4 research outputs found

    Cationic Poly(benzyl ether)s as Self-Immolative Antimicrobial Polymers

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    Self-immolative polymers (SIMPs) are macromolecules that spontaneously undergo depolymerization into small molecules when triggered by specific external stimuli. We report here the first examples of antimicrobial SIMPs with potent, rapid, and broad-spectrum bactericidal activity. Their antibacterial and hemolytic activities were examined as a function of cationic functionality. Polymers bearing primary ammonium cationic groups showed more potent bactericidal activity against Escherichia coli, relative to tertiary and quaternary ammonium counterparts, whereas the quaternary ammonium polymers showed the lowest hemolytic toxicity. These antibacterial polycations undergo end-to-end depolymerization when triggered by an externally applied stimulus. Specifically, poly­(benzyl ether)­s end-capped with a silyl ether group and bearing pendant allyl side chains were converted to polycations by photoinitiated thiol–ene radical addition using cysteamine HCl. The intact polycations are stable in solution, but they spontaneously unzip into their component monomers upon exposure to fluoride ions, with excellent sensitivity and selectivity. Upon triggered depolymerization, the antibacterial potency was largely retained but the hemolytic toxicity was substantially reduced. Thus, we reveal the first example of a self-immolative antibacterial polymer platform that will enable antibacterial materials to spontaneously unzip into biologically active small molecules upon the introduction of a specifically designed stimulus

    Templated Ring-Opening Metathesis (TROM) of Cyclic Olefins Tethered to Unimolecular Oligo(thiophene)s

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    We developed a fully abiotic approach to template the synthesis of discrete unimolecular polyolefins. Discrete, unimolecular oligo­(thiophene)­s with alternating sequence were obtained by iterative convergent/divergent couplings and then functionalized with pendant cyclic olefin monomers in the side chains. Upon treatment with the Grubbs third-generation catalyst in dilute solution (0.15 mM in DCM at 0 °C), the pendant monomers undergo templated ring-opening metathesis (TROM). Then, the daughter olefin is liberated from the parent thiophene by hydrolysis. Cyclooctenes undergo TROM to afford macrocyclic products that exactly replicate the chain length of the parent oligomer, as evidenced by MALDI MS/MS and NMR. Norbornene derivatives also undergo TROM and replicate unimolecular chain lengths, but in contrast, they exclusively form the linear oligomeric products with styrenic end groups. A template that was functionalized with one norbornene unit at the α chain end, followed by five cyclooctene units along the template, underwent TROM to afford the macrocyclic daughter olefin. Intertemplate metathesis is suppressed by tuning the concentration and reaction time. Using this strategy, we can effectively replicate the unimolecular nature of a template, made by labor-intensive iterative synthesis, to produce a discrete daughter oligomer by chain growth. We also demonstrate that the templates are recyclable upon hydrolytic cleavage of daughter oligomer, attachment of fresh daughter monomer, and repetition of the TROM process

    Spirothiopyran-Based Reversibly Saturable Photoresist

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    Super-resolution lithography holds the promise of achieving three-dimensional (3D) nanopatterning at deep subwavelength resolutions with high throughput. 3D super-resolution lithography schemes demonstrated thus far have all been serial in nature, primarily due to the lack of a photoresist chemistry that not only couples a saturable reversibly switchable reaction with a writing step but also has a low saturation threshold. Here, we demonstrate that combining the reversible photoisomerization of spirothiopyran with the thiol-Michael conjugate addition reaction achieves the necessary photochemical characteristics. Green light was found to saturate inhibition of the thiol-Michael addition writing step at very low intensity thresholds. By formulating a spirothiopyran-functionalized polyethylene glycol copolymer, we demonstrate spatial control over cross-linking using inhibition by green light. Kinetics measurements combined with photokinetic simulations show that interference lithography on a spirothiopyran maleimide-based writing system using conventional light sources (e.g., a 2 W green laser) should deliver super-resolution features (∼45 nm wide lines) in thick films (tens of microns) over large areas (hundreds of microns on a side). The unique combination of reversible photochromic switching of spirothiopyran with the thiol-Michael addition reaction marks an important step toward realizing a highly parallelized 3D super-resolution writing system

    A Critical Evaluation of Random Copolymer Mimesis of Homogeneous Antimicrobial Peptides

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    Polymeric synthetic mimics of antimicrobial peptides (SMAMPs) have recently demonstrated similar antimicrobial activity as natural antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) from innate immunity. This is surprising, since polymeric SMAMPs are heterogeneous in terms of chemical structure (random sequence) and conformation (random coil), in contrast to defined amino acid sequence and intrinsic secondary structure. To understand this better, we compare AMPs with a “minimal” mimic, a well-characterized family of polydisperse cationic methacrylate-based random copolymer SMAMPs. Specifically, we focus on a comparison between the quantifiable membrane curvature generating capacity, charge density, and hydrophobicity of the polymeric SMAMPs and AMPs. Synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) results indicate that typical AMPs and these methacrylate SMAMPs generate similar amounts of membrane negative Gaussian curvature (NGC), which is topologically necessary for a variety of membrane-destabilizing processes. Moreover, the curvature generating ability of SMAMPs is more tolerant of changes in the lipid composition than that of natural AMPs with similar chemical groups, consistent with the lower specificity of SMAMPs. We find that, although the amount of NGC generated by these SMAMPs and AMPs are similar, the SMAMPs require significantly higher levels of hydrophobicity and cationic charge to achieve the same level of membrane deformation. We propose an explanation for these differences, which has implications for new synthetic strategies aimed at improved mimesis of AMPs