11 research outputs found

    Mechanoresponsive musculoskeletal tissue differentiation of adipose-derived stem cells

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    Design and Validation of Equiaxial Mechanical Strain Platform, EQUicycler, for 3D Tissue Engineered Constructs

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    It is crucial to replicate the micromechanical milieu of native tissues to achieve efficacious tissue engineering and regenerative therapy. In this study, we introduced an innovative loading platform, EQUicycler, that utilizes a simple, yet effective, and well-controlled mechanism to apply physiologically relevant homogenous mechanical equiaxial strain on three-dimensional cell-embedded tissue scaffolds. The design of EQUicycler ensured elimination of gripping effects through the use of biologically compatible silicone posts for direct transfer of the mechanical load to the scaffolds. Finite Element Modeling (FEM) was created to understand and to quantify how much applied global strain was transferred from the loading mechanism to the tissue constructs. In vitro studies were conducted on various cell lines associated with tissues exposed to equiaxial mechanical loading in their native environment. In vitro results demonstrated that EQUicycler was effective in maintaining and promoting the viability of different musculoskeletal cell lines and upregulating early differentiation of osteoprogenitor cells. By utilizing EQUicycler, collagen fibers of the constructs were actively remodeled. Residing cells within the collagen construct elongated and aligned with strain direction upon mechanical loading. EQUicycler can provide an efficient and cost-effective tool to conduct mechanistic studies for tissue engineered constructs designed for tissue systems under mechanical loading in vivo

    Miniature Dielectric Barrier Discharge Nonthermal Plasma Induces Apoptosis in Lung Cancer Cells and Inhibits Cell Migration

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    Traditional cancer treatments like radiotherapy and chemotherapy have drawbacks and are not selective for killing only cancer cells. Nonthermal atmospheric pressure plasmas with dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) can be applied to living cells and tissues and have emerged as novel tools for localized cancer therapy. The purpose of this study was to investigate the different effects caused by miniature DBD (mDBD) plasma to A549 lung cancer cells. In this study, A549 lung cancer cells cultured in 12 well plates were treated with mDBD plasma for specified treatment times to assess the changes in the size of the area of cell detachment, the viability of attached or detached cells, and cell migration. Furthermore, we investigated an innovative mDBD plasma-based therapy for localized treatment of lung cancer cells through apoptotic induction. Our results indicate that plasma treatment for 120 sec causes apoptotic cell death in 35.8% of cells, while mDBD plasma treatment for 60 sec, 30 sec, or 15 sec causes apoptotic cell death in 20.5%, 14.1%, and 6.3% of the cell population, respectively. Additionally, we observed reduced A549 cell migration in response to mDBD plasma treatment. Thus, mDBD plasma system can be a viable platform for localized lung cancer therapy

    Effect of Uniaxial Tensile Cyclic Loading Regimes on Matrix Organization and Tenogenic Differentiation of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Encapsulated within 3D Collagen Scaffolds

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    Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells have become a popular cell choice for tendon repair strategies due to their relative abundance, ease of isolation, and ability to differentiate into tenocytes. In this study, we investigated the solo effect of different uniaxial tensile strains and loading frequencies on the matrix directionality and tenogenic differentiation of adipose-derived stem cells encapsulated within three-dimensional collagen scaffolds. Samples loaded at 0%, 2%, 4%, and 6% strains and 0.1 Hz and 1 Hz frequencies for 2 hours/day over a 7-day period using a custom-built uniaxial tensile strain bioreactor were characterized in terms of matrix organization, cell viability, and musculoskeletal gene expression profiles. The results displayed that the collagen fibers of the loaded samples exhibited increased matrix directionality with an increase in strain values. Gene expression analyses demonstrated that ASC-encapsulated collagen scaffolds loaded at 2% strain and 0.1 Hz frequency showed significant increases in extracellular matrix genes and tenogenic differentiation markers. Importantly, no cross-differentiation potential to osteogenic, chondrogenic, and myogenic lineages was observed at 2% strain and 0.1 Hz frequency loading condition. Thus, 2% strain and 0.1 Hz frequency were identified as the appropriate mechanical loading regime to induce tenogenic differentiation of adipose-derived stem cells cultured in a three-dimensional environment

    Mechano-Immunomodulation in Space: Mechanisms Involving Microgravity-Induced Changes in T Cells

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    Of the most prevalent issues surrounding long-term spaceflight, the sustainability of human life and the maintenance of homeostasis in an extreme environment are of utmost concern. It has been observed that the human immune system is dysregulated in space as a result of gravitational unloading at the cellular level, leading to potential complications in astronaut health. A plethora of studies demonstrate intracellular changes that occur due to microgravity; however, these ultimately fall short of identifying the underlying mechanisms and dysfunctions that cause such changes. This comprehensive review covers the changes in human adaptive immunity due to microgravity. Specifically, there is a focus on uncovering the gravisensitive steps in T cell signaling pathways. Changes in gravitational force may lead to interrupted immune signaling cascades at specific junctions, particularly membrane and surface receptor-proximal molecules. Holistically studying the interplay of signaling with morphological changes in cytoskeleton and other cell components may yield answers to what in the T cell specifically experiences the consequences of microgravity. Fully understanding the nature of this problem is essential in order to develop proper countermeasures before long-term space flight is conducted

    Injectable Cell-Laden Nanofibrous Matrix for Treating Annulus Fibrosus Defects in Porcine Model: An Organ Culture Study

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    Lower back pain commonly arises from intervertebral disc (IVD) failure, often caused by deteriorating annulus fibrosus (AF) and/or nucleus pulposus (NP) tissue. High socioeconomic cost, quality of life issues, and unsatisfactory surgical options motivate the rapid development of non-invasive, regenerative repair strategies for lower back pain. This study aims to evaluate the AF regenerative capacity of injectable matrix repair strategy in ex vivo porcine organ culturing using collagen type-I and polycaprolactone nanofibers (PNCOL) with encapsulated fibroblast cells. Upon 14 days organ culturing, the porcine IVDs were assessed using gross optical imaging, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), histological analysis, and Reverse Transcriptase quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) to determine the regenerative capabilities of the PNCOL matrix at the AF injury. PNCOL-treated AF defects demonstrated a full recovery with increased gene expressions of AF extracellular matrix markers, including Collagen-I, Aggrecan, Scleraxis, and Tenascin, along with anti-inflammatory markers such as CD206 and IL10. The PNCOL treatment effectively regenerates the AF tissue at the injury site contributing to decreased herniation risk and improved surgical outcomes, thus providing effective non-invasive strategies for treating IVD injuries

    Tumor removal limits prostate cancer cell dissemination in bone and osteoblasts induce cancer cell dormancy through focal adhesion kinase

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    Abstract Background Disseminated tumor cells (DTCs) can enter a dormant state and cause no symptoms in cancer patients. On the other hand, the dormant DTCs can reactivate and cause metastases progression and lethal relapses. In prostate cancer (PCa), relapse can happen after curative treatments such as primary tumor removal. The impact of surgical removal on PCa dissemination and dormancy remains elusive. Furthermore, as dormant DTCs are asymptomatic, dormancy-induction can be an operational cure for preventing metastases and relapse of PCa patients. Methods We used a PCa subcutaneous xenograft model and species-specific PCR to survey the DTCs in various organs at different time points of tumor growth and in response to tumor removal. We developed in vitro 2D and 3D co-culture models to recapitulate the dormant DTCs in the bone microenvironment. Proliferation assays, fluorescent cell cycle reporter, qRT-PCR, and Western Blot were used to characterize the dormancy phenotype. We performed RNA sequencing to determine the dormancy signature of PCa. A drug repurposing algorithm was applied to predict dormancy-inducing drugs and a top candidate was validated for the efficacy and the mechanism of dormancy induction. Results We found DTCs in almost all mouse organs examined, including bones, at week 2 post-tumor cell injections. Surgical removal of the primary tumor reduced the overall DTC abundance, but the DTCs were enriched only in the bones. We found that osteoblasts, but not other cells of the bones, induced PCa cell dormancy. RNA-Seq revealed the suppression of mitochondrial-related biological processes in osteoblast-induced dormant PCa cells. Importantly, the mitochondrial-related biological processes were found up-regulated in both circulating tumor cells and bone metastases from PCa patients’ data. We predicted and validated the dormancy-mimicking effect of PF-562,271 (PF-271), an inhibitor of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) in vitro. Decreased FAK phosphorylation and increased nuclear translocation were found in both co-cultured and PF-271-treated C4-2B cells, suggesting that FAK plays a key role in osteoblast-induced PCa dormancy. Conclusions Our study provides the first insights into how primary tumor removal enriches PCa cell dissemination in the bones, defines a unique osteoblast-induced PCa dormancy signature, and identifies FAK as a PCa cell dormancy gatekeeper