8 research outputs found

    A Novel Cre Recombinase Imaging System for Tracking Lymphotropic Virus Infection In Vivo

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    BACKGROUND:Detection, isolation, and identification of individual virus infected cells during long term infection are critical to advance our understanding of mechanisms of pathogenesis for latent/persistent viruses. However, current approaches to study these viruses in vivo have been hampered by low sensitivity and effects of cell-type on expression of viral encoded reporter genes. We have designed a novel Cre recombinase (Cre)-based murine system to overcome these problems, and thereby enable tracking and isolation of individual in vivo infected cells. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:Murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV-68) was used as a prototypic persistent model virus. A Cre expressing recombinant virus was constructed and characterised. The virus is attenuated both in lytic virus replication, producing ten-fold lower lung virus titres than wild type virus, and in the establishment of latency. However, despite this limitation, when the sEGFP7 mouse line containing a Cre-activated enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) was infected with the Cre expressing virus, sites of latent and persistent virus infection could be identified within B cells and macrophages of the lymphoid system on the basis of EGFP expression. Importantly, the use of the sEGFP7 mouse line which expresses high levels of EGFP allowed individual virus positive cells to be purified by FACSorting. Virus gene expression could be detected in these cells. Low numbers of EGFP positive cells could also be detected in the bone marrow. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:The use of this novel Cre-based virus/mouse system allowed identification of individual latently infected cells in vivo and may be useful for the study and long-term monitoring of other latent/persistent virus infections

    Transient Reversal of Episome Silencing Precedes VP16-Dependent Transcription during Reactivation of Latent HSV-1 in Neurons

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    Herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1) establishes latency in peripheral neurons, creating a permanent source of recurrent infections. The latent genome is assembled into chromatin and lytic cycle genes are silenced. Processes that orchestrate reentry into productive replication (reactivation) remain poorly understood. We have used latently infected cultures of primary superior cervical ganglion (SCG) sympathetic neurons to profile viral gene expression following a defined reactivation stimulus. Lytic genes are transcribed in two distinct phases, differing in their reliance on protein synthesis, viral DNA replication and the essential initiator protein VP16. The first phase does not require viral proteins and has the appearance of a transient, widespread de-repression of the previously silent lytic genes. This allows synthesis of viral regulatory proteins including VP16, which accumulate in the cytoplasm of the host neuron. During the second phase, VP16 and its cellular cofactor HCF-1, which is also predominantly cytoplasmic, concentrate in the nucleus where they assemble an activator complex on viral promoters. The transactivation function supplied by VP16 promotes increased viral lytic gene transcription leading to the onset of genome amplification and the production of infectious viral particles. Thus regulated localization of de novo synthesized VP16 is likely to be a critical determinant of HSV-1 reactivation in sympathetic neurons

    A molecular and cellular model to explain the differences in reactivation from latency by herpes simplex and varicella–zoster viruses

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    There are marked similarities in the biological properties of the human neurotropic herpesviruses herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV–1) and varicella–zoster virus (VZV), including their ability to establish lifelong latent infections in human peripheral sensory ganglia (PSG). Despite this, their patterns of reactivation are quite different: HSV–1 reactivations occur many times during a lifetime, they are localized to the cutaneous distribution of a single sensory nerve, they are not associated with sensory symptomatology and their frequency decreases with age. VZV recurrence on the other hand is usually a single event which tends to appear with advancing age, its cutaneous eruption involves an entire dermatome and is usually extremely painful. To help explain these differences, we have formulated a model based on current knowledge of the molecular and cellular basis of latent infection in the nervous system. We suggest that the amount of latent viral DNA and RNA in the latently infected tissue (higher with HSV–1), the cellular location of latent virus (neuronal in HSV–1, probably non–neuronal in VZV), the presence or absence of viral replication in the PSG during reactivation together with the host immune response, are all key determinants of the clinical expression of viral reactivation