25 research outputs found

    Place of Residence, Environmental Characteristics and Child Mortality in the Princess Marie Louise Hospital Catchment Area

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    Consistently studies have shown that proximity to health services has a bearing on infant and child mortality. They commonly cite a distance of 4km beyond which the risk of under five death risks increase by four-fold. Princess Marie Louise Children’s Hospital is located at the heart of Accra Metropolitan Area serving a catchment area of about 35km2. Using geographic information system’s spatial analytical tools, this study analyzed spatial clustering of under five deaths reported at PML and compared that to distance travel to access service from PML. The study also compared under five deaths in a community to three environmental risk factors including access to improved toilet facility, access to potable water and the use of unimproved cooking methods. The study finds that high under five deaths occurred in communities closer to PML in similar frequency as they occur in distances further away. Similarly communities with high under five deaths are not necessarily the communities with more people with poor environmental characterization such as unimproved toilet facility, no access to potable water and the use of unimproved cooking methods. The study recommends that future studies may look deep into other factors contributing to under five mortality such as availability of intervening health facility, mothers’ education, income and distance accessible roads. Keywords: Child Mortality, Under 5 deaths, spatial patter

    Comparative study of the nutritional composition of local brown rice, maize (obaatanpa), and millet—A baseline research for varietal complementary feeding

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    INTRODUCTION Childhood malnutrition remains a major public health issue of concern particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, and inadequate complementary feeding is a common cause. Promoting dietary diversity is one way of tackling this problem. High dependence on maize has its limitations; modifying other local staples into complementary foods can be a feasible alternative to promote optimum nutrition. OBJECTIVES Comparing the nutritional composition of brown rice to millet and maize to determine its beneficial value as complementary food. METHODS Experimental study was carried out at the Department of Nutrition and Food Science of University of Ghana. Samples of maize, millet, and brown rice were obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture, Accra and nutritional contents analyzed. Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 20.0 and ANOVA were used to assess differences. RESULTS Results showed brown rice contained the highest content of carbohydrates (77.94 ± 0.32) % and zinc (12.15 ± 0.21) mg while millet had the highest protein (10.49 ± 0E-7) mg and fat (4.99 ± 0.46) % content. Maize contained highest amount of calcium (21.24 ± 0.14) mg. Iron was only found in millet (10.72 ± 0.15) mg. The zinc content per 100 g of all three (3) cereals was above RDA. All three (3) cereals contributed significantly <10% to the RDA of calcium. Iron content of millet contributed more than 90% to RDA. CONCLUSIONS Locally produced brown rice is rich in zinc and carbohydrates compared to millet and maize. Thus, can be used for complementary feed but, given the low protein and iron content, it may need to be fortified or diversified and used as a cereal blend

    The Transport and Outcome of Sick Outborn Neonates Admitted to a Regional and District Hospital in the Upper West Region of Ghana: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Optimum care of sick neonates often involves transporting them across different levels of care. Since their condition may deteriorate over time, attention needs to be paid to travel distances and how they are transferred. We examined the mode of transport, distances travelled, condition on arrival and outcome of outborn neonates admitted to a district and a regional hospital in Ghana using a cross-sectional study involving caregivers of neonates admitted to these hospitals. Information on referral characteristics and outcome were obtained from questionnaires and the child’s case notes. Overall, 153 caregivers and babies were studied. Twelve deaths, 7.8%, occurred. Neonates who died spent a median duration of 120 min at the first health facility they visited compared with 30 min spent by survivors; they travelled mostly by public buses, (41.7%), compared with 36.0% of survivors who used taxis. Majority of survivors, 70.2%, had normal heart rates on arrival compared with only 41.7% of neonates who died; hypothermia was present in 66.7% compared with 47.6% of survivors. These findings indicate that the logistics for neonatal transport were inadequate to keep the neonates stable during the transfer process, thus many of them were compromised especially those who died. Further studies are warranted

    Short-term chemotherapy-related complications and undernutrition in children diagnosed with cancer at Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, Accra, Ghana: A prospective cohort study.

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    Undernutrition in children with cancer is associated with complications during cancer therapy. The study objective was to determine the association between specific anthropometric parameters and short-term chemotherapy-related complications and mortality. This was a hospital-based, prospective cohort study of children, age ≤12 years, with a new cancer diagnosis at the Paediatric Oncology Unit, Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, Ghana. Socio-demographic information, cancer characteristics and anthropometric measurements were obtained at enrolment. Participants were followed up for twelve weeks from commencement of chemotherapy and selected treatment-related complications such as anaemia and thrombocytopenia requiring transfusions, prolonged neutropenia resulting in treatment delays, febrile neutropenia, mucositis and death were recorded. A total of 133 participants were recruited with a median age of 4.5 years. Eighty-one (60.9%) were diagnosed with solid tumours, 31 (23.3%) had leukaemias and 21 (15.8%) had lymphomas. Of the anthropometric parameters assessed, only arm anthropometry using upper arm muscle area (UAMA) and mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) were associated with complications. Participants with wasting were more likely to develop anaemia and mucositis. However, the incidence of prolonged neutropenia was significantly higher among participants with average UAMA (p = 0.043) and low average UAMA (p = 0.049) compared to those with low UAMA. Risk of neutropenia was also significantly less among those with wasting by MUAC compared to those well-nourished (p = 0.045). Twenty-three participants (17.3%) died with a greater proportion (11/44; 25%) occurring in those who were wasted using MUAC. These findings underscore the need for nutritional surveillance at diagnosis and during chemotherapy, particularly where co-morbid disease is prevalent

    Trends in Neonatal Mortality at Princess Marie Louise Children’s Hospital, Accra, and the Newborn Strategic Plan: Implications for Reducing Mortality in Hospital and the Community

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    Background: In low and middle-income countries, close to half of the mortality in children under the age of five years occurs in neonates. Objectives: We examined the trend, medical conditions and factors associated with newborn deaths at the Princess Marie Louise Children’s Hospital (PML), Accra, from 2014 to 2017 (4 years). Methods: The study was a cross-sectional study. Data on age, sex, date of admission, date of discharge, cause of death and place of residence of these babies were obtained from the records department. This was transferred into an Access database and analyzed. Components of the Newborn Strategic Plan implemented at the hospital were described. Results: Neonatal sepsis, pneumonia and kernicterus were the major causes of death. Admissions increased and 5.4% of the neonates died, declining from 6.5% in 2014 to 4.2% in 2017 due to deliberate actions to reduce neonatal death. The highest mortality occurred in babies residing in an area more than 1 hour’s drive away from the hospital. Conclusion: Implementing the Newborn Strategic Plan was associated with a drop in mortality. A preponderance of community-acquired infections was observed. Thus, locality-specific interventions targeted at known determinants and implementing the newborn strategic plan are essential for reducing neonatal mortality

    Feeding practices and malnutrition at the Princess Marie Louise Children’s hospital, Accra: what has changed after 80 years?

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    BACKGROUND: Sub-optimal feeding practices are associated with malnutrition. In 1933, Dr Cecily Williams, while working at Princess Marie Louise Children’s Hospital (PML) in Accra described Kwashiorkor as the disease of children “deposed” from breast feeding who were being fed plain fermented maize diets. Presently, it is not clear how this has changed after 80 years. METHODS: We conducted an unmatched case–control study at PML in 2013 in order to determine faulty feeding practices associated with malnutrition. PML is a 74 bed children’s hospital and the largest centre for treating children with malnutrition in Ghana. Under-fives with Moderate or Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM or MAM) were selected as cases while the controls were children without SAM or MAM. RESULTS: A total of 182 malnourished and 189 well-nourished under-fives and their mothers were studied. Faulty feeding practices including early weaning, shorter duration of exclusive breastfeeding, mixed feeding, bottle feeding and limited consumption of fruits were found. Though the use of “iced kenkey” a maize-based diet was limited, over one-third of malnourished children (39.1 %) were still being weaned with plain unfortified fermented maize gruel both of which Dr Williams associated with Kwashiorkor. Well-nourished children were more likely to receive solid food (38.0 %), fortified maize gruel (29.2 %), and Cerelac® (24 %) a processed cereal-based complementary food. A child’s refusal to breastfeed was the most common reason for stopping breastfeeding among malnourished children. CONCLUSIONS: More effective nutrition education and new complementary feeding diets that are wholesome yet appeal to a new generation of mothers are needed. The patho-physiology of feeding problems needs further study

    Observations from Mortality Trends at The Children's Hospital, Accra, 2003-2013.

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    Facility-based studies provide an unparalleled opportunity to assess interventions deployed in hospitals to reduce child mortality which is not easily captured in the national data. We examined mortality trends at the Princess Marie Louise Children's Hospital (PML) and related it to interventions deployed in the hospital and community to reduce child mortality and achieve the Millennium Development Goal 4 (MDG 4).The study was a cross-sectional review of data on consecutive patients who died at the hospital over a period of 11 years, between 2003 and 2013. The total admissions for each year, the major hospital-based and population-based interventions, which took place within the period, were also obtained.Out of a total of 37,012 admissions, 1,314 (3.6%) deaths occurred and admissions tripled during the period. The average annual change in mortality was -7.12% overall, -7.38% in under-fives, and -1.47% in children ≥5 years. The majority of the deaths, 1,187 (90.3%), occurred in under-fives. The observed decrease in under-five (and overall) mortality rate occurred in a specific and peculiar pattern. Most of the decrease occurred during the period between 2003 and 2006. After that there was a noticeable increase from 2006 to 2008. Then, the rate slowly decreased until the end of the study period in 2013. There was a concomitant decline in malaria mortality following a pattern similar to the decline observed in other parts of the continent during this period. Several interventions might have contributed to the reduction in mortality including the change in malaria treatment policy, improved treatment of malnutrition and increasing paediatric input.Under-fives mortality at PML has declined considerably; however, the reduction in mortality in older children has been minimal and thus requires special attention. Data collection for mortality reviews should be planned and commissioned regularly in hospitals to assess the effects of interventions and understand the context in which they occur. This will provide benchmarks and an impetus for improving care, identify shortfalls and ensure that the gains in child survival are maintained

    Maternal profiles and social determinants of malnutrition and the MDGs: What have we learnt?

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    Abstract Background Maternal socio-demographic and health profiles are important determinants of malnutrition in children. In the 1990s, malnutrition was associated with low-birth-weight, young mothers and low maternal socio-economic status at Princess Marie Louise Children’s Hospital (PML). It is not known how this has changed by efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. We examined socio-demographic and health profiles of mothers of children with acute malnutrition and those without the condition to identify risk factors for malnutrition and focus on preventive efforts. Methods An unmatched case–control study was conducted in 2013 at PML, the largest facility for treating malnourished children in Ghana in 2013. Mothers of children with moderate and severe acute malnutrition were compared with mothers of well-nourished children. Weight-for-height was used to classify malnutrition. Record forms and a semi-structured questionnaire were used for data collection. An analysis was done with Stata 11.0 software. Results Altogether, 371 mothers were studied consisting of 182 mothers of malnourished children and 189 mothers of well-nourished children. Mothers of malnourished children were more likely to be unmarried or cohabiting, have lower family incomes, HIV infection and chronic disease. They were less likely to stay with or provide alternative care for their child. Awareness and use of social services, health insurance and a cash transfer programme were low. A remarkable reduction in the number of malnourished children occurred when families earned more than $250 USD a month. Over-nutrition was present in both groups of mothers. Conclusion Low family income, unmarried status and type of child care were the main social determinants of malnutrition. There appears to be a reduction in the number of other poor socio-demographic characteristics in both the study and control groups compared to results from a previous study at the same centre, probably because of efforts toward attaining the MDGs. These findings suggest that prevention and optimum management need to involve multidisciplinary teams consisting of health professionals, social workers and/or key workers to enable families at risk to access social care and social protection interventions (MDG 1). This will make the management of malnutrition more effective, prevent relapse, protect the next child and address maternal over-nutrition

    Changing Patterns of Disease and Mortality at the Children's Hospital, Accra: Are Infections Rising?

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    The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have led to reductions in child mortality world-wide. This has, invariably, led to the changes in the epidemiology of diseases associated with child mortality. Although facility based data do not capture all deaths, they provide an opportunity to confirm diagnoses and insight into these changes which are relevant for further disease control.To identify changes in the disease pattern of children who died at the Princess Marie Louise Children's Hospital (PML) in Ghana from 2003-2013.A cross sectional review of mortality data was carried out at PML. The age, sex, duration of admission and diagnosis of consecutive patients who died at the hospital between 2003 and 2013 were reviewed. This information was entered into an Access database and analysed using Stata 11.0 software.Altogether, 1314 deaths (3.6%) occurred out of a total of 37,012 admissions. The majority of the deaths, 1187 (90.3%), occurred in children under the age of 5 years. While deaths caused by malaria, malnutrition, HIV infection and diarrhoea decreased, deaths caused by pneumonia were rising. Suspected septicaemia and meningitis showed a fluctuating trend with only a modest decrease between 2012 and 2013. The ten leading causes of mortality among under-fives were malnutrition, 363 (30.6%); septicaemia, 301 (25.4%); pneumonia, 218 (18.4%); HIV infection, 183 (15.4%); malaria, 155 (13.1%); anaemia, 135 (11.4%); gastroenteritis/dehydration, 110 (9.3%); meningitis, 58 (4.9%); tuberculosis, 34 (2.9%) and hypoglycaemia, 27 (2.3%). For children aged 5-9 years, the leading causes of mortality were malaria, 42 (42.9%); HIV infection, 27 (27.6%); anaemia, 14 (14.3%); septicaemia, 12 (12.2%); meningitis, 10 (10.2%); malnutrition, 9 (9.2%); tuberculosis, 5 (5.1%); pneumonia, 4 (4.1%); encephalopathy, 3 (3.1%); typhoid fever, 3 (3.1%) and lymphoma, 3 (3.1%). In the adolescent age group, malaria, 8 (27.6%); anaemia, 6 (20.7%); HIV infection, 5 (17.2%); sickle cell disease, 3 (10.3%) and meningitis, 3 (10.3%) were most common.There has been a decline in the under-five mortality at PML over the years; however, deaths caused by pneumonia appear to be rising. This highlights the need for better diagnostic services, wider HIV screening and clinical audits to improve outcomes in order to achieve further reductions in child mortality and maintain the gains