25,198 research outputs found

    Gamma ray collimator

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    A gamma ray collimator including a housing having first and second sections is disclosed. The first section encloses a first section of depleted uranium which is disposed for receiving and supporting a radiation emitting component such as cobalt 60. The second section encloses a depleted uranium member which is provided with a conical cut out focusing portion disposed in communication with the radiation emitting element for focusing the emitted radiation to the target

    Robust Inference Under Heteroskedasticity via the Hadamard Estimator

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    Drawing statistical inferences from large datasets in a model-robust way is an important problem in statistics and data science. In this paper, we propose methods that are robust to large and unequal noise in different observational units (i.e., heteroskedasticity) for statistical inference in linear regression. We leverage the Hadamard estimator, which is unbiased for the variances of ordinary least-squares regression. This is in contrast to the popular White's sandwich estimator, which can be substantially biased in high dimensions. We propose to estimate the signal strength, noise level, signal-to-noise ratio, and mean squared error via the Hadamard estimator. We develop a new degrees of freedom adjustment that gives more accurate confidence intervals than variants of White's sandwich estimator. Moreover, we provide conditions ensuring the estimator is well-defined, by studying a new random matrix ensemble in which the entries of a random orthogonal projection matrix are squared. We also show approximate normality, using the second-order Poincare inequality. Our work provides improved statistical theory and methods for linear regression in high dimensions

    Dynamic Characteristics and Stability Analysis of Space Shuttle Main Engine Oxygen Pump

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    The dynamic characteristics of the Space Shuttle high pressure oxygen pump are presented. Experimental data is presented to show the vibration spectrum and response under actual engine operation and also in spin pit testing for balancing. The oxygen pump appears to be operating near a second critical speed and is sensitive to self excited aerodynamic cross coupling forces in the turbine and pump. An analysis is presented to show the improvement in pump stability by the application of turbulent flow seals, preburner seals, and pump shaft cross sectional modifications