2,835 research outputs found

    Cosmological Solutions of Low-Energy Heterotic M-Theory

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    We derive a set of exact cosmological solutions to the D=4, N=1 supergravity description of heterotic M-theory. Having identified a new and exact SU(3) Toda model solution, we then apply symmetry transformations to both this solution and to a previously known SU(2) Toda model, in order to derive two further sets of new cosmological solutions. In the symmetry-transformed SU(3) Toda case we find an unusual "bouncing" motion for the M5 brane, such that this brane can be made to reverse direction part way through its evolution. This bounce occurs purely through the interaction of non-standard kinetic terms, as there are no explicit potentials in the action. We also present a perturbation calculation which demonstrates that, in a simple static limit, heterotic M-theory possesses a scale-invariant isocurvature mode. This mode persists in certain asymptotic limits of all the solutions we have derived, including the bouncing solution.Comment: 24 pages, 2 tables, 9 eps figures; minor corrections to conten

    Baryogenesis by Brane-Collision

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    We present a new scenario for baryogenesis in the context of heterotic brane-world models. The baryon asymmetry of the universe is generated at a small-instanton phase transition which is initiated by a moving brane colliding with the observable boundary. We demonstrate, in the context of a simple model, that reasonable values for the baryon asymmetry can be obtained. As a byproduct we find a new class of moving-brane cosmological solutions in the presence of a perfect fluid.Comment: 20 pages, Latex, 2 eps-figure

    The Isometries of Low-Energy Heterotic M-Theory

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    We study the effective D=4, N=1 supergravity description of five-dimensional heterotic M-theory in the presence of an M5 brane, and derive the Killing vectors and isometry group for the Kahler moduli-space metric. The group is found to be a non-semisimple maximal parabolic subgroup of Sp(4,R), containing a non-trivial SL(2,R) factor. The underlying moduli-space is then naturally realised as the group space Sp(4,R)/U(2), but equipped with a nonhomogeneous metric that is invariant only under that maximal parabolic group. This nonhomogeneous metric space can also be derived via field truncations and identifications performed on Sp(8,R)/U(4) with its standard homogeneous metric. In a companion paper we use these symmetries to derive new cosmological solutions from known ones.Comment: 11 pages, 1 table; two foonotes added, minor corrections to conten

    Correspondence between Loop-inspired and Braneworld Cosmology

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    Braneworld scenarios are motivated by string/M-theory and can be characterized by the way in which they modify the conventional Friedmann equations of Einstein gravity. An alternative approach to quantum gravity, however, is the loop quantum cosmology program. In the semi-classical limit, the cosmic dynamics in this scenario can also be described by a set of modified Friedmann equations. We demonstrate that a dynamical correspondence can be established between these two paradigms at the level of the effective field equations. This allows qualitatively similar features between the two approaches to be compared and contrasted as well as providing a framework for viewing braneworld scenarios in terms of constrained Hamiltonian systems. As concrete examples of this correspondence, we illustrate the relationships between different cosmological backgrounds representing scaling solutions

    Constraints on the cosmic string loop collapse fraction from primordial black holes

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    A small fraction, f , of cosmic string loops can collapse to form Primordial Black Holes (PBHs). Constraints on the abundance of PBHs can therefore be used to constrain f. We update these calculations, taking into account the PBH extended mass function, and find f < 10 −31 (G”/c 2) ^−3/2. This is roughly one order of magnitude tighter than previous constraints. The improvement from the tighter constraints on the abundance of PBHs is partly offset by refinements to the theoretical calculation of the cosmic string loop formation rate

    Julian of Norwich and her children today: Editions, translations and versions of her revelations

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    The viability of such concepts as "authorial intention," "the original text," "critical edition" and, above all, "scholarly editorial objectivity" is not what it was, and a study of the textual progeny of the revelations of Julian of Norwich--editions, versions, translations and selections--does little to rehabilitate them. Rather it tends to support the view that a history of reading is indeed a history of misreading or, more positively, that texts can have an organic life of their own that allows them to reproduce and evolve quite independently of their author. Julian's texts have had a more robustly continuous life than those of any other Middle English mystic. Their history--in manuscript and print, in editions more or less approximating Middle English and in translations more or less approaching Modern English--is virtually unbroken since the fifteenth century. But on this perilous journey, many and strange are the clutches into which she and her textual progeny have fallen

    Ellipticity weakens chameleon screening

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    The chameleon mechanism enables a long-range fifth force to be screened in dense environments when nontrivial self-interactions of the field cause its mass to increase with the local density. To date, chameleon fifth forces have mainly been studied for spherically symmetric sources; however, the nonlinear self-interactions mean that the chameleon responds to changes in the shape of the source differently to gravity. In this work we focus on ellipsoidal departures from spherical symmetry and compute the full form of the chameleon force, comparing its shape dependence to that of gravity. Enhancement of the chameleon force by up to 40% is possible when deforming a sphere to an ellipsoid of the same mass, with an ellipticity ∌0.99

    A proposed experimental search for chameleons using asymmetric parallel plates

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    Light scalar fields coupled to matter are a common consequence of theories of dark energy and attempts to solve the cosmological constant problem. The chameleon screening mechanism is commonly invoked in order to suppress the fifth forces mediated by these scalars, sufficiently to avoid current experimental constraints, without fine tuning. The force is suppressed dynamically by allowing the mass of the scalar to vary with the local density. Recently it has been shown that near future cold atoms experiments using atom-interferometry have the ability to access a large proportion of the chameleon parameter space. In this work we demonstrate how experiments utilising asymmetric parallel plates can push deeper into the remaining parameter space available to the chameleon
