253 research outputs found

    A Geometric Approach to Quantum State Separation

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    Probabilistic quantum state transformations can be characterized by the degree of state separation they provide. This, in turn, sets limits on the success rate of these transformations. We consider optimum state separation of two known pure states in the general case where the known states have arbitrary a priori probabilities. The problem is formulated from a geometric perspective and shown to be equivalent to the problem of finding tangent curves within two families of conics that represent the unitarity constraints and the objective functions to be optimized, respectively. We present the corresponding analytical solutions in various forms. In the limit of perfect state separation, which is equivalent to unambiguous state discrimination, the solution exhibits a phenomenon analogous to a second order symmetry breaking phase transition. We also propose a linear optics implementation of separation which is based on the dual rail representation of qubits and single-photon multiport interferometry

    Quantum walks based on an interferometric analogy

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    There are presently two models for quantum walks on graphs. The "coined" walk uses discrete time steps, and contains, besides the particle making the walk, a second quantum system, the coin, that determines the direction in which the particle will move. The continuous walk operates with continuous time. Here a third model for a quantum walk is proposed, which is based on an analogy to optical interferometers. It is a discrete-time model, and the unitary operator that advances the walk one step depends only on the local structure of the graph on which the walk is taking place. No quantum coin is introduced. This type of walk allows us to introduce elements, such as phase shifters, that have no counterpart in classical random walks. Walks on the line and cycle are discussed in some detail, and a probability current for these walks is introduced. The relation to the coined quantum walk is also discussed. The paper concludes by showing how to define these walks for a general graph.Comment: Latex,18 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum walks as a probe of structural anomalies in graphs

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    We study how quantum walks can be used to find structural anomalies in graphs via several examples. Two of our examples are based on star graphs, graphs with a single central vertex to which the other vertices, which we call external vertices, are connected by edges. In the basic star graph, these are the only edges. If we now connect a subset of the external vertices to form a complete subgraph, a quantum walk can be used to find these vertices with a quantum speedup. Thus, under some circumstances, a quantum walk can be used to locate where the connectivity of a network changes. We also look at the case of two stars connected at one of their external vertices. A quantum walk can find the vertex shared by both graphs, again with a quantum speedup. This provides an example of using a quantum walk in order to find where two networks are connected. Finally, we use a quantum walk on a complete bipartite graph to find an extra edge that destroys the bipartite nature of the graph.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum searches on highly symmetric graphs

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    We study scattering quantum walks on highly symmetric graphs and use the walks to solve search problems on these graphs. The particle making the walk resides on the edges of the graph, and at each time step scatters at the vertices. All of the vertices have the same scattering properties except for a subset of special vertices. The object of the search is to find a special vertex. A quantum circuit implementation of these walks is presented in which the set of special vertices is specified by a quantum oracle. We consider the complete graph, a complete bipartite graph, and an MM-partite graph. In all cases, the dimension of the Hilbert space in which the time evolution of the walk takes place is small (between three and six), so the walks can be completely analyzed analytically. Such dimensional reduction is due to the fact that these graphs have large automorphism groups. We find the usual quadratic quantum speedups in all cases considered.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures; major revision

    Optimal unambiguous discrimination of two subspaces as a case in mixed state discrimination

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    We show how to optimally unambiguously discriminate between two subspaces of a Hilbert space. In particular we suppose that we are given a quantum system in either the state \psi_{1}, where \psi_{1} can be any state in the subspace S_{1}, or \psi_{2}, where \psi_{2} can be any state in the subspace S_{2}, and our task is to determine in which of the subspaces the state of our quantum system lies. We do not want to make a mistake, which means that our procedure will sometimes fail if the subspaces are not orthogonal. This is a special case of the unambiguous discrimination of mixed states. We present the POVM that solves this problem and several applications of this procedure, including the discrimination of multipartite states without classical communication.Comment: 8 pages, replaced with published versio

    Scattering theory and discrete-time quantum walks

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    We study quantum walks on general graphs from the point of view of scattering theory. For a general finite graph we choose two vertices and attach one half line to each. We are interested in walks that proceed from one half line, through the graph, to the other. The particle propagates freely on the half lines but is scattered at each vertex in the original graph. The probability of starting on one line and reaching the other after n steps can be expressed in terms of the transmission amplitude for the graph. An example is presented.Comment: 7 pages, Latex, replaced with published versio
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