1,828 research outputs found

    Inverse photoemission in strongly correlated electron systems

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    Based on exact results for small clusters of 2D t-J model we demonstrate the existence of several distinct `channels' in its inverse photoemission (IPES) spectrum. Hole-like quasiparticles can either be annihilated completely, or leave behind a variable number of spin excitations, which formed the `dressing cloud' of the annihilated hole. In the physical parameter regime the latter processes carry the bulk of IPES weight and although the Fermi surface takes the form of hole pockets, the distribution of spectal weight including these `magnon-bands' in the IPES spectrum is reminiscent of free electrons. The emerging scenario for Fermiology and spectral weight distribution is shown to be consistent with photoemission, inverse photemission and de Haas--van Alphen experiments on cuprate superconductors.Comment: Revtex file, 4 PRB pages + three figures appended as uu-encoded postscript. Hardcopies of figures (or the entire manuscript) can also be obtained by e-mail request to: [email protected]

    Hole photoproduction in insulating copper oxide

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    Basing on t-J model we calculate the k-dependence of a single hole photoproduction probability for CuO2 plane at zero doping. We also discuss the radiation of spin-waves which can substantially deform the shape of photoemission spectra.Comment: latex 8 pages, 3 figure

    Anomalous low doping phase of the Hubbard model

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    We present results of a systematic Quantum-Monte-Carlo study for the single-band Hubbard model. Thereby we evaluated single-particle spectra (PES & IPES), two-particle spectra (spin & density correlation functions), and the dynamical correlation function of suitably defined diagnostic operators, all as a function of temperature and hole doping. The results allow to identify different physical regimes. Near half-filling we find an anomalous `Hubbard-I phase', where the band structure is, up to some minor modifications, consistent with the Hubbard-I predictions. At lower temperatures, where the spin response becomes sharp, additional dispersionless `bands' emerge due to the dressing of electrons/holes with spin excitatons. We present a simple phenomenological fit which reproduces the band structure of the insulator quantitatively. The Fermi surface volume in the low doping phase, as derived from the single-particle spectral function, is not consistent with the Luttinger theorem, but qualitatively in agreement with the predictions of the Hubbard-I approximation. The anomalous phase extends up to a hole concentration of 15%, i.e. the underdoped region in the phase diagram of high-T_c superconductors. We also investigate the nature of the magnetic ordering transition in the single particle spectra. We show that the transition to an SDW-like band structure is not accomplished by the formation of any resolvable `precursor bands', but rather by a (spectroscopically invisible) band of spin 3/2 quasiparticles. We discuss implications for the `remnant Fermi surface' in insulating cuprate compounds and the shadow bands in the doped materials.Comment: RevTex-file, 20 PRB pages, 16 figures included partially as gif. A full ps-version including ps-figures can be found at http://theorie.physik.uni-wuerzburg.de/~eder/condmat.ps.gz Hardcopies of figures (or the entire manuscript) can also be obtained by e-mail request to: [email protected]

    Single Hole Green's Functions in Insulating Copper Oxides at Nonzero Temperature

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    We consider the single hole dynamics in a modified t−Jt-J model at finite temperature. The modified model includes a next nearest (t′t') and next-next nearest (t′′t'') hopping. The model has been considered before in the zero temperature limit to explain angle resolved photo-emission measurements. We extend this consideration to the case of finite temperature where long-range anti-ferromagnetic order is destroyed, using the self-consistent Born approximation. The Dyson equation which relates the single hole Green's functions for a fixed pseudo-spin and for fixed spin is derived. The Green's function with fixed pseudo-spin is infrared stable but the Green's function with fixed spin is close to an infrared divergency. We demonstrate how to renormalize this Green's function in order to assure numerical convergence. At non-zero temperature the quasi-particle peaks are found to shift down in energy and to be broadened.Comment: 7 pages, RevTex, 5 Postscript figure

    Single hole dynamics in dimerized spin liquids

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    The dynamics of a single hole in quantum antiferromagnets is influenced by magnetic fluctuations. In the present work we consider two situations. The first one corresponds to a single hole in the two leg t-J spin ladder. In this case the wave function renormalization is relatively small and the quasiparticle residue of the S=1/2 state remains close to unity. However at large t/J there are higher spin (S=3/2,5/2,..) bound states of the hole with the magnetic excitations, and therefore there is a crossover from quasiparticles with S=1/2 to quasiparticles with higher spin. The second situation corresponds to a single hole in two coupled antiferromagnetic planes very close to the point of antiferromagnetic instability. In this case the hole wave function renormalization is very strong and the quasiparticle residue vanishes at the point of instability.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Dynamics of spin ladders

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    We derive an approximate theory for Heisenberg spin ladders with two legs by mapping the spin dynamics onto the problem of hard-core `bond-Bosons'. The parameters of the Bosonic Hamiltonian are obtained by matching anomalous Green's functions to Lanczos results and we find evidence for a strong renormalization due to quantum fluctuations. Various dynamical spin correlation functions are calculated and found to be in good agreement with Lanczos results. We then enlarge the effective Hamiltonian to describe the coupling of the bond-Bosons to a single hole injected into the system and treat the hole-dynamics within the `rainbow-diagram' approximation by Schmidt-Rink et. al. Theoretical predictions for the single hole spectral function are obtained and found to be in good agreement with Lanczos results.Comment: RevTex-file, 10 PRB pages with 7 eps files. Hardcopies of figures (or the entire manuscript) can be obtained by e-mail request to: [email protected]

    Knowledge Documentation Based on Automatic Identification and Clustering of Change Intentions in CAD Data of Wiring Harnesses

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    High amount of changes and increasing complexity in CAD design of wiring harnesses result in a lack of time for documentation and transfer of acquired knowledge. To be able to transfer the gained knowledge efficiently during development automating the identification, analyzation and documentation of changes is necessary. This paper shows a methodology to address this challenge for CAD data of wiring harnesses. Thus, it is shown how interrelated change elements can be combined or separated from each other according to their change intention

    Bogoliubov Quasiparticle Excitations in the Two-Dimensional t-J Model

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    Using a proposed numerical technique for calculating anomalous Green's functions characteristic of superconductivity, we show that the low-lying excitations in a wide parameter and doping region of the two-dimensional tt−-JJ model are well described by the picture of dressed Bogoliubov quasiparticles in the BCS pairing theory. The pairing occurs predominantly in dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave channel and the energy gap has a size Δd\Delta_d≃\simeq0.15J0.15J−0.27J-0.27J between quarter and half fillings. Opening of the superconducting gap in the photoemission and inverse-photoemission spectrum is demonstrated.Comment: 6 pages, RevTe

    Hole-Hole Contact Interaction in the t-J Model

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    Using an analytical variational approach we calculate the hole-hole contact interaction on the N\'{e}el background. Solution of the Bethe-Salpeter equation with this interaction gives bound states in dd- and p-waves with binding energies close to those obtained by numerical methods. At t/J≥2−3t/J \ge 2-3 the bound state disappears. In conclusion we discuss the relation between short range and long range interactions and analogy with the problem of pion condensation in nuclear matter.Comment: 11 pp. (LATEX), 7 figures (PostScript) appended, report N
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