42 research outputs found

    Identification of cofragmented combinatorial peptide isomers by two-dimensional partial covariance mass spectrometry

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    Combinatorial post-translational modifications (PTMs), such as those forming the so-called ā€œhistone codeā€, have been linked to cell differentiation, embryonic development, cellular reprogramming, aging, cancers, neurodegenerative disorders, etc. Nevertheless, a reliable mass spectral analysis of the combinatorial isomers represents a considerable challenge. The difficulty stems from the incompleteness of information that could be generated by the standard MS to differentiate cofragmented isomeric sequences in their naturally occurring mixtures based on the fragment mass-to-charge ratio and relative abundance information only. Here we show that fragmentā€“fragment correlations revealed by two-dimensional partial covariance mass spectrometry (2D-PC-MS) allow one to solve the combinatorial PTM puzzles that cannot be tackled by the standard MS as a matter of principle. We introduce 2D-PC-MS marker ion correlation approach and demonstrate experimentally that it can provide the missing information enabling identification of cofragmentated combinatorially modified isomers. Our in silico study shows that the marker ion correlations can be used to unambiguously identify 5 times more cofragmented combinatorially acetylated tryptic peptides and 3 times more combinatorially modified Glu-C peptides of human histones than is possible using standard MS methods

    Two-Dimensional Partial-Covariance Mass Spectrometry of Large Molecules Based on Fragment Correlations

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    Covariance mapping [L.ā€‰J. Frasinski, K. Codling, and P.ā€‰A. Hatherly, Science 246, 1029 (1989)] is a well-established technique used for the study of mechanisms of laser-induced molecular ionization and decomposition. It measures statistical correlations between fluctuating signals of pairs of detected species (ions, fragments, electrons). A positive correlation identifies pairs of products originating from the same dissociation or ionization event. A major challenge for covariance-mapping spectroscopy is accessing decompositions of large polyatomic molecules, where true physical correlations are overwhelmed by spurious signals of no physical significance induced by fluctuations in experimental parameters. As a result, successful applications of covariance mapping have so far been restricted to low-mass systems, e.g., organic molecules of around 50 daltons (Da). Partial-covariance mapping was suggested to tackle the problem of spurious correlations by taking into account the independently measured fluctuations in the experimental conditions. However, its potential has never been realized for the decomposition of large molecules, because in these complex situations, determining and continuously monitoring multiple experimental parameters affecting all the measured signals simultaneously becomes unfeasible. We introduce, through deriving theoretically and confirming experimentally, a conceptually new type of partial-covariance mappingā€”self-correcting partial-covariance spectroscopyā€”based on a parameter extracted from the measured spectrum itself. We use the readily available total ion count as the self-correcting partial-covariance parameter, thus eliminating the challenge of determining experimental parameter fluctuations in covariance measurements of large complex systems. The introduced self-correcting partial covariance enables us to successfully resolve correlations of molecules as large as 10 3 ā€“ 10 4 ā€‰ ā€‰ Da , 2 orders of magnitude above the state of the art. This opens new opportunities for mechanistic studies of large molecule decompositions through revealing their fragment-fragment correlations. Moreover, we demonstrate that self-correcting partial covariance is applicable to solving the inverse problem: reconstruction of a molecular structure from its fragment spectrum, within two-dimensional partial-covariance mass spectrometry

    Targeted online liquid chromatography electron capture dissociation mass spectrometry for the localization of sites of in vivo phosphorylation in human Sprouty2

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    We demonstrate a strategy employing collision-induced dissociation for phosphopeptide discovery, followed by targeted electron capture dissociation (ECD) for site localization. The high mass accuracy and low background noise of the ECD mass spectra allow facile sequencing of coeluting isobaric phosphopeptides, with up to two isobaric phosphopeptides sequenced from a single mass spectrum. In contrast to the previously described neutral loss of dependent ECD method, targeted ECD allows analysis of both phosphotyrosine peptides and lower abundance phosphopeptides. The approach was applied to phosphorylation analysis of human Sprouty2, a regulator of receptor tyrosine kinase signaling. Fifteen sites of phosphorylation were identified, 11 of which are novel

    Chimera spectrum diagnostics for peptides using two-dimensional partial covariance mass spectrometry

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    The rate of successful identification of peptide sequences by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) is adversely affected by the common occurrence of co-isolation and co-fragmentation of two or more isobaric or isomeric parent ions. This results in so-called `chimera spectraā€™, which feature peaks of the fragment ions from more than a single precursor ion. The totality of the fragment ion peaks in chimera spectra cannot be assigned to a single peptide sequence, which contradicts a fundamental assumption of the standard automated MS/MS spectra analysis tools, such as protein database search engines. This calls for a diagnostic method able to identify chimera spectra to single out the cases where this assumption is not valid. Here, we demonstrate that, within the recently developed two-dimensional partial covariance mass spectrometry (2D-PC-MS), it is possible to reliably identify chimera spectra directly from the two-dimensional fragment ion spectrum, irrespective of whether the co-isolated peptide ions are isobaric up to a finite mass accuracy or isomeric. We introduce ā€˜3-57 chimera tagā€™ technique for chimera spectrum diagnostics based on 2D-PC-MS and perform numerical simulations to examine its efficiency. We experimentally demonstrate the detection of a mixture of two isomeric parent ions, even under conditions when one isomeric peptide is at one five-hundredth of the molar concentration of the second isomer

    Two-dimensional partial covariance mass spectrometry for the top-down analysis of intact proteins.

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    Two-dimensional partial covariance mass spectrometry (2D-PC-MS) exploits the inherent fluctuations of fragment ion abundances across a series of tandem mass spectra, to identify correlated pairs of fragment ions produced along the same fragmentation pathway of the same parent (e.g., peptide) ion. Here, we apply 2D-PC-MS to the analysis of intact protein ions in a standard linear ion trap mass analyzer, using the fact that the fragment-fragment correlation signals are much more specific to the biomolecular sequence than one-dimensional (1D) tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) signals at the same mass accuracy and resolution. We show that from the distribution of signals on a 2D-PC-MS map it is possible to extract the charge state of both parent and fragment ions without resolving the isotopic envelope. Furthermore, the 2D map of fragment-fragment correlations naturally separates the products of the primary decomposition pathways of the molecular ions from those of the secondary ones. We access this spectral information using an adapted version of the Hough transform. We demonstrate the successful identification of highly charged, intact protein molecules bypassing the need for high mass resolution. Using this technique, we also perform the in silico deconvolution of the overlapping fragment ion signals from two co-isolated and co-fragmented intact proteins, demonstrating a viable new method for the concurrent mass spectrometric identification of a mixture of intact protein ions from the same fragment ion spectrum

    Negative ion mode collision-induced dissociation for analysis of protein arginine methylation

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    Arginine methylation is a common protein post-translational modification (PTM) that plays a key role in eukaryotic cells. Three distinct types of this modification are found in mammals: asymmetric NĪ·1NĪ·1-dimethylarginine (aDMA), symmetric NĪ·1NĪ·2-dimethylarginine (sDMA), and an intermediate NĪ·1-monomethylarginine (MMA). Elucidation of regulatory mechanisms of arginine methylation in living organisms requires precise information on both the type of the modified residues and their location inside the protein amino acid sequences. Despite mass spectrometry (MS) being the method of choice for analysis of multiple protein PTMs, unambiguous characterization of protein arginine methylation may not be always straightforward. Indeed, frequent internal basic residues of Arg methylated tryptic peptides hamper their sequencing under positive ion mode collision-induced dissociation (CID), the standardly used tandem mass spectrometry method, while the relative stability of the aDMA and sDMA side chains under alternative non-ergodic electron-based fragmentation techniques, electron-capture and electron transfer dissociations (ECD and ETD), may impede differentiation between the isobaric residues. Here, for the first time, we demonstrate the potential of the negative ion mode collision-induced dissociation MS for analysis of protein arginine methylation and present data revealing that the negative polarity approach can deliver both an unambiguous identification of the arginine methylation type and extensive information on the modified peptide sequences

    Discrimination between peptide O-sulfo- and O-phosphotyrosine residues by negative ion mode electrospray tandem mass spectrometry.

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    Unambiguous differentiation between isobaric sulfated and phosphorylated tyrosine residues (sTyr and pTyr) of proteins by mass spectrometry is challenging, even using high resolution mass spectrometers. Here we show that upon negative ion mode collision-induced dissociation (CID), pTyr- and sTyr-containing peptides exhibit entirely different modification-specific fragmentation patterns leading to a rapid discrimination between the isobaric covalent modifications using the tandem mass spectral data. This study reveals that the ratio between the relative abundances of [M-H-80](-) and [M-H-98](-) fragment ions in ion-trap CID and higher energy collision dissociation (HCD) spectra of singly deprotonated +80 Da Tyr-peptides can be used as a reliable indication of the Tyr modification group nature. For multiply deprotonated +80 Da Tyr-peptides, CID spectra of sTyr- and pTyr-containing sequences can be readily distinguished based on the presence/absence of the [M-nH-79]((n-1)-) and [M-nH-79-NL]((n-1)-) (n=2, 3) fragment ions (NL=neutral loss)

    Gas-phase intramolecular phosphate shift in phosphotyrosine-containing peptide monoanions

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    Phosphotyrosine-containing peptide monoanions [M-H](-) exhibit extensive neutral loss of phosphoric acid (98 Da) upon quadrupole time-of-flight and ion-trap collision-induced dissociation (CID). In contrast, a neutral loss of metaphosphoric acid HPO(3) (80 Da) is negligible from the deprotonated phosphotyrosine peptides. The efficient H(3)PO(4) release is unexpected, given the structure of phosphotyrosine. Our study reveals that the abundant [M-H-98](-) product ions of pTyr-peptides are not a result of consecutive losses of HPO(3) and H(2)O but, rather, are induced by an intramolecular interaction of the phosphotyrosine phosphate with deprotonated peptide functions such as hydroxyl, carboxyl, and to a small extent, amide. As a result, an internal phosphotyrosine phosphate shift occurs, and the obtained phosphorylated functionalities undergo elimination of H(3)PO(4) to give rise to the [M-H-98](-) fragments. The mechanism proposed for the phosphoric acid neutral loss is based on extensive CID studies of Ala-substituted model phosphorylated peptides and oxygen-18 labeling. The proposed mechanistic pathway explains the fact that the pTyr phosphate transfer and the subsequent H(3)PO(4) neutral loss are not observed for multiply charged anions of pTyr-peptides. Monoanions of pSer-containing peptides undergo the intramolecular phosphate shift as well, although its efficiency is much lower compared to the aromatic phosphorylation sites. These observations facilitate correct identification of pSer-, pThr-, and pTyr-peptides in CID studies. This work demonstrates that the established phosphate-specific neutral loss fragmentation rules of protonated pTyr-peptides cannot be applied to the CID spectra of their [M-H](-) ions