23 research outputs found

    Editorial: Fire regimes in desert ecosystems: Drivers, impacts and changes

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    Although not commonly associated with fire, many desert ecosystems across the globe do occasionally burn, and there is evidence that fire incidences are increasing, leading to altered fire regimes in this biome. The increased prevalence of megafires (wildfires \u3e 10,000 ha in size and typically damaging) in most global biomes is linked to climate change, although those occurring in deserts have received far less attention, from both a research and policy perspective, than that of forested ecosystems (Linley et al., 2022). Understanding the drivers of desert fires, from climate to landscape patterns of hydrology and soil, and how these may be changing in the face of anthropogenic pressures, such as invasive species, livestock grazing, and global climate change, is imperative. This Research Topic has published nine papers addressing these drivers, how they have changed, and their impacts on desert biodiversity

    Seasonal weather and climate prediction over area burned in grasslands of northeast China

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    © 2020, The Author(s). Grassland fire dynamics are subject to myriad climatic, biological, and anthropogenic drivers, thresholds, and feedbacks and therefore do not conform to assumptions of statistical stationarity. The presence of non-stationarity in time series data leads to ambiguous results that can misinform regional-level fire management strategies. This study employs non-stationarity in time series data among multiple variables and multiple intensities using dynamic simulations of autoregressive distributed lag models to elucidate key drivers of climate and ecological change on burned grasslands in Xilingol, China. We used unit root methods to select appropriate estimation methods for further analysis. Using the model estimations, we developed scenarios emulating the effects of instantaneous changes (i.e., shocks) of some significant variables on climate and ecological change. Changes in mean monthly wind speed and maximum temperature produce complex responses on area burned, directly, and through feedback relationships. Our framework addresses interactions among multiple drivers to explain fire and ecosystem responses in grasslands, and how these may be understood and prioritized in different empirical contexts needed to formulate effective fire management policies

    A threatened ecological community: Research advances and priorities for Banksia woodlands

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    The rapid expansion of urban areas worldwide is leading to native habitat loss and ecosystem fragmentation and degradation. Although the study of urbanisation\u27s impact on biodiversity is gaining increasing interest globally, there is still a disconnect between research recommendations and urbanisation strategies. Expansion of the Perth metropolitan area on the Swan Coastal Plain in south-western Australia, one of the world\u27s thirty-six biodiversity hotspots, continues to affect the Banksia Woodlands (BWs) ecosystem, a federally listed Threatened Ecological Community (TEC). Here, we utilise the framework of a 1989 review of the state of knowledge of BWs ecology and conservation to examine scientific advances made in understanding the composition, processes and functions of BWs and BWs\u27 species over the last 30 years. We highlight key advances in our understanding of the ecological function and role of mechanisms in BWs that are critical to the management of this ecosystem. The most encouraging change since 1989 is the integration of research between historically disparate ecological disciplines. We outline remaining ecological knowledge gaps and identify key research priorities to improve conservation efforts for this TEC. We promote a holistic consideration of BWs with our review providing a comprehensive document that researchers, planners and managers may reference. To effectively conserve ecosystems threatened by urban expansion, a range of stakeholders must be involved in the development and implementation of best practices to conserve and maintain both biodiversity and human wellbeing

    Fire Impacts and Dynamics of Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest of East Java, Indonesia

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    (1) Background: Seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTFs) are globally important ecosystems which receive less research attention compared to tropical rainforests but are equally under serious threat. The objectives of this paper are to characterize the vegetation structure, diversity and composition of SDTF of Baluran National Park, East Java, Indonesia, and to assess the impact of burning this SDTF and its post-fire recovery. (2) Methods: In the field, we measured floristic composition and dominance at sites with different fire histories in both SDTF and adjacent savannas of Baluran. Remote sensing image analysis was also employed using the MODIS burn area product and various thematic maps. (3) Results: SDTF at Baluran has moderately high tree cover, is less diverse in species than rainforest, and has a prominent vegetative response to fire, especially in the tree layer. The immediate post-fire period in SDTF featured lower densities of tree seedlings and saplings, more grasses and herbs, and lower species richness than older unburned forest. Species composition varied with fire age and vegetation type, with relatively rapid recovery with time since fire evident, although there was some convergence of long-unburned savanna and SDTF sites in terms of floristics. (4) Conclusions: The SDTF of Baluran recovers after fire principally via resprouting but also via seedling regeneration, with structural attributes returning more quickly (10 years). We did not find consistent evidence of ecosystem transitions between SDTF and savanna despite a small number of long-unburned savanna sites having floristic similarities to dry forest (particularly in terms of characteristic tree species), and we identify the need for more study to determine the degree and mechanisms of forest–savanna transitions in the region, with a future research agenda outlined. Relatively large areas of savanna–dry forest transitions demonstrated from remote sensing analyses were primarily attributed to spread of Acacia nilotica (an alien invasive small tree or shrub) into long-unburned savanna, and its decline in areas where the species is being successfully controlled via burning and cutting. Knowledge of such ecological shifting is important for the ecosystem management, especially in terms of their usage by large mammals

    Fire impacts and dynamics of seasonally dry tropical forest of East Java, Indonesia

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    Background: Seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTFs) are globally important ecosystems which receive less research attention compared to tropical rainforests but are equally under serious threat. The objectives of this paper are to characterize the vegetation structure, diversity and composition of SDTF of Baluran National Park, East Java, Indonesia, and to assess the impact of burning this SDTF and its post-fire recovery. Methods: In the field, we measured floristic composition and dominance at sites with different fire histories in both SDTF and adjacent savannas of Baluran. Remote sensing image analysis was also employed using the MODIS burn area product and various thematic maps. Results: SDTF at Baluran has moderately high tree cover, is less diverse in species than rainforest, and has a prominent vegetative response to fire, especially in the tree layer. The immediate post-fire period in SDTF featured lower densities of tree seedlings and saplings, more grasses and herbs, and lower species richness than older unburned forest. Species composition varied with fire age and vegetation type, with relatively rapid recovery with time since fire evident, although there was some convergence of long-unburned savanna and SDTF sites in terms of floristics. Conclusions: The SDTF of Baluran recovers after fire principally via resprouting but also via seedling regeneration, with structural attributes returning more quickly ( \u3c 10 years) than floristic composition ( \u3e 10 years). We did not find consistent evidence of ecosystem transitions between SDTF and savanna despite a small number of long-unburned savanna sites having floristic similarities to dry forest (particularly in terms of characteristic tree species), and we identify the need for more study to determine the degree and mechanisms of forest–savanna transitions in the region, with a future research agenda outlined. Relatively large areas of savanna–dry forest transitions demonstrated from remote sensing analyses were primarily attributed to spread of Acacia nilotica (an alien invasive small tree or shrub) into long-unburned savanna, and its decline in areas where the species is being successfully controlled via burning and cutting. Knowledge of such ecological shifting is important for the ecosystem management, especially in terms of their usage by large mammals

    Exploring abandoned mines through a public lens

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    Research suggests that there are potentially millions of abandoned mines around the globe. As such, it is highly probable that these operations have the potential of resulting in a magnitude of social and environmental issues. However, there is limited literature on their social impacts specifically to a local community. To explore this issue, we investigated four case studies through a literature review using a wide range of white, grey and peer-reviewed literature. We examined case studies in Australia, China, Europe, and the USA. From this preliminary review, we determined that all have a significant number of abandoned mines. We examined these Case Studies as their respective economies rely heavily on the mining industry. The terminology \u27\u27abandoned mines\u27\u27 is often ambiguous and potentially not well understood. Our research shines the spotlight on the problem and examines novel solutions to manage issues associated with abandoned mines. We also examine the closure requirements for abandoned mines in a broad setting, and how these operations can be successfully monitored using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Accordingly, our aim was to explore a wide range of jurisdictions and determine how local communities are affected by abandoned mine, and where UAVs technologies are commonly utilised

    Effects of long-term fire exclusion and frequent fire on plant community composition: A case study from semi-arid shrublands

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    Time since last fire and fire frequency are strong determinants of plant community composition in fire-prone landscapes. Our study aimed to establish the influence of time since last fire and fire frequency on plant community composition and diversity of a south-west Australian semi-arid shrubland. We employed a space-for-time approach using four fire age classes: ‘young’, 8–15 years since last fire; ‘medium’, 16–34; ‘old’, 35–50; and ‘very old’, 51–100; and three fire frequency classes: burnt once, twice and three times within the last 50 years. Species diversity was compared using one-way ANOVA and species composition using PERMANOVA. Soil and climatic variables were included as covariables to partition underlying environmental drivers. We found that time since last fire influenced species richness, diversity and composition. Specifically, we recorded a late successional transition from woody seeders to long-lived, arid-zone, resprouting shrub species. Fire frequency did not influence species richness and diversity but did influence species composition via a reduction in cover of longer-lived resprouter species – presumably because of a reduced ability to replenish epicormic buds and/or sufficient starch stores. The distinct floristic composition of old and very old habitat, and the vulnerability of these areas to wildfires, indicate that these areas are ecologically important and management should seek to preserve them. © 2016 Ecological Society of Australi

    Breeding and feeding habitat selection by an island endemic bird may increase its vulnerability to climate change

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    © 2020 The Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation Characterizing patterns of habitat use is an important first step for effective conservation planning. Species restricted to low-lying islands are at greatest risk from climate change-related sea level rise, and requirements for breeding and foraging habitat may determine their risk from tidal inundation. The endangered Micronesian Scrubfowl (Megapodius laperouse senex) is a model species for understanding these impacts. This species faces the cumulative challenges of tourist visitation, invasive species, and rising sea levels, yet little is understood about its habitat use in the Rock Islands Southern Lagoon Conservation Area (RISL) of Palau. We studied the habitat requirements of this mound-nesting scrub-fowl as a representative of a group of birds considered highly vulnerable to climate change. Analysis of 15 habitat variables at 24 incubation mounds and 26 randomly chosen sites indicated that scrubfowl selected incubation sites that were close to shore, contained large trees, and exhibited greater canopy heights than the surrounding forest. Birds preferentially built mounds at the base of large ironwood trees (Casuarina equisetifolia) but selected sites with significantly more breadfruit trees (Artocarpus mariannensis) than random. Scrubfowl foraged in a non-preferential manner, making use of all littoral strand forest habitat. Direct anthropogenic habitat loss is not a major threat to scrub-fowl in the RISL, but their breeding habitat is highly vulnerable to climate change-driven sea level rise

    Comparison between MaxEnt koomal SDMs using full suite of 19 bioclimatic variables (a) and selected suite of 5 most significant variables (b).

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    <p>Lists of both sets of variables are given in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0154161#pone.0154161.t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>.</p