16 research outputs found

    STARD (STAndards for the Reporting of Diagnostic accuracy) flow diagram for MODS Kit for TB detection.

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    <p>Kappa value 0.94, agreement 97.4%. +ve = TB culture positive, -ve = TB culture negative. Contaminated & indeterminate results are culture outcomes following reprocessing if necessary according to protocol.</p

    Proportion of samples positive by each culture method.

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    <p>Total samples: N = 2446, culture positive by any method: n = 778 (31.8%), culture negative by all methods: n = 1603 (65.5%), contaminated samples without a positive parallel culture: n = 65 (2.7%).</p

    Direct DST result by MODS Kit compared with indirect DST result by proportions method (with discrepant analysis by Genotype MTB-DR plus).

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    <p>Data in table indicate consolidated reference indirect test result after discrepant analysis employing Genotype MTB-DR plus line probe assay as arbiter test (Genotype MTB-DR plus determined final true result in those samples for which MODS Kit and proportions method were discordant).</p><p>concordant DST, n = 687 (shaded grey).</p><p>discordant DST, n = 15 (no shading).</p><p>Direct DST result by MODS Kit compared with indirect DST result by proportions method (with discrepant analysis by Genotype MTB-DR plus).</p

    Socio-demographic predictors of tuberculosis disease in contacts.

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    <p><sup>1</sup>This variable was included in the multivariate regression as it was determined to be <i>p <</i> 0.2 on univariate analysis or was a known confounding variable identified a priori that has previously been associated with second cases of tuberculosis.</p><p>Socio-demographic predictors of tuberculosis disease in contacts.</p

    Contact predictors of tuberculosis disease in all household contacts (both multidrug-resistant tuberculosis contacts and drug-susceptible tuberculosis contacts).

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    <p><sup>1</sup>These variables were included in the multivariate regression as they were determined to be <i>p <</i> 0.2 on univariate analysis or were known confounding variables identified a priori that have previously been associated with second cases of tuberculosis.</p><p><sup>2</sup>Contacts who had not been tested for HIV/diabetes were assumed to be negative.</p><p><sup>3</sup>These variables were identified as being time-varying covariates with increasing hazards over the length of the study; the corresponding HR should therefore be regarded as an average over the follow-up period.</p><p>Contact predictors of tuberculosis disease in all household contacts (both multidrug-resistant tuberculosis contacts and drug-susceptible tuberculosis contacts).</p

    Demographic data for household contacts by drug resistance status of the index case.

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    <p>Data are number (percent) unless otherwise indicated.</p><p><sup>1</sup>Mann–Whitney U test, otherwise two sample test of proportions with exact <i>p</i>-values.</p><p>Demographic data for household contacts by drug resistance status of the index case.</p