534 research outputs found

    Global Well-posedness of the 3D Primitive Equations With Partial Vertical Turbulence Mixing Heat Diffusion

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    The three--dimensional incompressible viscous Boussinesq equations, under the assumption of hydrostatic balance, govern the large scale dynamics of atmospheric and oceanic motion, and are commonly called the primitive equations. To overcome the turbulence mixing a partial vertical diffusion is usually added to the temperature advection (or density stratification) equation. In this paper we prove the global regularity of strong solutions to this model in a three-dimensional infinite horizontal channel, subject to periodic boundary conditions in the horizontal directions, and with no-penetration and stress-free boundary conditions on the solid, top and bottom, boundaries. Specifically, we show that short time strong solutions to the above problem exist globally in time, and that they depend continuously on the initial data

    Determining Projections and Functionals for Weak Solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equations

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    In this paper we prove that an operator which projects weak solutions of the two- or three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations onto a finite-dimensional space is determining if it annihilates the difference of two "nearby" weak solutions asymptotically, and if it satisfies a single appoximation inequality. We then apply this result to show that the long-time behavior of weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations, in both two- and three-dimensions, is determined by the long-time behavior of a finite set of bounded linear functionals. These functionals are constructed by local surface averages of solutions over certain simplex volume elements, and are therefore well-defined for weak solutions. Moreover, these functionals define a projection operator which satisfies the necessary approximation inequality for our theory. We use the general theory to establish lower bounds on the simplex diameters in both two- and three-dimensions. Furthermore, in the three dimensional case we make a connection between their diameters and the Kolmogoroff dissipation small scale in turbulent flows.Comment: Version of frequently requested articl

    Global Regularity vs. Finite-Time Singularities: Some Paradigms on the Effect of Boundary Conditions and Certain Perturbations

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    In light of the question of finite-time blow-up vs. global well-posedness of solutions to problems involving nonlinear partial differential equations, we provide several cautionary examples which indicate that modifications to the boundary conditions or to the nonlinearity of the equations can effect whether the equations develop finite-time singularities. In particular, we aim to underscore the idea that in analytical and computational investigations of the blow-up of three-dimensional Euler and Navier-Stokes equations, the boundary conditions may need to be taken into greater account. We also examine a perturbation of the nonlinearity by dropping the advection term in the evolution of the derivative of the solutions to the viscous Burgers equation, which leads to the development of singularities not present in the original equation, and indicates that there is a regularizing mechanism in part of the nonlinearity. This simple analytical example corroborates recent computational observations in the singularity formation of fluid equations

    Large dispersion, averaging and attractors: three 1D paradigms

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    The effect of rapid oscillations, related to large dispersion terms, on the dynamics of dissipative evolution equations is studied for the model examples of the 1D complex Ginzburg-Landau and the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equations. Three different scenarios of this effect are demonstrated. According to the first scenario, the dissipation mechanism is not affected and the diameter of the global attractor remains uniformly bounded with respect to the very large dispersion coefficient. However, the limit equation, as the dispersion parameter tends to infinity, becomes a gradient system. Therefore, adding the large dispersion term actually suppresses the non-trivial dynamics. According to the second scenario, neither the dissipation mechanism, nor the dynamics are essentially affected by the large dispersion and the limit dynamics remains complicated (chaotic). Finally, it is demonstrated in the third scenario that the dissipation mechanism is completely destroyed by the large dispersion, and that the diameter of the global attractor grows together with the growth of the dispersion parameter

    On the Global Regularity of a Helical-decimated Version of the 3D Navier-Stokes Equations

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    We study the global regularity, for all time and all initial data in H1/2H^{1/2}, of a recently introduced decimated version of the incompressible 3D Navier-Stokes (dNS) equations. The model is based on a projection of the dynamical evolution of Navier-Stokes (NS) equations into the subspace where helicity (the L2βˆ’L^2-scalar product of velocity and vorticity) is sign-definite. The presence of a second (beside energy) sign-definite inviscid conserved quadratic quantity, which is equivalent to the H1/2βˆ’H^{1/2}-Sobolev norm, allows us to demonstrate global existence and uniqueness, of space-periodic solutions, together with continuity with respect to the initial conditions, for this decimated 3D model. This is achieved thanks to the establishment of two new estimates, for this 3D model, which show that the H1/2H^{1/2} and the time average of the square of the H3/2H^{3/2} norms of the velocity field remain finite. Such two additional bounds are known, in the spirit of the work of H. Fujita and T. Kato \cite{kato1,kato2}, to be sufficient for showing well-posedness for the 3D NS equations. Furthermore, they are directly linked to the helicity evolution for the dNS model, and therefore with a clear physical meaning and consequences

    Persistency of Analyticity for Nonlinear Wave Equations: An Energy-like Approach

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    We study the persistence of the Gevrey class regularity of solutions to nonlinear wave equations with real analytic nonlinearity. Specifically, it is proven that the solution remains in a Gevrey class, with respect to some of its spatial variables, during its whole life-span, provided the initial data is from the same Gevrey class with respect to these spatial variables. In addition, for the special Gevrey class of analytic functions, we find a lower bound for the radius of the spatial analyticity of the solution that might shrink either algebraically or exponentially, in time, depending on the structure of the nonlinearity. The standard L2L^2 theory for the Gevrey class regularity is employed; we also employ energy-like methods for a generalized version of Gevrey classes based on the β„“1\ell^1 norm of Fourier transforms (Wiener algebra). After careful comparisons, we observe an indication that the β„“1\ell^1 approach provides a better lower bound for the radius of analyticity of the solutions than the L2L^2 approach. We present our results in the case of period boundary conditions, however, by employing exactly the same tools and proofs one can obtain similar results for the nonlinear wave equations and the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation, with real analytic nonlinearity, in certain domains and manifolds without physical boundaries, such as the whole space Rn\mathbb{R}^n, or on the sphere Snβˆ’1\mathbb{S}^{n-1}

    Onsager's Conjecture for the Incompressible Euler Equations in Bounded Domains

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    The goal of this note is to show that, also in a bounded domain Ξ©βŠ‚Rn\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n, with βˆ‚Ξ©βˆˆC2\partial \Omega\in C^2, any weak solution, (u(x,t),p(x,t))(u(x,t),p(x,t)), of the Euler equations of ideal incompressible fluid in Ω×(0,T)βŠ‚RnΓ—Rt\Omega\times (0,T) \subset \mathbb{R}^n\times\mathbb{R}_t, with the impermeability boundary condition: uβ‹…nβƒ—=0u\cdot \vec n =0 on βˆ‚Ξ©Γ—(0,T)\partial\Omega\times(0,T), is of constant energy on the interval (0,T)(0,T) provided the velocity field u∈L3((0,T);C0,Ξ±(Ξ©β€Ύ))u \in L^3((0,T); C^{0,\alpha}(\overline{\Omega})), with $\alpha>\frac13\,.
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