556 research outputs found

    Un exercice de cartographie sur le développement industriel de l'Europe en 1860

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    L'exercice proposé relate une expérience réalisée avec les élèves d'une classe de Seconde. Il rend compte des étapes et interrogations menant de la statistique à l'exploitation cartographique

    Worlds of scientific cooperation. Choosing appropriate data for specific networks.

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    This paper discusses data commonly used to study scientific cooperation, especially over the last three decades. Among the extensive bibliography using these data, our selection of articles highlights geographical levels most used to study "Worlds" of Scientific Cooperation in order to outline the advantages and limits of such a choice. Generally, the articles examined here do not take into account changes undergone by spatial units over time, such as modifications in weight and in the centrality index. These articles also tend to focus on key scientific fields such as nanotechnology. Very few studies examine small scientific communities such as the "DNA Transcription and Repair Group", even from a sociological viewpoint. After focusing on the publishing locations of the Group's first papers, we will define the field's trajectories over time by trying to answer questions such as "How does this small community's network evolve?" "Are the original locations still central to the evolving network?" This case study of the "Worlds" of Scientific Cooperation leads to questions such as "Are scientific activities substantially different from economic activities, such as the flow of finance or goods?" "What can a multi-level approach to Scientific Cooperation offer?

    La classe créative au secours des villes ?

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    ISSN : 2105-3030 Texte intégral à l'adresse : http://www.laviedesidees.fr/La-classe-creative-au-secours-des.htmlLa notion de classe créative a servi à formuler des politiques publiques misant le développement urbain sur les infrastructures susceptibles d'attirer les " concepteurs " de nos sociétés. Mais comme le montrent les résultats d'une enquête européenne, l'hypothèse ne tient pas : développer l'éducation et les infrastructures susceptibles de servir l'ensemble de la population serait une politique bien plus féconde

    La ligne de démarcation entre séparatistes du Donbass et reste de l’Ukraine

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    Depuis la crise politique et militaire qui a débuté en Ukraine au printemps 2014 avec l’annexion de la Crimée et les troubles puis la guerre dans le Donbass, le territoire effectivement sous contrôle des autorités de Kiev s’est réduit de près de 7 %. L’Ukraine est de fait partagée en trois : Ukraine sous contrôle gouvernemental, Crimée sous contrôle russe, entités sécessionnistes à l’Est, dans le Donbass. Le propos ici est d’essayer de comprendre comment ces nouveaux périmètres sont dessinés. ..

    Accommodating creative knowledge labour force in Toulouse : The views of high-skilled employees, managers and transnational migrants

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    ISBN : 978-94-90312-22-0 Texte intégral à l'adresse : http://acre.socsci.uva.nl/results/documents/wp8.11toulouse-FINAL.pdfThis report presents the synthesis of three empirical studies conducted in Toulouse between June 2007 and Febrary 2009 within the ACRE programme, This research aims at understanding the motivations of high-skilled employees in the creative and knowledge sectors (such as audiovisual, advertising, software, bank, consultancy, research and education) to move in this city and to settle inside. The authors try in particular to evaluate the weight of two types of location factors : the classical " hard factors " , such as business opportunities, accessibility, availability of dwellings, infrastructures and tax incentives, and several " soft factors ", related to more immaterial conditions such as atmosphere, tolerance of the population or cultural diversity of the region. This study is based on current theories on urban competitiveness, focusing on the importance of individual choices and the changing working conditions in a context of a global and increasingly dematerialised economy

    The Geographical Deconcentration of Scientific Activity (1987-2007)

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    Texte intégral à l'adresse : http://sticonference.org/Proceedings/vol1/Grossetti_Geographical_348.pdfTraditional research on "world cities" tends to develop the idea that large, inter-connected agglomerations can better take advantage of international competition. This suggests that we should observe an increasing concentration of activities in these cities at the expense of smaller ones. Among analyses using measures based on scientific publications, certain studies support this hypothesis. Others however, show that in certain countries such as China, an opposite trend is emerging; the largest cities are undergoing a relative decline in the country's scientific activities. To go beyond this seeming contradiction, this paper provides a global analysis of all countries having papers in Thomson Reuters 'Web of Science' over the period 1987-2007. The addresses -present in each article- were geo-coded and then grouped into agglomerations. The result of our analysis is unambiguous: deconcentration is clearly the dominant trend -both: globally and within countries-, despite some rare exceptions for which explanations are suggested

    Cities and the geografical deconcentration of scientific activity : A multilevel analysis of publications (1987-2007)

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    International audienceMost current scientific policies incorporate debates on cities and the geographic organisation of scientific activity. Research on 'world cities' develops the idea that interconnected agglomerations can better take advantage of international competition. Thus, the increasing concentration of activities in these cities at the expense of others could be observed by certain scholars using measures based on scientific publications. Others, however, show that an opposite trend is emerging: the largest cities are undergoing a relative decline in a country's scientific activities. To go beyond this seeming contradiction, this paper provides a global analysis of all countries with papers in the Web of Science over the period 1987-2007. The author's addresses were geocoded and grouped into agglomerations. Registering of papers was based on the fractional counting of multi-authored publications, and the results are unambiguous: deconcentration is the dominant trend both globally and within countries, with some exceptions for which explanations are suggestedBeijing (Pékin), Tokyo, Paris, New York, Séoul, Londres... les grands foyers de la science pèsent moins que par le passé du fait d'une déconcentration géographique au niveau mondial. Tel est le résultat de l'analyse statistique systématique menée par des scientifiques du Laboratoire interdisciplinaire solidarités, sociétés, territoires (CNRS/Université de Toulouse II-Le Mirail/EHESS) sur des millions d'articles de publications scientifiques, édités entre 1987 et 2007 dans des milliers de revues scientifiques recensées par le Web of Science. Ces travaux sont les premiers à s'intéresser à la géographie de la science au niveau de l'ensemble des villes mondiales

    Raisonner la densification des espaces urbanisés face aux enjeux des continuités écologiques

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    Texte intégral à l'adresse : http://lesrencontres.decryptageo.fr/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2014/04/R2014-Biodiversite-Crombette.pd

    Centre d’anthropologie sociale – CAS

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    Jean-Pierre Albert, directeur d’étudesAnne Bouchy, directrice d’études à l’EFEO La part du rite dans les attitudes religieuses contemporaines. Orthopraxie, réinterprétations, adaptations, sécularisation Avec Marlène Albert-Llorca, Alain Ballabriga, Anny Bloch-Raymond, Marine Carrin, Patrizia Ciambelli, Jean-Louis Ormières, Valérie Robin, Guillaume Rozenberg, Harald Tambs-Lyche, Sébastien Tank-Storper, Claudine Vassas. Pour sa seconde année, le séminaire a continué d’explorer quelques-uns des ..

    Centre d’anthropologie sociale – CAS

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    Jean-Pierre Albert, directeur d’étudesAnne Bouchy, directrice d’études à l’EFEO La part du rite dans les attitudes religieuses contemporaines. Orthopraxie, réinterprétations, adaptations, sécularisation Avec Marlène Albert-Llorca, Alain Ballabriga, Anny Bloch-Raymond, Marine Carrin, Patrizia Ciambelli, Jean-Louis Ormières, Valérie Robin, Guillaume Rozenberg, Harald Tambs-Lyche, Sébastien Tank-Storper, Claudine Vassas. Pour sa première année, le séminaire a été consacré à une réflexion de fond..
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