscope and a SEM. At the best combination of anodization mode and time, the impedance was measured both before and after anodization. Also, cyclic voltammetry was used in order to calculate the real surface area of the electrodes. The results of the measurements show an increase of the real surface area with up to approximately seven times. This was conrmed by the impedance measurements, which clearly showed that the impedance sharply decreased after anodization compared to the impedance measured before anodization. This indicates that surface enlargement of gold electrodes by anodization is a viable method, but it should be carried out on more electrodes in order to get reliable results

    Combining Volunteer Tourism and Development Studies A case study of development students’ reflections on volunteering in the Global South

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    Volunteer tourism (VT) has over the past decades rapidly increased and many young individuals travel to the Global South with intentions to develop communities and travel. Critique has however indicated that unskilled young individuals do not contribute to the development of the community, rather the opposite. This study examines how students of development studies at Lund University reflect back on their volunteer trip, as they hold knowledge within both the field of development and volunteer tourism. The study has used a qualitative case study design to interview students by conducting two focus groups. The material has been analysed based on three frameworks; cosmopolitanism, neo-liberal critique and development education. The findings of this study indicated that development students reflect back on their VT experience with insightful critique towards VT in relation to post-colonial critical theories. Some of the students’ reflections indicate a developed pessimism and cynicism towards the field of development in general. Although students were critical of VT, students also show insightful reflections of potential cultural befits of VT, they however reflect on themselves gaining more cultural knowledge than the host communities. This research contributes academically by increasing the understanding of VT and its outcomes for volunteers and host communities

    Opting out of GM agriculture - The scope for EU Member States to restrict cultivation of genetically modified crops

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    Odling av genetiskt modifierade organismer (GMO) har lĂ€nge varit ett omdebatterat och politiskt kĂ€nsligt Ă€mne i EU. SĂ„dan odling vĂ€cker en mĂ€ngd olika betĂ€nksamheter och frĂ„gor hos europeiska medborgare. I spektrumet Ă„terfinns bland annat frĂ„gor om risker för miljön och hĂ€lsa till socioekonomiska och etiska betĂ€nkligheter. Den hĂ€r uppsatsen undersöker medlemstaters möjligheter att svara upp mot sĂ„dana betĂ€nkligheter genom att införa nationella begrĂ€nsningar mot odling av GM grödor. Det EU-rĂ€ttsliga ramverket för GMO har sedan dess tillkomst kĂ€nnetecknats av en hög grad av harmonisering och centralisering. PĂ„ detta följer att en GMO som har beviljats odlingstillstĂ„nd via regelverkets tillstĂ„ndsförfarande i princip kan odlas i hela Unionen. Utrymmet för nationella begrĂ€nsningar efter beviljat tillstĂ„nd har i stort sett varit begrĂ€nsat till explicita undantagsbestĂ€mmelser i EU:s primĂ€r- och sekundĂ€rrĂ€tt. Fram tills nyligen har dessa undantagsregler frĂ€mst bestĂ„tt av vetenskapsinriktade sĂ„dana, vilka föreskriver att miljö- och hĂ€lsobetĂ€nkligheter kan Ă„beropas. 2015 kom GMO- ramverket att delvis revideras genom en partiell ”av-harmonisering” av medlemsstaters möjligheter att begrĂ€nsa av odling. Artikeln som Ă„terfinns i tillĂ€ggsdirektivet innehĂ„ller Ă€ven en innovativ processuell förĂ€ndring. Den innebĂ€r att medlemsstater kan ingĂ„ överenskommelser med företag som söker odlingsstillstĂ„nd under tillstĂ„ndsprocessen sĂ„ att det geografiska omrĂ„det dĂ€r odling fĂ„r ske begrĂ€nsas. PĂ„ pappret innebĂ€r den ovan nĂ€mnda av-harmoniseringen att i de fall dĂ€r sĂ„dana överenskommelser inte kan nĂ„s sĂ„ kan medlemsstaterna nu Ă„beropa en mĂ€ngd nya grunder till stöd för restriktiva Ă„tgĂ€rder efter beviljat odlingstillstĂ„nd. Detta förutsĂ€tter dock att Ă„tgĂ€rderna stĂ„r i överensstĂ€mmelse med unionsrĂ€tten. I uppsatsen utreds utrymmet under de ursprungliga, Ă€nnu gĂ€llande bestĂ€mmelserna och tillĂ€ggsdirektivet för medlemsstaterna att begrĂ€nsa odling av GM grödor. Genom en granskning av rĂ€ttspraxis och det tidigare bruket av de ursprungliga bestĂ€mmelserna framgĂ„r i uppsatsen att centrala institutioner, sĂ„som Kommissionen och EU-domstolarna har tolkat dessas materiella rekvisit restriktivt. Medlemsstaterna har genomgĂ„ende misslyckats med att bevisa att kraven Ă€r uppfyllda, vilket i teorin gör att miljömĂ€ssiga betĂ€nkligheter juridiskt sett Ă€r svĂ„ra att framföra under dessa bestĂ€mmelser. Till Kommissionens förtret har dock processuella regler i mĂ„nga fall möjliggjort att medlemsstater kunnat behĂ„lla sina nationella odlingsbegrĂ€nsande bestĂ€mmelser. I andra fall har Kommissionen sjĂ€lv visat pĂ„ en relativt Ă„terhĂ„llsam instĂ€llning till restriktiva Ă„tgĂ€rder, vilket har möjliggjort för deras införande och bibehĂ„llande. GĂ€llande artikeln i tillĂ€ggsdirektivet finner uppsatsen att en mĂ€ngd frĂ„gor uppenbarar sig rörande vilket utrymme den faktiskt ger medlemsstaterna och hur den Ă€ndrar de övergripande möjligheterna att införa nationella begrĂ€nsningar. Till att börja med finns det ingen garanti att medlemsstaterna lyckas i förhandlingarna med tillstĂ„ndssökare. För det andra medför den partiella av-harmoniseringen frĂ„gor gĂ€llande om den alls Ă€ndrar möjligheterna att Ă„beropa miljöskĂ€l. DĂ€rtill innebĂ€r krav pĂ„ de restriktiva Ă„tgĂ€rdernas förenlighet med generella regler och principer för inre marknaden att utrymmet i praktiken kan komma att vara begrĂ€nsat. Flera potentiella hinder identifieras i ljuset av rĂ€ttspraxis gĂ€llande reglerna för fri rörlighet. I detta avseende kommer eventuell framgĂ„ng vid Ă„beropande av de nya grunderna som stöd för begrĂ€nsning av GM odling i stor utstrĂ€ckning bero pĂ„ Kommissionens och EU-domstolarnas förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt till den nya artikeln.Cultivation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) has for a long time been a disputed and politically sensitive topic in the EU. To many European citizens such cultivation raises concerns, ranging from safety and socioeconomic questions to ethical issues. This thesis examines the possibilities for Member States to respond to such concerns by imposing national GM cultivation restrictions. This in an area of regulation that is part of a larger internal market context. The EU legal framework on GMOs has since it was put into place been characterised by a high degree of harmonisation and centralisation. Following this, a GMO that has been authorised for cultivation purposes may in principle be cultivated throughout the entire Union. National restriction after such authorisation has been granted has in large been limited to explicit derogation provisions in secondary and primary EU law. Until recently, these mainly science-based provisions have mostly provided for health and environmental concerns to be invoked by Member States. In 2015, the possibilities for Member States to limit GM cultivation were amended by partial “de-harmonisation” of the GMO framework. The article enshrined in the amendment also comes with some innovative procedural changes. It holds that before authorisation Member States can reach agreements with the economic operators applying for authorisation on restricting the geographical scope of where the GMO can be cultivated. On paper the mentioned de-harmonisation means that where such agreements are not reached, a wide range of concerns can form the basis for Member State restrictions after authorisation, if the measures in question are in conformity with Union law. In the thesis the scope for Member States to “opt out” of GM cultivation under the original still-existing provisions and the amendment are put under scrutiny. By looking back at their historical use, the examination shows that the central institutions such as the Commission and the EU Courts have interpreted the substantive conditions of the original provisions strictly. As such Member States have been unsuccessful in fulfilling their substantive conditions, which in theory makes environmental considerations hard to pursue under them. However, much to the dismay of the Commission, procedural rules have often allowed Member States to keep their national restrictions. In other cases, the Commission itself has had a rather lax approach to restricting measures, making restrictions possible. Regarding the amendment, it is found that many questions arise as to its actual scope and how it changes the overall possibilities to adopt restrictions. First, there is no guarantee that Member States will succeed in negotiations with companies seeking authorisation. Second, the partial de-harmonisation comes along with questions as to if this at all changes the possibilities to invoke environmental concerns. Moreover, requirements on the restrictive measures’ compliance with general rules and principles of internal market law could limit the scope of the new article. A number of potential hurdles are identified in light of the case law on free movement provisions. In this regard, the future of restricting GM cultivation by relying on the new derogation grounds will depend on the approach taken by the Commission and the EU courts to the new article

    Postoji li nordijski put? O uspjesima i problemima rodne ravnopravnosti u novinarskim redakcijama iz ĆĄvedske perspektive

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    Over the last decades several achievements have emerged in Nordic state societies concerning gender equality, particularly with regard to political representation, salaries, and shared parental leave. In most newsrooms one may find a near equal distribution of women and men working alongside one another. Additionally, in the larger newsrooms of Sweden, there is a gender balance at the managerial level. Yet in terms of news content, women remain a minority. By using qualitative and quantitative data from two projects, The Global Media Monitoring Project and The Global Status of Women in the News Media, this article assesses some of the challenges and best practice solutions for gender equality in Scandinavian newsrooms. The major gender discrepancies between newsrooms can often be explained by the level of gender awareness at the societal-level. Further, capable leadership, policies, and gender monitoring seem to benefit a gender balance in the news. National legislation on parental leave and discrimination, additionally, appear to play a key role in creating gender equality in the newsroom.U posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća u nordijskim zemljama postignuti su značajni uspjesi kada je riječ o rodnoj ravnopravnosti, posebno na području sudjelovanja ĆŸena u politici, plaća te dijeljenja roditeljskog dopusta. U većini redakcija moĆŸemo pronaći gotovo podjednak broj ĆŸena i muĆĄkaraca. Osim toga u većim novinarskim redakcijama u Ć vedskoj postoji rodna uravnoteĆŸenost i na upravljačkoj razini. Međutim kada je riječ o sadrĆŸaju vijesti, ĆŸene ostaju u manjini. Koristeći kvalitativne i kvantitativne podatke iz projekata The Global Media Monitoring Project i The Global Status of Women in the News Media, ovaj članak naznačuje neke od izazova i najboljih rjeĆĄenja za rodnu ravnopravnost u skandinavskim novinarskim redakcijama. Različiti stupanj rodne ravnopravnosti u pojedinim redakcijama često se moĆŸe objasniti razinom rodne osvijeĆĄtenosti u druĆĄtvu. Nadalje rodnu ravnoteĆŸu u vijestima mogu unaprijediti i sposobno vodstvo, javne politike i monitoriranje rodnih pitanja. Čini se da zakoni o roditeljskom dopustu i diskriminaciji igraju ključnu ulogu u ostvarivanju rodne ravnopravnosti u redakcijama
