96 research outputs found

    Changes in Stratospheric Circulation: Evidence and Possible Explanations = Änderungen der stratosphĂ€rischen Zirkulation: Evidenz und ErklĂ€rungsansĂ€tze

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    Die Brewer-Dobson Zirkulation ist eine großrĂ€umige, meridionale Zirkulation in der AtmosphĂ€re, die Luft vom Äquator in höhere Breiten transportiert. Sie beeinflusst so- mit die Verteilung von Spurengasen in der AtmosphĂ€re. Die Konzentrationen diverser Spurengase können mit MessgerĂ€ten, wie beispielsweise dem Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS), welches eine Nutzlast des europĂ€ischen Satelliten Envisat war, gemessen werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich die rĂ€umliche Verteilung des Spurengases Ozon wĂ€hrend des MIPAS-Messzeitraums (Juli 2002 bis April 2012) aufgrund von Änderungen in der Brewer-Dobson Zirkulation verĂ€ndert. Hierbei wur- de eine multivariate Regressionsmethode verwendet, um lineare Variationen (Trends) der Ozonkonzentrationen ĂŒber den gesamten MIPAS-Messzeitraum zu bestimmen. Bei der Trendbestimmung wurden, neben dem linearen Term, auch die quasi-bienniale Oscillation (QBO), der Jahresgang und die halbjĂ€hrige Oszillation berĂŒcksichtigt, ebenso wie diverse Obertöne dieser Variationen. MIPAS-Messungen setzen sich aus dem “full spectral resolution” Zeitraum (Juli 2002 bis MĂ€rz 2004) und dem “reduced spectral resolution” Zeitraum (Januar 2005 bis April 2012) zusammen. Die komplet- te Fehlerkovarianzmatrix wurde verwendet und der unbekannte Versatz zwischen den TeildatensĂ€tzen wurde berĂŒcksichtigt, indem ein voll korrelierter Block zum Kovari- anzmatrixteil eines der beiden ZeitrĂ€ume addiert wurde. In den Tropen zwischen 25 und 35 km wurden negative Ozontrends gefunden, sowie positive Trends direkt ober- halb der tropischen Tropopause und eine generelle hemisphĂ€rische Asymmetrie. Diese Strukturen waren so nicht zu erwarten. Sie konnten jedoch mit einer Verschiebung der subtropischen Mischungsbarrieren, welche direkt mit der Brewer-Dobson Zirkulation zusammenhĂ€ngen, erklĂ€rt werden und weisen somit auf Änderungen in der Brewer- Dobson Zirkulation hin. Mithilfe der Inversion der KontinuitĂ€tsgleichung, welche im Programm zur “Ana- lysis of the Circulation of the Stratosphere using Spectroscopic Measurements” (ANCISTRUS-SPEC) umgesetzt wurde, können Änderungen in der Brewer-Dobson Zirkulation in kleinen zeitlichen Schritten (Monaten) verfolgt werden. Diese Metho- de verwendet Spurengaskonzentrationen aufeinanderfolgender Monate um daraus 2D- Transportgeschwindigkeiten und Mischungskoeffizienten zwischen den jeweiligen Mo- naten zu berechnen. Als Eingabe werden monatlich gemittelte Konzentrationsvertei- lungen langlebiger Spurengase verwendet. Diese können mithilfe von MIPAS bereit- gestellt werden. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit befasst sich mit der Bereitstellung entsprechender Daten fĂŒr das ANCISTRUS-SPEC Programm. Geeignete Spurengase sind CFC-11, CFC-12 und CCl4. Diese Gase haben atmosphĂ€rische Lebensdauern von etwa 60, 110 und 44 Jahren. Die bereits existierenden Datenprodukte fĂŒr CFC-11 und CFC-12 wurden einer umfassenden Validierung unterzogen. FĂŒr beide Spurengase wurden gu- te Übereinstimmungen mit den Ergebnissen anderer Instrumente gefunden. Jedoch zeigte sich fĂŒr CFC-11 unterhalb von 15 km eine leichte Tendenz zu erhöhten Werten. Untersuchungen zu direkt aufeinanderfolgenden Profilen in einer ruhigen AtmosphĂ€re zeigten, dass die FehlerabschĂ€tzung nur fĂŒr das “full spectral resolution” CFC-12 Pro- dukt als realistisch angesehen werden können. FĂŒr das “reduced spectral resolution” CFC-12 Produkt, sowie beide Produkte von CFC-11 werden die Fehler um ein Viertel bis ein Drittel unterschĂ€tzt. WĂ€hrend CFC-11 eine sehr gute zeitliche StabilitĂ€t auf- weist wurden fĂŒr CFC-12 oberhalb von 30 km starke Drifts, die von -50 bis +50% pro Dekade reichen, gefunden. Die Daten eignen sich jedoch dennoch fĂŒr die Verwendung durch das ANCISTRUS-SPEC Programm, da hier kleine Zeitschritte von Monaten betrachtet werden. FĂŒr solch kleine Zeitschritte ist die gefundene Drift irrelevant. Da CCl4 noch nicht auf MIPAS Messungen abgeleitet worden war, wurde eine Retrievalstrategie entwickelt, und globale Verteilungen wurden mithilfe des MIPAS- Datenprozessors am Karlsruher Institut fĂŒr Technologie, Institut fĂŒr Meteorologie und Klimaforschung abgeleitet. Dabei mussten diverse interferierende Spurengase und die Temperatur berĂŒcksichtigt werden. Zudem musste der Einsfluss von Line-Mixing auf- grund des CO2 Q-Zweigs bei 792 cm 1 beachtet werden. Die Verwendung eines neuen spektroskopischen Datensatzes fĂŒr CCl4 fĂŒhrte zu niedrigeren MischungsverhĂ€ltnis- sen, welche besser mit der aktuellen Literatur ĂŒbereinstimmen. Auch Vergleiche mit anderen MessgerĂ€ten zeigten sehr gute Übereinstimmungen mit MIPAS Ergebnissen. CCl4 eignet sich somit hervorragend fĂŒr eine Verwendung im ANCISTRUS-SPEC Programm. Abschließend wurden die neu bereitgestellten Datenprodukte von CFC-11, CFC-12 und CCl4 als Eingabe fĂŒr das ANCISTRUS-SPEC Programm verwendet. Die daraus resultierenden Ergebnisse zeigen eindeutig, dass eine Hinzunahme der neu verfĂŒgbaren Datenprodukte zu einer signifikanten Reduzierung der Unsicherheiten der abgeleiteten Zirkulationsgeschwindigkeiten fĂŒhrt

    Significant decline of mesospheric water vapor at the NDACC site Bern in the period 2007 to 2018

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    The middle atmospheric water vapor radiometer MIAWARA is located close to Bern in Zimmerwald (46.88°N, 7.46°E, 907m) and is part of the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC). Initially built in the year 2002, a major upgrade of the instruments spectrometer allowed to continuously measure middle atmospheric water vapor since April 2007. Thenceforward to Mai 2018, a time series of more than 11 years has been gathered, that makes a first trend estimate possible. For the trend estimation, a robust multi-linear parametric trend model has been used. The trend model encompasses a linear term, a solar activity tracker, the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) index, the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) as well as the annual and semi-annual oscillation. In the time period April 2007 to Mai 2018 we find a significant decline in water vapor by −0.6±0.2ppmdecade−1 between 61 and 72km. Below the stratopause level (~48km) a smaller reduction of H2O of up to −0.3±0.1ppmdecade−1 is detected

    MIPAS IMK/IAA Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4) Retrieval and First Comparison With Other Instruments

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    MIPAS thermal limb emission measurements were used to derive vertically resolved profiles of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). Level-1b data versions MIPAS/5.02 to MIPAS/5.06 were converted into volume mixing ratio profiles using the level-2 processor developed at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK) and Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC), Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (IAA). Consideration of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) as an interfering species, which is jointly retrieved, and CO2 line mixing is crucial for reliable retrievals. Parts of the CO2 Q-branch region that overlap with the CCl4 signature were omitted, since large residuals were still found even though line mixing was considered in the forward model. However, the omitted spectral region could be narrowed noticeably when line mixing was accounted for. A new CCl4 spectro-scopic data set leads to slightly smaller CCl4 volume mixing ratios. In general, latitude-altitude cross sections show the expected CCl4 features with highest values of around 90 pptv at altitudes at and below the tropical tropopause and values decreasing with altitude and latitude due to stratospheric decomposition. Other patterns, such as subsidence in the polar vortex during winter and early spring, are also visible in the distributions. The decline in CCl4 abundance during the MI-PAS Envisat measurement period (July 2002 to April 2012) is clearly reflected in the altitude-latitude cross section of trends estimated from the entire retrieved data set

    Attitudes and Biases of Health Professionals Toward Individuals with Disabilities: An Evidence-Based Practice Project

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    This Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) project considered the following question: What are the attitudes and biases of health professionals toward individuals with disabilities and what are the implications for training

    AP1 Transcription Factors in Epidermal Differentiation and Skin Cancer

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    AP1 (jun/fos) transcription factors (c-jun, junB, junD, c-fos, FosB, Fra-1, and Fra-2) are key regulators of epidermal keratinocyte survival and differentiation and important drivers of cancer development. Understanding the role of these factors in epidermis is complicated by the fact that each protein is expressed, at different levels, in multiple cells layers in differentiating epidermis, and because AP1 transcription factors regulate competing processes (i.e., proliferation, apoptosis, and differentiation). Various in vivo genetic approaches have been used to study these proteins including targeted and conditional knockdown, overexpression, and expression of dominant-negative inactivating AP1 transcription factors in epidermis. Taken together, these studies suggest that individual AP1 transcription factors have different functions in the epidermis and in cancer development and that altering AP1 transcription factor function in the basal versus suprabasal layers differentially influences the epidermal differentiation response and disease and cancer development

    On the improved stability of the version 7 MIPAS ozone record

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    The Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) was an infrared limb emission spectrometer on the Envisat platform. From 2002 to 2012, it performed pole-to-pole measurements during day and night, producing more than 1000 profiles per day. The European Space Agency (ESA) recently released the new version 7 of Level 1B MIPAS spectra, in which a new set of time-dependent correction coefficients for the nonlinearity in the detector response functions was implemented. This change is expected to reduce the long-term drift of the MIPAS Level 2 data. We evaluate the long-term stability of ozone Level 2 data retrieved from MIPAS v7 Level 1B spectra with the IMK/IAA scientific level 2 processor. For this, we compare MIPAS data with ozone measurements from the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) instrument on NASA\u27s Aura satellite, ozonesondes and ground-based lidar instruments. The ozonesondes and lidars alone do not allow us to conclude with enough significance that the new version is more stable than the previous one, but a clear improvement in long-term stability is observed in the satellite-data-based drift analysis. The results of ozonesondes, lidars and satellite drift analysis are consistent: all indicate that the drifts of the new version are less negative/more positive nearly everywhere above 15km. The 10-year MIPAS ozone trends calculated from the old and the new data versions are compared. The new trends are closer to old drift-corrected trends than the old uncorrected trends were. From this, we conclude that the nonlinearity correction performed on Level 1B data is an improvement. These results indicate that MIPAS data are now even more suited for trend studies, alone or as part of a merged data record

    Suppression of AP1 Transcription Factor Function in Keratinocyte Suppresses Differentiation

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    Our previous study shows that inhibiting activator protein one (AP1) transcription factor function in murine epidermis, using dominant-negative c-jun (TAM67), increases cell proliferation and delays differentiation. To understand the mechanism of action, we compare TAM67 impact in mouse epidermis and in cultured normal human keratinocytes. We show that TAM67 localizes in the nucleus where it forms TAM67 homodimers that competitively interact with AP1 transcription factor DNA binding sites to reduce endogenous jun and fos factor binding. Involucrin is a marker of keratinocyte differentiation that is expressed in the suprabasal epidermis and this expression requires AP1 factor interaction at the AP1-5 site in the promoter. TAM67 interacts competitively at this site to reduce involucrin expression. TAM67 also reduces endogenous c-jun, junB and junD mRNA and protein level. Studies with c-jun promoter suggest that this is due to reduced transcription of the c-jun gene. We propose that TAM67 suppresses keratinocyte differentiation by interfering with endogenous AP1 factor binding to regulator elements in differentiation-associated target genes, and by reducing endogenous c-jun factor expression

    Regulation of the Matriptase-Prostasin Cell Surface Proteolytic Cascade by Hepatocyte Growth Factor Activator Inhibitor-1 during Epidermal Differentiation

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    Matriptase, a membrane-tethered serine protease, plays essential roles in epidermal differentiation and barrier function, largely mediated via its activation of prostasin, a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored serine protease. Matriptase activity is tightly regulated by its inhibitor hepatocyte growth factor activator inhibitor-1 (HAI-1) such that free active matriptase is only briefly available to act on its substrates. In the current study we provide evidence for how matriptase activates prostasin under this tight control by HAI-1. When primary human keratinocytes are induced to differentiate in a skin organotypic culture model, both matriptase and prostasin are constitutively activated and then inhibited by HAI-1. These processes also occur in HaCaT human keratinocytes when matriptase activation is induced by exposure of the cells to a pH 6.0 buffer. Using this acid-inducible activation system we demonstrate that prostatin activation is suppressed by matriptase knockdown and by blocking matriptase activation with sodium chloride, suggesting that prostatin activation is dependent on matriptase in this system. Kinetics studies further reveal that the timing of autoactivation of matriptase, prostasin activation, and inhibition of both enzymes by HAI-1 binding are closely correlated. These data suggest that, during epidermal differentiation, the matriptase-prostasin proteolytic cascade is tightly regulated by two mechanisms: 1) prostasin activation temporally coupled to matriptase autoactivation and 2) HAI-1 rapidly inhibiting not only active matriptase but also active prostasin, resulting in an extremely brief window of opportunity for both active matriptase and active prostasin to act on their substrates
