8 research outputs found

    Geology, alterations and mineral chemistry of the Tjårrojåkka Fe-oxide Cu-Au occurrences, northern Sweden

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    The Tjårrojåkka area is located about 50 km WSW of Kiruna, northern Sweden, and hosts one of the best examples of spatially related Fe-oxide Cu-Au occurrences (the Tjårrojåkka-Fe and Tjårrojåkka-Cu). The bedrock, depositional environment and tectonic evolution of the area were studied through petrological, geochemical and geophysical-petrophysical investigations. The bedrock is dominated by intermediate and basic extrusive and intrusive rocks. The intermediate andesites and basaltic andesites are cut by diabases which acted as feeder dykes for the overlying basalts. The intrusive rocks range from gabbro to quartz-monzodiorite in composition. The area is metamorphosed to epidote-amphibolite facies and has been affected by scapolite, K-feldspar, epidote and albite alteration that is more intense in the vicinity of deformation zones and mineralisations. Based on geochemistry the andesites and basaltic andesites are similar to the Svecofennian Porphyrite Group intermediate volcanic rocks, but have also features common with the intermediate volcaniclastic unit in the underlying Kiruna Greenstone Group. Chemically the basalts and diabases have the same signature, but cannot directly be correlated with any known basaltic unit. Some of the samples have characteristics comparable to the basalts of the Kiruna Greenstone Group. Whether the volcanic sequence at Tjårrojåkka represents the Porphyrite Group or is part of the greenstones could not be unequivocally determined without geochronological data. Three events of deformation have been distinguished in the Tjårrojåkka area; the first one involving NW-SE compression creating NE-SW-striking steep foliation corresponding with the strike of the Tjårrojåkka-Fe and Cu bodies, followed by the creation of an E-W deformation zone. Finally a second compressional event resulted in folding and the formation of a NNW-SSE striking and gently dipping structure possible related to thrusting from SW. The Tjårrojåkka apatite-magnetite ore (52.6 Mt of iron ore @ 51.5% Fe) is a blind ore consisting of a massive magnetite core surrounded by an ore- breccia containing low-grade Cu-mineralisation. Apatite, amphiboles and carbonate occur disseminated and as veins within the massive ore and in the wall rock. The Tjårrojåkka-Cu mineralisation is located 750 m from the Tjårrojåkka-Fe and contains 3.23 Mt ore @ 0.87% Cu. The main ore minerals are chalcopyrite and bornite occurring both disseminated and in veinlets. Minor pyrite, molybdenite and gold have also been observed. The host rock has been affected by strong albite, scapolite, amphibole and K-feldspar alteration. The alteration assemblages at Tjårrojåkka are highly variable with several of the alteration minerals occurring in several generations and settings, and with multiple reactivations of already existing veins and overlapping alteration stages indicating a complex, long history of fluid activity in the area. Similarity in alteration minerals and paragenesis in the iron and copper mineralisation is described in terms of whole rock geochemistry, mineral chemistry and paragenesis. This may partly be explained by the common host rock to the mineralisations, but indicates also similarities in fluid composition. Within the massive magnetite ore apatite, tremolite and carbonate veinlets fill fractures probably formed during cooling of the magnetite body. The wall rock has been affected by extensive pervasive albite and plagioclase alteration. Scapolite occurs locally as porphyroblasts and later veins. The albitised and scapolitised rocks are overprinted by pervasive K-feldspar alteration and veins of K-feldspar + Mg-hornblende ± titanite ± quartz ± magnetite ± sulphides along the foliation. Epidote is common in veins together with K-feldspar. Allanite occurs as an accessory mineral associated with epidote, otherwise REE-minerals are rare. Carbonate and zoelites were the last phases to form in vacancies. The area between the apatite-iron and copper bodies is strongly albite + magnetite altered. The footwall of the copper body is characterised by pervasive albite alteration spatially associated with magnetite and apatite veins cut by later carbonate veinlets. Scapolite (porphyroblasts and veins) is formed in an early stage in the hanging wall overprinted by pervasive K-feldspar alteration. Amphiboles (tschermakites, Mg-hornblende and actinolite) occur in several generations as porphyroblasts, in veins on its own, or together with K-feldspar ± titanite ± quartz ± carbonate ± chalcopyrite ± bornite. Epidote, REE- carbonate, zeolites and fluorite are the latest alteration phases in the copper mineralisation. Ba, Cl, S and F are enriched in the alteration minerals in the Tjårrojåkka occurrences. Barium-rich varieties of K-feldspar (max. 3.5% BaO) occur in the Cu-mineralised breccia surrounding the apatite-magneitie body indicating high concentrations of Ba in the hydrothermal fluids. Absence of sulphate in the fluids probably caused the formation of Ba-feldspars instead of barite. Scapolite shows a trend with more Cl-rich varieties around the magnetite body gradually getting more SO3 and CO2-rich in the Cu-mineralisation. The presence of accessory barite in the copper mineralisation also indicates that the SO3 content in the fluids were higher than in the iron ore. The biotites are rich in Ti while Cl and F contents are more moderate and do not show great variation in different parts of the systems. All amphiboles are Ca-rich ranging from tschermakites, Mg-hornblende to actinolite and tremolite. The apatites are F-dominate with higher Cl content in the apatite- iron ore than in the copper occurrence. Overall the alteration minerals related to the apaite-iron ore are more rich in Cl and Ba than the ones in the Cu-mineralisation that show higher contents of F, SO3 and CO2.Godkänd; 2003; 20070215 (ysko

    The Tjårrojåkka apatite-iron and Cu (-Au) deposits, northern Sweden : products of one ore forming event

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    The Tjårrojåkka area is located about 50 km WSW of Kiruna, northern Sweden, and hosts one of the best examples of spatially related apatite-iron (Kiruna type) and Cu (-Au) deposits in Sweden. The results from this project show that the two deposits are genetically related and indicate the presence of a younger, previously unknown, 1780 Ma generation of apatite- iron ores in northern Sweden. The bedrock in the Tjårrojåkka area is dominated by intermediate and basic extrusive and intrusive rocks. The 1880 Ma intermediate volcanic rocks, belonging to the Porphyrite Group, formed in association with subduction- related magmatism in a volcanic arc environment close to the Archaean continental margin. The overlying basalts and related feeder dykes formed through extrusion of mantle derived magma during a local extensional event in a subaquatic back arc setting. The area was metamorphosed at epidote- amphibolite facies and deformed during at least three stages, creating NE- SW, E-W, and NNW-SSE striking structures. The Tjårrojåkka deposits can be considered as belonging to the Fe-oxide-Cu- Au (IOCG) group of deposits representing two "end-members" of the class. Several generations and overlapping hydrothermal alteration stages indicate a long, complex history of fluid activity between 1780 and 1700 Ma related to the formation and post ore modification of the deposits. The strongly altered host rock shows enrichment of alkalis related to mineralisation due to the formation of albite, scapolite, and K-feldspar. It is not obvious whether the massive part of the apatite-iron ore formed from an iron rich melt or through hydrothermal replacement, but a hydrothermal system was active at least at a late stage during the deposition of the iron ore, producing the apatite-magnetite-actinolite breccia, the copper mineralisation, as well as the extensive hydrothermal alterations. The ore forming fluids were CO2-bearing, moderately to highly saline CaCl2- NaCl-rich fluids of most likely magmatic origin. The magnetite ore deposited at around 500 to 650°C followed by the copper mineralisation between 150 and 450°C. Cooling along with decrease in salinity were important factors for metal precipitation at Tjårrojåkka. A NE trending shear zone acted as a major fluid channel and a structurally favourable location for the deposition of the copper (-gold) mineralisation. From apatite chemistry, it is evident that there is a fundamental difference between typical Kiruna type apatite-iron ores and copper mineralised apatite-iron deposits of IOCG character and could potentially be used as a tool for distinguishing copper mineralising apatite-iron systems from barren.Godkänd; 2007; 20070523 (evan

    The Tjårrojåkka apatite-iron and Cu (-Au) deposits, northern Sweden : products of one ore forming event

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    The Tjårrojåkka area is located about 50 km WSW of Kiruna, northern Sweden, and hosts one of the best examples of spatially related apatite-iron (Kiruna type) and Cu (-Au) deposits in Sweden. The results from this project show that the two deposits are genetically related and indicate the presence of a younger, previously unknown, 1780 Ma generation of apatite- iron ores in northern Sweden. The bedrock in the Tjårrojåkka area is dominated by intermediate and basic extrusive and intrusive rocks. The 1880 Ma intermediate volcanic rocks, belonging to the Porphyrite Group, formed in association with subduction- related magmatism in a volcanic arc environment close to the Archaean continental margin. The overlying basalts and related feeder dykes formed through extrusion of mantle derived magma during a local extensional event in a subaquatic back arc setting. The area was metamorphosed at epidote- amphibolite facies and deformed during at least three stages, creating NE- SW, E-W, and NNW-SSE striking structures. The Tjårrojåkka deposits can be considered as belonging to the Fe-oxide-Cu- Au (IOCG) group of deposits representing two "end-members" of the class. Several generations and overlapping hydrothermal alteration stages indicate a long, complex history of fluid activity between 1780 and 1700 Ma related to the formation and post ore modification of the deposits. The strongly altered host rock shows enrichment of alkalis related to mineralisation due to the formation of albite, scapolite, and K-feldspar. It is not obvious whether the massive part of the apatite-iron ore formed from an iron rich melt or through hydrothermal replacement, but a hydrothermal system was active at least at a late stage during the deposition of the iron ore, producing the apatite-magnetite-actinolite breccia, the copper mineralisation, as well as the extensive hydrothermal alterations. The ore forming fluids were CO2-bearing, moderately to highly saline CaCl2- NaCl-rich fluids of most likely magmatic origin. The magnetite ore deposited at around 500 to 650°C followed by the copper mineralisation between 150 and 450°C. Cooling along with decrease in salinity were important factors for metal precipitation at Tjårrojåkka. A NE trending shear zone acted as a major fluid channel and a structurally favourable location for the deposition of the copper (-gold) mineralisation. From apatite chemistry, it is evident that there is a fundamental difference between typical Kiruna type apatite-iron ores and copper mineralised apatite-iron deposits of IOCG character and could potentially be used as a tool for distinguishing copper mineralising apatite-iron systems from barren.Godkänd; 2007; 20070523 (evan

    Apatite chemistry - a potential tool for IOCG exploration

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    Northern Norrbotten is an important mining region of Sweden and is regarded as an iron-oxide copper-gold (IOCG) district hosting several apatite-iron oxide and copper-gold sulphide ores (e.g. Hitzman et. al., 1992). The IOCG group of deposits is diverse with respect to age, host rock, ore and alteration mineralogy as well as ore-forming processes and there is still an ongoing debate regarding a possible genetic link between "classical" Kiruna type ores and copper dominated end-members within this class of deposits. Apatites from Kiruna-type apatite-iron deposits (Kiirunavaara, Rektorn, Nukutus, Ekströmsberg, Tjårrojåkka-Fe), IOCG copper occurrences (Tjårrojåkka-Cu and Nautanen), a 1.89 Ga andesite and a Perthite-monzonite group intrusion were collected and analysed for their mineral chemistry and rare earth elements using electron microprobe and LA-ICPMS analysis. The apatite chemistry can subsequently be used as an indicator of the composition of fluids involved in the formation of the deposits (Korzhinskiy, 1982). Different trends with regard to F-Cl content as well as REE pattern in the apatites were observed for apatite-iron ores with no spatial relation to copper mineralisation compared to the apatite-iron ore spatially related to a copper occurrence. The apatites from the former were almost pure F-apatites with steep REE patterns, while the apatites from the latter and the copper mineralisations themselves contained a large Cl-component and showed depletion in LREE.It can be concluded that apatite chemistry could be a potential tool for distinguishing copper mineralising apatite-iron systems from barren ones. However, so far only one apatite-iron deposit spatially related to a copper occurrence has been studied and more studies are needed to confirm the results.Godkänd; 2006; 20111007 (andbra

    Stratigraphy and tectonic setting of the host rocks to the Tjårrojåkka Fe-oxide Cu-Au deposits, Kiruna area, northern Sweden

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    The Tjårrojåkka area is located about 50 km WSW of Kiruna, northern Sweden, and hosts one of the best examples of spatially and possibly genetically related Fe-oxide and Cu-Au occurrences in the area. The bedrock is dominated by intermediate and basic extrusive and intrusive rocks. An andesite constrains the ages of these rocks with a U–Pb LA-ICPMS age of 1878±7 Ma. They are cut by dolerites, which acted as feeder dykes for the overlying basalts. Based on geochemistry and the obtained age the andesites and basaltic andesites can be correlated with the 1.9 Ga intermediate volcanic rocks of the Svecofennian Porphyrite Group in northern Sweden. They formed during subduction-related magmatism in a volcanic arc environment on the Archaean continental margin above the Kiruna Greenstone Group. Chemically the basalts and associated dolerites have the same signature, but cannot directly be related to any known basaltic unit in northern Sweden. The basalts show only minor contamination of continental crust and may represent a local extensional event in a subaquatic back arc setting with extrusion of mantle derived magma. The intrusive rocks range from gabbro to quartz-monzodiorite in composition. The area is metamorphosed at epidote-amphibolite facies and has been affected by scapolite, K-feldspar, epidote, and albite alteration that is more intense in the vicinity of deformation zones and mineral deposits. Three events of deformation have been distinguished in the area. D1 brittle–ductile deformation created NE–SW-striking steep foliation corresponding with the strike of the Tjårrojåkka-Fe and Cu deposits and was followed by the development of an E–W deformation zone (D2). A compressional event (D3), possible involving thrusting from the SW, produced folds in the central part of the area and a NNW–SSE striking deformation zone in NE