16,276 research outputs found

    Examining affective structure in chickens: valence, intensity, persistence and generalization measured using a conditioned place preference test

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    When measuring animals’ valenced behavioural responses to stimuli, the Conditioned Place Preference (CPP) test goes a step further than many approach-based and avoidance-based tests by establishing whether a learned preference for, or aversion to, the location in which the stimulus was encountered can be generated. We designed a novel, four-chambered CPP test to extend the capability of the usual CPP paradigm to provide information on four key features of animals’ affective responses: valence, scale, persistence and generalization. Using this test, we investigated the affective responses of domestic chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) to four potentially aversive stimuli: 1. Puffs of air; 2. Sight of (robotic) snake; 3. Sprays of water; 4. Sound of conspecific alarm calls. We found conditioned avoidance of locations associated with the air puffs and water sprays (Friedman’s χ2(3) = 13.323 p > .005; χ2(3) = 14.235 p > .005), but not with the snake and alarm calls. The scale of the learned avoidance was similar for the air puff and water spray stimuli, but persistence and generalization differed. We conclude that the four chambered CPP test can have a valuable role to play in making multi-feature measurements of stimulus-generated affective responses, and we highlight the value of such measurements for improving our understanding of the structure of affect in chickens and other animals

    A local potential for the Weyl tensor in all dimensions

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    In all dimensions and arbitrary signature, we demonstrate the existence of a new local potential -- a double (2,3)-form -- for the Weyl curvature tensor, and more generally for all tensors with the symmetry properties of the Weyl curvature tensor. The classical four-dimensional Lanczos potential for a Weyl tensor -- a double (2,1)-form -- is proven to be a particular case of the new potential: its double dual.Comment: 7 pages; Late

    Interpreting a conformally flat pure radiation space-time

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    A physical interpretation is presented of the general class of conformally flat pure radiation metrics that has recently been identified by Edgar and Ludwig. It is shown that, at least in the weak field limit, successive wave surfaces can be represented as null (half) hyperplanes rolled around a two-dimensional null cone. In the impulsive limit, the solution reduces to a pp-wave whose direction of propagation depends on retarded time. In the general case, there is a coordinate singularity which corresponds to an envelope of the wave surfaces. The global structure is discussed and a possible vacuum extension through the envelope is proposed.Comment: 9 pages, Plain TeX, 2 figures. To appear in Class. Quantum Grav. Reference adde

    Obtaining a class of Type O pure radiation metrics with a cosmological constant, using invariant operators

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    Using the generalised invariant formalism we derive a class of conformally flat spacetimes whose Ricci tensor has a pure radiation and a Ricci scalar component. The method used is a development of the methods used earlier for pure radiation spacetimes of Petrov types O and N respectively. In this paper we demonstrate how to handle, in the generalised invariant formalism, spacetimes with isotropy freedom and rich Killing vector structure. Once the spacetimes have been constructed, it is straightforward to deduce their Karlhede classification: the Karlhede algorithm terminates at the fourth derivative order, and the spacetimes all have one degree of null isotropy and three, four or five Killing vectors.Comment: 29 page

    Behavioural and physiological responses of laying hens to automated monitoring equipment

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    Automated monitoring of behaviour can offer a wealth of information in circumstances where observing behaviour is difficult or time consuming. However, this often requires attaching monitoring devices to the animal which can alter behaviour, potentially invalidating any data collected. Birds often show increased preening and energy expenditure when wearing devices and, especially in laying hens, there is a risk that individuals wearing devices will attract aggression from conspecifics. We studied the behavioural and physiological response of 20 laying hens to backpacks containing monitoring devices fastened with elastic loops around the wing base. We hypothesised that backpacks would lead to a stress-induced decrease in peripheral temperature, increased preening, more aggression from conspecifics, and reduced bodyweights. This was evaluated by thermography of the eye and comb (when isolated after fitting backpacks), direct observations of behaviour (when isolated, when placed back into the group, and on later days), and weighing (before and after each 7-day experimental period). Each hen wore a backpack during one of the two experimental periods only and was used as her own control. Contrary to our hypothesis, eye temperature was higher when hens wore a backpack (No backpack: 30.2 °C (IQR: 29.0–30.6) vs. Backpack: 30.9 °C (IQR: 30.0–32.0), P < 0.001). Eye temperature of hens wearing a backpack was strongly correlated to the time spent preening (rs = 0.8, P < 0.001), suggesting that the higher temperatures may have been due to preening itself, or to a low head position or decreased heat dissipation when preening under the wings. Aggressive behaviour was very rare and no effect of the backpacks was found. In line with our hypothesis, backpacks increased preening on the day of fitting, both when isolated (No backpack: 0% (IQR: 0–1) vs. Backpack: 22% (IQR: 1–43), P < 0.01) and when back in the group (No backpack: 0% (IQR: 0–27) vs. Backpack: 43% (IQR: 5–77), P < 0.001). However, no effect on preening was observed 2–7 days afterwards. Other behavioural changes suggested that on the day of fitting hens prioritized attempts to (re)move the backpack and were less attentive to their surroundings. However, only equipment pecking (i.e., pecking the backpack or leg rings) was still affected 2–7 days after fitting (No backpack: 0 pecks/hen/minute (IQR: 0–0), vs. Backpack: 0 (IQR: 0–0.07), P < 0.05). We found no effect of our backpacks on bodyweight. In conclusion, our backpacks seem suitable to attach monitoring equipment to hens with only a very minor effect on their behaviour after a short acclimation period (≤2 days)

    Dimensionally Dependent Tensor Identities by Double Antisymmetrisation

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    Some years ago, Lovelock showed that a number of apparently unrelated familiar tensor identities had a common structure, and could all be considered consequences in n-dimensional space of a pair of fundamental identities involving trace-free (p,p)-forms where 2p >= n$. We generalise Lovelock's results, and by using the fact that associated with any tensor in n-dimensional space there is associated a fundamental tensor identity obtained by antisymmetrising over n+1 indices, we establish a very general 'master' identity for all trace-free (k,l)-forms. We then show how various other special identities are direct and simple consequences of this master identity; in particular we give direct application to Maxwell, Lanczos, Ricci, Bel and Bel-Robinson tensors, and also demonstrate how relationships between scalar invariants of the Riemann tensor can be investigated in a systematic manner.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Description of the fluctuating colloid-polymer interface

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    To describe the full spectrum of surface fluctuations of the interface between phase-separated colloid-polymer mixtures from low scattering vector q (classical capillary wave theory) to high q (bulk-like fluctuations), one must take account of the interface's bending rigidity. We find that the bending rigidity is negative and that on approach to the critical point it vanishes proportionally to the interfacial tension. Both features are in agreement with Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    A qualitative exploration of the factors influencing the job satisfaction and career development of physiotherapists in private practice

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate factors contributing to job satisfaction at different career stages, among private practice physiotherapists in Australia. Design: Qualitative case study design utilising focus groups. Participants: Sixteen participants allocated to 3 focus groups: new graduates (n = 6), post graduates (n = 5) and practice owners (n = 5). Main outcome measures: Focus groups were transcribed verbatim and a thematic analysis was undertaken to determine themes and subthemes from each focus group. Results: The key themes identified within each focus group included the role of peer support and mentoring, professional development, professional relationships, new graduate employment issues and career pathways within private practice. In particular, issues surrounding the new graduate experience in private practice were explored, with all groups noting lack of support and financial pressures were of concern. Conclusions: Findings demonstrated that new graduates are underprepared to work in private practice and modifications to the delivery of peer support, mentoring and professional development is required. Key recommendations include physiotherapy undergraduate program reform to reflect industry requirements in private practice, an increase in private practice clinical placement numbers, as well as streamlining the physiotherapy profession to improve career development pathways

    Optimizing the use of detector arrays for measuring intensity correlations of photon pairs

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    Intensity correlation measurements form the basis of many experiments based on spontaneous parametric down-conversion. In the most common situation, two single-photon avalanche diodes and coincidence electronics are used in the detection of the photon pairs, and the coincidence count distributions are measured by making use of some scanning procedure. Here we analyze the measurement of intensity correlations using multielement detector arrays. By considering the detector parameters such as the detection and noise probabilities, we found that the mean number of detected photons that maximizes the visibility of the two-photon correlations is approximately equal to the mean number of noise events in the detector array. We provide expressions predicting the strength of the measured intensity correlations as a function of the detector parameters and on the mean number of detected photons. We experimentally test our predictions by measuring far-field intensity correlations of spontaneous parametric down-conversion with an electron multiplying charge-coupled device camera, finding excellent agreement with the theoretical analysis
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