28 research outputs found

    Destination imagery diagnosis model ::the case of Switzerland

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    This research investigates destination imagery of Switzerland as a travel destination. This research first conducted survey and content analysis to identify 23 unique statements reflecting travel in Switzerland. Through an online survey, this research collected 399 responses from French and Italian respondents. Based on the comparisons of association strength and association valence of every statement to the aggregated association strength and association valence, this research developed the Destination Imagery Diagnosis model. The results show that, overall, French and Italian respondents have strong and positive associations to statements related to Switzerland’s nature and opportunities for outdoor activities. Furthermore, respondents rated “Healthy lifestyle” and “Welcoming and friendly” positively but the associations to Switzerland were weaker. This research also identified marketing opportunities specifically for French and Italian respondents. The Destination Imagery Diagnosis Model serves as a new tool to compare destination imageries between markets or keep track of changes of destination imagery

    Markenmanagement im Stadtmarketing

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    Das Markenmanagement spielt für das Stadtmarketing eine immer wichtigere Rolle. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird dabei zunächst auf die Bedeutung und die Besonderheiten des Markenmanagements für Städte eingegangen. Im Mittelpunkt des Beitrages steht ein kompakter Überblick über die zentralen Aspekte des Markenmanagements für Städte. Schließlich wird in einem Exkurs die Bedeutung von Global Cities im Zusammenhang mit dem Markenmanagement vorgestellt