16 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de una herramienta integral de gestión de gases de efecto invernadero para la toma de decisión contra el cambio climático a nivel regional y local en la Comunitat Valenciana

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Actualmente, los responsables de tomar decisiones contra el cambio climático carecen de herramientas para desarrollar inventarios de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) con suficiente rigor científico-técnico y precisión para priorizar e invertir los recursos disponibles de manera eficiente en las medidas necesarias para luchar contra el cambio climático. Por ello, en esta tesis se expone el desarrollo de un sistema de información territorial y sectorial (SITE) para monitorear las emisiones de GEI que sirva como herramienta de gobernanza climática local y regional. SITE combina las ventajas de los enfoques metodológicos descendente o top-down (de arriba hacia abajo) y ascendente o bottom-up (de abajo hacia arriba), para lograr un enfoque híbrido innovador para contabilizar y gestionar de manera eficiente las emisiones de GEI. Por tanto, en esta tesis se definen los diferentes desarrollos metodológicos, tanto generales como específicos de sectores clave del Panel Intergubernamental de Cambio Climático (IPPC) (edificación, transporte, sector forestal, etc.), un desarrollo informático para la parte de SITE que se ejecuta del lado del servidor, que de ahora en adelante denominaremos back-end del sistema, y siete implementaciones como casos de estudio representativos, a diferentes escalas y aplicados sobre diferentes sectores. Estas implementaciones a diferentes escalas y sectores demuestran el potencial del sistema como herramienta de apoyo en la toma de decisión contra el cambio climático a nivel regional y local. Las diferentes implementaciones en casos piloto representativos, tanto a nivel regional en la Comunitat Valenciana como a nivel local en municipios grandes (València) y medianos (Quart de Poblet y Llíria) muestran el potencial de adaptación territorial y sectorial que tiene la herramienta. Las metodologías desarrolladas para los sectores específicos de tráfico rodado, edificación o sector forestal, ofrecen cuantificaciones con una resolución espacial con gran capacidad de optimizar las políticas locales y regionales. Por tanto, la herramienta cuenta con un gran potencial de escalabilidad y gran capacidad de mejora continua mediante la inclusión de nuevos enfoques metodológicos, adaptación de las metodologías a la disponibilidad de datos, metodologías concretas para sectores clave y actualización a las mejores metodologías disponibles derivadas de actividades de investigación de la comunidad científica.[CA] Actualment, els responsables de prendre decisions contra el canvi climàtic no tenen eines per aconseguir inventaris d'emissions de gasos d'efecte hivernacle (GEH) amb prou cientificotècnic rigor, precisió i integritat per invertir els recursos disponibles de manera eficient en les mesures necessàries contra el canvi climàtic. Per això, en aquesta tesis se exposa el desenvolupa un sistema d'informació territorial i sectorial (SITE) per monitoritzar les emissions de GEH com a eina de governança climàtica local i regional. Aquest sistema combina els avantatges dels enfocaments metodològics descendent o top-down (de dalt a baix) i ascendent o bottom-up (de baix a dalt), per aconseguir un enfocament híbrid innovador per comptabilitzar i gestionar de manera eficient les emissions de GEH. Per tant, en aquesta tesi doctoral es descriuen els diferents desenvolupaments metodològics, tant generals com específics de sectors clau del Panel Intergovernamental contra el Canvi Climàtic (edificació, transport, forestal, etc.), un desenvolupament informàtic per al back-end del sistema i set implementacions com a casos d'estudi representatius, a diferents escales, amb els diferents enfocaments metodològics i aplicats sobre diferents sectors. Això queda descrit en sis capítols. Aquestes implementacions a diferents escales i sectors demostren el potencial del sistema com a eina de suport en la presa de decisió contra el canvi climàtic a nivell regional i local. Les diferents implementacions en casos pilot representatius, tant a nivell regional a la Comunitat Valenciana com a nivell local en municipis grans (València) i mitjans (Quart de Poblet i Llíria,) mostren el potencial d'adaptació territorial i sectorial que té l'eina. Les metodologies desenvolupades per als sectors específics de trànsit rodat, edificació i forestal, ofereixen quantificacions amb una resolució espacial amb gran capacitat d'optimitzar les polítiques locals i regionals. Per tant, l'eina compta amb un gran potencial d'escalabilitat i gran capacitat de millora contínua mitjançant la inclusió de nous enfocaments metodològics, adaptació de les metodologies a la disponibilitat de dades, metodologies concretes per a sectors clau, i actualització a les millors metodologies disponibles derivades de activitats de investigació de la comunitat científica.[EN] Currently, regional and local decision-makers lack of tools to achieve greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions inventories with enough rigor, accuracy and completeness in order to prioritize available resources efficiently against climate change. Thus, in this thesis the development of a territorial and sectoral information system (SITE) to monitor GHG emissions as a local and regional climate governance tool is exposed. This system combines the advantages of both, top-down and bottom-up approaches, to achieve an innovative hybrid approach to account and manage efficiently GHG emissions. Furthermore, this thesis defines the methodologies developed, a computer proposal for the back-end of the system and seven implementations as representative case studies at different scales (local and regional level), with the different methodological approaches and applied to different sectors. Thus, these implementations demonstrate the potential of the system as decision-making tool against climate change at the regional and local level as climate governance tool. The different implementations in representative pilot cases, both at the regional level in the Valencian Community and at the local level in large (Valencia) and medium-sized municipalities (Quart de Poblet and Llíria) demonstrate the potential for territorial and sectoral adaptation of the system developed. The methodologies developed for the specific sectors of road transport, building and forestry, offer quantifications with a spatial resolution with a great capacity to optimize local and regional policies. Therefore, the tool has a great potential for scalability and a great capacity for continuous improvement through the inclusion of new methodological approaches, adapting the methodologies to the availability of data, specific methodologies for key sectors, and updating to the best methodologies available in the scientific community.Lorenzo Sáez, E. (2022). Desarrollo de una herramienta integral de gestión de gases de efecto invernadero para la toma de decisión contra el cambio climático a nivel regional y local en la Comunitat Valenciana [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181662TESISCompendi

    Desarrollo de una herramienta de gestión de emisiones de GEI para Llíria como Smart City frente al Cambio Climático

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    [ES] El calentamiento global es inequívoco. La influencia humana viene determinada por el aumento significativo de las emisiones antropogénicas de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI). Actuar a nivel local es esencial para reducir de manera sustancial las emisiones de GEI, calculadas y evaluadas en toneladas equivalentes a CO2, y así limitar el impacto del cambio climático. La falta de herramientas de cuantificación de GEI en tiempo real y a nivel local dificulta a los decisores públicos focalizar esfuerzos y recursos de manera eficiente contra el cambio climático. Por ello, el objetivo del presente TFM es desarrollar una herramienta innovadora de gestión de emisiones de CO2 para Llíria, precisa y en tiempo real, contribuyendo a la transición hacia una Smart City innovadora y sostenible gracias a la potencialidad de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC).[EN] Global warming is undeniable. Human influence is determined by the significant increase of the anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. Acting locally is essential to reduce substantially GHG emissions, calculated and evaluated as CO2 toe, in order to limit climate change impact. The lack of GHG quantification tools in real time and at local level makes it difficult for public decision-makers to focus efforts and resources efficiently against climate change. Therefore, the main objective of this TFM is to develop an innovative GHG management tool for Llíria, accurate and in real time, contributing to the transition towards an innovative and sustainable Smart City thanks to the potential of the information and communication technologies (ICT).Lorenzo Sáez, E. (2018). Desarrollo de una herramienta de gestión de emisiones de GEI para Llíria como Smart City frente al Cambio Climático. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/107480TFG

    Contribution of green urban areas to the achievement of SDGs. Case study in Valencia (Spain)

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    [EN] The Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030 of United Nations is made up of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that humanity will have to meet by 2030. In achieving the SDGs, green urban areas (GUA) play a fundamental role at the local level as they provide recreational and bioclimatic regulatory functions and act as a carbon sink, as well. Specifically, the GUAs contribute directly to three SDGs: SDG 11 Sustainable cities and communities, SDG 13 Climate Action and SDG 15 Life on land. This paper evaluates direct contribution of GUA to this SDGs with high spatial resolution in the case study of the city of Valencia (Spain). The evaluation carried out has made it possible to make a diagnosis of the quantity and accessibility of GUA at sub-neighbourhood level. The results for SDG 11 show that only 9.23% of the population do not have desirable access to GUA and 2.73% live in areas without easy walking distance access to GUA. On the other hand, the evaluation of SDG 15 shows that each inhabitant has at their disposal 10 m2 of GUA, below the average of cities of more than 250,000 inhabitants in Spain. The high spatial resolution of the evaluation has also made it possible to identify the city areas with the worst access to GUA and the least amount of GUA per inhabitant. In consequence, the results allow determining zones with high potential to improve. Additionally, the quantification of the CO2 fixed by the GUA carried out for the evaluation of SDG 13, shows that the fixed carbon is equivalent to 0.04% of total gross GHG emissions of the city and is 36% higher than the total GHG emissions of the annual fuel consumption of the total fleet in the city. Finally, the monitoring of the indicators applied allows evaluating the evolution of the GUA to improve the sustainable development of the city.We are grateful to the Valencia City Council, specifically the Department of Open Government and Transparency directed by Elisa Valia, through the DataGovernance VLC university chair, for being able to make available much of the data necessary for this research. We are also thankful to the company GreenUrbanData, which provided tech-nical expertise that greatly assisted the research. Finally, we also thank the scientific support of Dr Carolina Perpina and Dr Carlo Lavalle of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission (Directorate B-Growth and Innovation, Territorial Development Unit B3) for their scientific support within the framework of collaboration agreement (No. 35930) to contribute to analyse field of urban sustainability indicators, where Valencia acts a City Lab under the framework of the EU Com-munity of Practice on CITIES. Funding sources This work was supported by the Regional Agency of Innovation of Valencia/Spain (AVI) in the project TRUST "Sustainable urban transition through metrics for public decision based on big data" (INNEST00/18/005) .Lorenzo-Sáez, E.; Lerma Arce, V.; Coll-Aliaga, E.; Oliver Villanueva, JV. (2021). Contribution of green urban areas to the achievement of SDGs. Case study in Valencia (Spain). Ecological Indicators. 131:1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.108246S11113

    Development of interdisciplinary transversal skills through collaborative learning. Case proposal between subjects of the Degree in Engineering in Geomatics and Topography and the Degree in Engineering in Industrial Technologies

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    [EN] A collaborative proposal is proposed between students of the 4th year of Engineering in Industrial Technologies and 4th year of Engineering in Geomatics and Topography of the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Thus, interdisciplinary groups of students of both degrees will be formed to acquire at the same time transversal competences. A spatial analysis will be carried out by the students of advanced Geographical Information Systems (GIS) that builded from the parameters that the students of Engineering Projects have considered in order to carry out the selection of an industrial plot suitable for the needs of the industry selected for the study. The results of the work will be presented orally to the teachers of both subjects and the requirements of the project will be explained following the specifications of each of the subjects. Thus, the students groups can write the project been able to use Geographic Information Systems to obtain the most optimal location of an industrial plot to develop a more complete project.[ES] Se plantea una propuesta colaborativa entre estudiantes del 4 curso de Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriales y 4 curso de Ingeniería en Geomática y Topografía de la Universitat Politècnica de València, para formar grupos interdisciplinares de estudiantes de ambos grados y conseguir adquirir a la vez competencias transversales.Se realizará un análisis espacial por los estudiantes de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) avanzado construido en base a los parámetros que los estudiantes de la asignatura de Proyectos de Ingeniería hayan considerado para poder llevar a cabo la selección de un polígono industrial apto para las necesidades de la industria seleccionada para el estudio.Los resultados del trabajo se expondrán de forma oral a los profesores de ambas asignaturas y se explicarán los requerimientos del proyecto siguiendo las especificaciones de cada una de las asignaturas. Esto permitirá que el grupo de estudiantes redacte el proyecto y sea capaz de utilizar los Sistemas de Información Geográfica para poder obtener la localización más optima de una parcela industrial y de esta forma ser capaz de obtener un proyecto más completo.Coll Aliaga, PE.; Lorenzo Sáez, E.; Lerma Arce, V. (2022). Desarrollo de competencias transversales interdisciplinares a través del aprendizaje colaborativo. Propuesta de caso entre asignaturas del Grado de Ingeniería en Geomática y Topografía y del Grado de Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriales. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 369-378. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2022.2022.1590136937

    Analysis of the COVID-19 Lockdown¿s Impact on Air Quality in the Larger Cities of Spain

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    [EN] During the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, the air quality reached the best levels to be recorded in large cities in Spain. To analyze and demonstrate this improvement in air quality levels, the evolution of the average nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels in 78 Spanish cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants during the pre-COVID-19 years (2017¿2019), the period of the COVID-19 lockdown, and the post-COVID-19 year (2021) was analyzed. The results show an improvement in the air quality in most of the cities analyzed for 2020 due to the COVID-19 restrictions. In addition, in 2021, without the COVID-19 restrictions, the air quality levels of the largest cities in Spain showed important improvements in terms of NO2 concentration compared to the levels in the pre-COVID-19 years (2017¿2019). Nevertheless, in 2021, only 11 cities were below the average annual limit of 10 µg/m3 NO2 established by the World Health Organization (WHO). In addition, no cities with more than 500,000 inhabitants achieved NO2 levels below the WHO limit. Finally, a detailed monthly analysis indicated that the pre-COVID-19 levels were reached again during the last months of the monitored period.Lorenzo-Sáez, E.; Coll-Aliaga, E.; Oliver Villanueva, JV.; Prieto Del Campo, F.; Lerma Arce, V. (2022). Analysis of the COVID-19 Lockdown¿s Impact on Air Quality in the Larger Cities of Spain. Sustainability. 14(9):1-9. https://doi.org/10.3390/su140956131914

    Potential Analysis of Mediterranean Forestry for Offsetting GHG Emissions at Regional Level: Evidence from Valencia, Spain

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    [EN] Forest management is an untapped tool, yet to realize its full potential to fight against climate change. The capability of forests to act as carbon sinks makes them a key resource to reduce CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. However, carbon which has been fixed can be suddenly emitted again as a consequence of disturbances such as pests or wildfires. Mediterranean plant phenology, climatic conditions, and the accumulation of fuel biomass due to abandonment of traditional forest uses generate a scenario prone to large wildfires and consequently large greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. The abandonment could be offset by considering the economic value of forest ecosystem services, principally carbon fixation. Nevertheless, currently existing forest carbon markets consider only anthropogenic fixation based on a business as usual scenario without disturbances that cannot be applied to Mediterranean forest reality. Thus, a methodology to monetize carbon fixed has been developed and applied. A range between 55.5 and 250 million euro produced by the monetization of 16.5 million potential carbon credits has been obtained based on anthropogenic avoided emissions produced over a 10 year-period. Thereby, the potential for offsetting emissions of the pilot region was between 1.2% and 5.6% of total diffuse GHG emissions. Consequently, sustainable forest management represents an important opportunity to combat climate change, taking advantage of the margin of improvement that the Mediterranean forests currently have to avoid GHG emissions through forest fire prevention silviculture.This research was funded by EIT Climate KIC in the frame of the ValVolCar project and by Interreg SUDOE REMAS project (SOE3/P4/E0954), project co-financed by the Interreg Sudoe Program through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).Lorenzo-Sáez, E.; Oliver Villanueva, JV.; Lerma Arce, V.; Yagüe-Hurtado, C.; Lemus Zúñiga, LG. (2021). Potential Analysis of Mediterranean Forestry for Offsetting GHG Emissions at Regional Level: Evidence from Valencia, Spain. Sustainability. 13(8):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13084168S11713

    Assessment of an air quality surveillance network through passive pollution measurement with mobile sensors

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    [EN] Today, about 55% of the world population lives in cities and this is foreseen to increase to 68% by 2050. The urban activities of such a large number of people in relatively small spaces can make the air quality levels in cities harmful to human health. For this reason, the European Union (EU) has established a regulatory framework to control and improve air quality levels in cities (Directive 2008/50/EC) by defining a number of fixed stations and other requirements. The aim of this work is to evaluate the air quality reported by the official fixed stations via the installation of a complementary mobile network of air quality based on passive dosimetry of NO2 measurement during the period 2017-2019. In this study, Valencia (Spain) is selected as a representative European city with seven fixed stations and a network of 424 passive dosimetry sensors distributed throughout the city. In addition, an index of impact of pollutant on population is developed to optimize the locations of air quality stations among neighbourhoods across the city based on the levels of pollution measured by mobile sensors and the population directly affected. The results obtained show that 43.7% of mobile sensors in Valencia exceeded the limit value established by the EU Directive as well as by the World Health Organization during the assessment period. This indicates that the air quality levels offered by the fixed stations are neither representative nor reliable for the air quality monitoring of the city. Thus, the fixed stations currently operating do not provide reliable information on the areas of the city where the majority of the population breathes air with the highest level of pollution. Specifically, the results show that 34.6% of citizens live in areas with an average annual value above the limit recommended for the protection of human health.Lorenzo Sáez, E.; Oliver Villanueva, JV.; Lemus Zúñiga, LG.; Coll-Aliaga, E.; Perpiñá Castillo, C.; Lavalle, C. (2021). Assessment of an air quality surveillance network through passive pollution measurement with mobile sensors. Environmental Research Letters. 16(5):1-12. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/abe43511216

    Energy efficiency and GHG emissions mapping of buildings for decision-making processes against climate change at local level

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    [EN] Buildings have become a key source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions due to the consumption of primary energy, especially when used to achieve thermal comfort conditions. In addition, buildings play a key role for adapting societies to climate change by achieving more energy efficiency. Therefore, buildings have become a key sector to tackle climate change at the local level. However, public decision-makers do not have tools with enough spatial resolution to prioritise and focus the available resources and efforts in an efficient manner. The objective of the research is to develop an innovative methodology based on a geographic information system (GIS) for mapping primary energy consumption and GHG emissions in buildings in cities according to energy efficiency certificates. The developed methodology has been tested in a representative medium-sized city in Spain, obtaining an accurate analysis that shows 32,000 t of CO2 emissions due to primary energy consumption of 140 GWh in residential buildings with high spatial resolution at single building level. The obtained results demonstrate that the majority of residential buildings have low levels of energy efficiency and emit an average of 45 kg CO2/m(2). Compared to the national average in Spain, this obtained value is on the average, while it is slightly better at the regional level. Furthermore, the results obtained demonstrate that the developed methodology is able to directly identify city districts with highest potential for improving energy efficiency and reducing GHG emissions. Additionally, a data model adapted to the INSPIRE regulation has been developed in order to ensure interoperability and European-wide application. All these results have allowed the local authorities to better define local strategies towards a low-carbon economy and energy transition. In conclusion, public decision-makers will be supported with an innovative and user-friendly GIS-based methodology to better define local strategies towards a low-carbon economy and energy transition in a more efficient and transparent way based on metrics of high spatial resolution and accuracy.This work was supported by the City Council of Quart de Poblet (Valencia, Spain).Lorenzo-Sáez, E.; Oliver Villanueva, JV.; Coll-Aliaga, E.; Lemus Zúñiga, LG.; Lerma Arce, V.; Reig Fabado, A. (2020). Energy efficiency and GHG emissions mapping of buildings for decision-making processes against climate change at local level. Sustainability. 12(7):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12072982S1171272050 Long-Term Strategy https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/strategies/2050_enYang, J., McBride, J., Zhou, J., & Sun, Z. (2005). 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    Estudiantes en prácticas: transferencia de conocimientos de datos abiertos y Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

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    [ES] La consecución de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) requiere de esfuerzos y avances en todos los campos de la ciencia. Para ello, es imprescindible contar con la mayor cantidad de datos disponible sin necesidad de generar nuevos datos a cada avance de la investigación. Sin embargo, cambiar el paradigma del valor del dato al valor del conocimiento generado por el dato no es fácil. Es por ello que se debe empezar por fomentar entre estudiantes y profesionales del sector las bonanzas de una buena política de datos abiertos y reutilizables a todos los niveles. La innovación presentada en este trabajo se basa en cómo un ambiente multidisciplinar puede brindar un papel importante a estudiantes en prácticas para la transferencia de conocimientos de datos abiertos y Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). Para ello se expondrán evidencias del desempeño de estudiantes en prácticas dentro de la Càtedra de Governança de la Ciutat de València donde, los estudiantes han realizado talleres, jornadas y seminarios mentorizados, donde han transferido conocimientos, y generado difusión de la importancia de los datos abiertos a otros estudiantes, mejorando sus habilidades transversales, especialmente el trabajo en equipo y la comunicación oral.  [EN] Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires efforts and advances in all fields of science. To this end, it is essential to have as much data available as possible without the need to generate new data with each research advance. However, changing the paradigm from the value of data to the value of knowledge generated by data is not easy. That is why we must start by promoting among students and professionals in the sector the benefits of a good open and reusable data policy at all levels. The innovation presented in this paper is based on how a multidisciplinary environment can provide an important role for trainees to transfer knowledge of open data and Sustainable Development Goals at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). For this purpose, evidence of the performance of students in internships within the Càtedra de Governança de la Ciutat de València will be presented, where the main objective of this chair is to have quality data to measure the SDGs. Workshops, conferences and seminars will be shown, where students have transferred knowledge, and generated dissemination of the importance of open data to other students, improving their transversal skills, especially teamwork and oral communication.Esta innovación se ha realizado gracias al PIME/22-23/354, PIME/21-22/268 y al PIME/21-22/269Coll Aliaga, E.; Lerma Arce, V.; Porres De La Haza, MJ.; Lorenzo-Sáez, E. (2023). Estudiantes en prácticas: transferencia de conocimientos de datos abiertos y Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 206-221. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2023.2023.1665220622

    Evaluación del grado de conocimiento interdisciplinar y del grado de interés en participar en grupos multidisciplinares de los estudiantes de Proyectos del Grado de Ingeniería Industrial e Ingeniería Química y los estudiantes de SIG avanzado del Grado en Ingeniería Geomática y Topografía

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    [ES] El actual contexto socio económico y laboral plantea el reto de formar a los estudiantes en competencias que les ayuden en un futuro a trabajar cooperativamente en equipos multidisciplinares. Las posibilidades de encontrar soluciones a problemas se incrementan cuando los miembros del equipo conocen el potencial que puede aportar cada uno de ellos. En este trabajo se ha evaluado la percepción del estudiantado respecto a la interdisciplinariedad y su grado de interés, con el objetivo de conocer la base sobre la cual poder aplicar innovaciones docentes que mejoren esta percepción entre los grados de Ingeniería Industrial e Ingeniería Química y el grado en Ingeniería Geomática y Topografía de la UPV. Tras diseñar y realizar una encuesta a los estudiantes, se concluye que existe una falta de conocimiento sobre las posibilidades y potencialidades de la colaboración interdisciplinar, aunque los estudiantes sí están interesados en trabajar en equipos multidisciplinares, por lo que se debería tratar de incorporar esta multidisciplinariedad en la docencia para el beneficio de los futuros egresados.[EN] The current socio-economic and labor context poses the challenge of training students in competencies that will help them in the future to work cooperatively in multidisciplinary teams. The possibilities of finding solutions to problems increase when the members of the team know the potential that each of them can contribute. In this work we have evaluated the students' perception of interdisciplinarity and their degree of interest, with the aim of knowing the basis on which to apply teaching innovations to improve this perception between the degrees of Industrial Engineering and Chemical Engineering and the degree in Geomatics Engineering and Surveying of the UPV. After designing and conducting a survey to students, it is concluded that there is a lack of knowledge about the possibilities and potential of interdisciplinary collaboration, although students are interested in working in multidisciplinary teams, so we should try to incorporate this multidisciplinarity in teaching for the benefit of future graduates.Esta innovación se ha realizado gracias a los proyectos de innovación docente PIME/22-23/354 y al PIME/21-22/268.Lerma-Arce, V.; Coll Aliaga, E.; Pastor-Ferrando, JP.; Fuentes-Bargues, JL.; Lo-Iacono Ferreira, VG.; Lorenzo-Sáez, E. (2023). Evaluación del grado de conocimiento interdisciplinar y del grado de interés en participar en grupos multidisciplinares de los estudiantes de Proyectos del Grado de Ingeniería Industrial e Ingeniería Química y los estudiantes de SIG avanzado del Grado en Ingeniería Geomática y Topografía. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 978-990. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2023.2023.1664197899