148 research outputs found

    Overeducation in the Flemish youth labour market

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    Hiring discrimination against pro-union applicants: the role of union density and firm size

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    We study the causal impact of revealing pro-unionism during the recruitment stage on hiring chances. To this end, we conduct a randomised field experiment in the Belgian labour market. When matched with employer and sector data, the experimentally gathered data enable us to test the heterogeneity of discrimination against pro-union applicants by the union density in the sector and the size of the firm. We find that disclosure of pro-unionism affects hiring chances in a negative way and that – in line with our expectations based on the literature – this negative impact is stronger in highly unionised sectors

    Discriminating between alternative measures of overeducation

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    Five overeducation measures are evaluated empirically on the basis of encompassing tests. The measures are based on job analysis (JA), worker-assessment of the required level to do the job (WAd), worker-assessment of the required level to get the job (WAg), the mean educational level of realized matches (RMmn), and the modal level of realized matches (RMml). Over- and undereducation are linked to wages, job satisfaction, mobility and training participation. For none of the outcome variables, the JA model is encompassed by another model. Given the risk on systematic errors, this is a sufficient condition to prefer a carefully conducted JA to any other measure. The most reliable solution is to use the JA measure as an instrument for the WAd measure

    Focus 13 - octobre 2014: Discrimination à l'embauche à l'égard des jeunes syndiqués en Flandre

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    Tout comme les pays scandinaves et l'Autriche, la Belgique connait un taux de syndicalisation assez élevé. Un peu plus de 50 % des salariés belges sont membres d'un syndicat (http://www.uva-aias.net/208). Par ailleurs, le niveau de syndicalisation est plus élevé parmi les salariés jeunes et âgés que parmi ceux d'un âge intermédiaire (Van Rie et al., 2011). Plus important encore, le taux de couverture, à savoir la fraction des salariés dont les conditions d'emploi sont régies par une convention collective de travail, est de l'ordre de 90 % en Belgique (http://www.uva-aias.net/208). Enfin, dans notre pays, les syndicats gardent un rôle important dans l'octroi des allocations de chômage (Van Rie et al., 2011). De ce fait, les syndicats constituent un acteur incontournable sur le marché du travail belge

    Discrimination à l'embauche à l'égard des jeunes syndiqués en Flandre

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    Tout comme les pays scandinaves et l'Autriche, la Belgique connait un taux de syndicalisation assez élevé. Un peu plus de 50 % des salariés belges sont membres d'un syndicat (http://www.uva-aias.net/208). Par ailleurs, le niveau de syndicalisation est plus élevé parmi les salariés jeunes et âgés que parmi ceux d'un âge intermédiaire (Van Rie et al., 2011). Plus important encore, le taux de couverture, à savoir la fraction des salariés dont les conditions d'emploi sont régies par une convention collective de travail, est de l'ordre de 90 % en Belgique (http://www.uva-aias.net/208). Enfin, dans notre pays, les syndicats gardent un rôle important dans l'octroi des allocations de chômage (Van Rie et al., 2011). De ce fait, les syndicats constituent un acteur incontournable sur le marché du travail belge

    The measurement and determinants of skill acquisition in young workers' first job

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    The article analyses participation in five types of training (formal on-site, formal off-site, informal co-worker training, learning by watching and learning by doing) and self-assessed skill acquisition in young Flemish workers' first job. A skill production function is estimated whereby the simultaneity of participation in the different types of training and skill acquisition is taken into account. The results clearly demonstrate the importance of informal training. Formal training participation is found to be only a fraction of total training participation. Moreover, the determinants of total training participation and skill acquisition differ from those of formal training participation. While some training types are complementary, others are clearly substitutes. Finally, most types of training generate additional skills. Nonetheless, learning by doing is found to be complementary to formal education in the production of both specific and general skills, whereas formal training serves as a substitute