4,608 research outputs found

    Gossip at Work: Unsanctioned Evaluative Talk in Formal School Meetings

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    This article uses a form of linguistic ethnography to analyze videotaped recordings of gossip that took place during formal school meetings. By comparing this gossip data against existing models of gossip based on data collected in informal settings, we identify eleven new response classes, including four forms of indirectness that operate to cloak gossip under ambiguity, and seven forms of avoidance that change the trajectory of gossip. In doing so, this article makes three larger contributions. First, it opens a new front in research on organizational politics by providing an empirically grounded, conceptually rich vocabulary for analyzing gossip in formal contexts. Second, it contributes to knowledge about social interactions in organizations. By examining gossip talk embedded within a work context, this project highlights the nexus between structure, agency, and interaction. Third, it contributes to understandings of gossip in general. By examining gossip in a context previously unexamined, this project provides analytical leverage for theorizing conditions under which gossip is likely and when it will take various forms

    Theory of the waterfall phenomenon in cuprate superconductors

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    Based on exact diagonalization and variational cluster approximation calculations we study the relationship between charge transfer models and the corresponding single band Hubbard models. We present an explanation for the waterfall phenomenon observed in angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) on cuprate superconductors. The phenomenon is due to the destructive interference between the phases of the O2p orbitals belonging to a given Zhang-Rice singlet and the Bloch phases of the photohole which occurs in certain regions of k-space. It therefore may be viewed as a direct experimental visualisation of the Zhang-Rice construction of an effective single band model for the CuO2 plane.Comment: 11 pages, 9 Postscript figure

    Landau mapping and Fermi liquid parameters of the 2D t-J model

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    We study the momentum distribution function n(k) in the 2D t-J model on small clusters by exact diagonalization. We show that n(k) can be decomposed systematically into two components with Bosonic and Fermionic doping dependence. The Bosonic component originates from the incoherent motion of holes and has no significance for the low energy physics. For the Fermionic component we exlicitely perform the one-to-one Landau mapping between the low lying eigenstates of the t-J model clusters and those of an equivalent system of spin-1/2 quasiparticles. This mapping allows to extract the quasiparticle dispersion, statistics, and Landau parameters. The results show conclusively that the 2D t-J model for small doping is a Fermi liquid with a `small' Fermi surface and a moderately strong attractive interaction between the quasiparticles.Comment: Revtex file, 5 pages with 5 embedded eps-files, hardcopies of figures (or the entire manuscript) can be obtained by e-mail request to: [email protected]

    Space Transfer Concepts and Analyses for Exploration Missions. Technical Directive 12: Beamed Power Systems Study

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    Parametric models were constructed for Earth-based laser powered electric orbit transfer from low Earth orbit to geosynchronous orbit. These models were used to carry out performance, cost/benefit, and sensitivity analyses of laser-powered transfer systems including end-to-end life cycle cost analyses for complete systems. Comparisons with conventional orbit transfer systems were made indicating large potential cost savings for laser-powered transfer. Approximate optimization was done to determine best parameter values for the systems. Orbit transfer flights simulations were conducted to explore effects of parameters not practical to model with a spreadsheet. The simulations considered view factors that determine when power can be transferred from ground stations to an orbit transfer vehicle and conducted sensitivity analyses for numbers of ground stations, Isp including dual-Isp transfers, and plane change profiles. Optimal steering laws were used for simultaneous altitude and plane change. Viewing geometry and low-thrust orbit raising were simultaneously simulated. A very preliminary investigation of relay mirrors was made

    Spectral density for a hole in an antiferromagnetic stripe phase

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    Using variational trial wave function based on the string picture we study the motion of a single mobile hole in the stripe phase of the doped antiferromagnet. The holes within the stripes are taken to be static, the undoped antiferromagnetic domains in between the hole stripes are assumed to have alternating staggered magnetization, as is suggested by neutron scattering experiments. The system is described by the t-t'-t''-J model with realistic parameters and we compute the single particle spectral density.Comment: RevTex-file, 9 PRB pages with 15 .eps and .gif files. To appear in PRB. Hardcopies of figures (or the entire manuscript) can be obtained by e-mail request to: [email protected]

    First Experiences Integrating PC Distributed I/O Into Argonne's ATLAS Control System

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    First Experiences Integrating PC Distributed I/O Into Argonne's ATLAS Control System The roots of ATLAS (Argonne Tandem-Linac Accelerator System) date back to the early 1960s. Located at the Argonne National Laboratory, the accelerator has been designated a National User Facility, which focuses primarily on heavy-ion nuclear physics. Like the accelerator it services, the control system has been in a constant state of evolution. The present real-time portion of the control system is based on the commercial product Vsystem [1]. While Vsystem has always been capable of distributed I/O processing, the latest offering of this product provides for the use of relatively inexpensive PC hardware and software. This paper reviews the status of the ATLAS control system, and describes first experiences with PC distributed I/O.Comment: ICALEPCS 2001 Conference, PSN WEAP027, 3 pages, 1 figur

    Dynamics of an SO(5) symmetric ladder model

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    We discuss properties of an exactly SO(5) symmetric ladder model. In the strong coupling limit we demonstrate how the SO(3)-symmetric description of spin ladders in terms of bond Bosons can be upgraded to an SO(5)-symmetric bond-Boson model, which provides a particularly simple example for the concept of SO(5) symmetry. Based on this representation we show that antiferro- magnetism on one hand and superconductivity on the other hand can be understood as condensation of either magnetic or charged Bosons into an RVB vacuum. We identify exact eigenstates of a finite cluster with general multiplets of the SO(5) group, and present numerical results for the single particle spectra and spin/charge correlation functions of the SO(5)-symmetric model and identify `fingerprints' of SO(5) symmetry in these. In particluar we show that SO(5) symmetry implies a `generalized rigid band behavior' of the photoemission spectrum, i.e. spectra for the doped case are rigorously identical to spectra for spin-polarized states at half-filling. We discuss the problem of adiabatic continuity between the SO(5) symmetric ladder and the actual t-J ladder and demonstrate the feasibility of a `Landau mapping' between the two models.Comment: Revtex-file, 16 pages with 15 eps-figures. Hardcopies of Figures (or the entire manuscript) obtainable by e-mail request to [email protected]

    Validity of the rigid band picture for the t-J model

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    We present an exact diagonalization study of the doping dependence of the single particle Green's function in 16, 18 and 20 site clusters of t-J model. We find evidence for rigid-band behaviour starting from the half-filled case: upon doping, the topmost states of the quasiparticle band observed in the photoemisson spectrum at half-filling cross the chemical potential and reappear as the lowermost states of the inverse photoemission spectrum. Features in the inverse photoemission spectra which are inconsistent with rigid-band behaviour are shown to originate from the nontrivial point group symmetry of the ground state with two holes, which enforces different selection rules than at half-filling. Deviations from rigid band behaviour which lead to the formation of the `large Fermi surface' in the momentum distribution occur only at energies far from the chemical potential. A Luttinger Fermi surface and a nearest neighbor hopping band do not exist.Comment: Remarks: Revtex file + 7 figures attached as compressed postscript files Figures can also be obtained by ordinary mail on reques