6 research outputs found

    Análisis del plano en el estudio de la ciudad histórica. Trasvases metodológicos entre arquitectura y arqueología

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    This paper deals with the study of the historic city through the plot plan as a source of knowledge. Methodological issues are tackled in their relation to two different yet linked concepts, morphology and stratigraphy, with the purpose of setting the basis for each and their respective links to the areas of architecture and archeology as disciplines, and a proposal is made for the application of both concepts to the analysis of the plan. At the background lies the reflection on drawing in investigation and on the need for multidisciplinary outlook

    Mirada(s), proceso e intención. Apropiación de un lugar. Una experiencia docente en el río Guadaira

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    “The project begins with the vision”. Sensibility and reason. It is crucial to dive into the inner encounter of students with a place and its architecture, barely guiding them, allowing them to discover the importance of both the experience, and the need to reflect, having a complete aw areness of it. Developing a tasteful way of reflecting. How to achieve this in a cultural – sometimes vain– context of stress and utility? Mesmerizing students with surprising, puzz ling, rhythmic, enjoyable elements… favoring situations resulting in creative processes. We share this teaching experience of place appropriation in three acts: Discussion capture, analysis, and reinvention

    Las primeras vistas de Málaga en el XVI: fuentes gráficas para la investigación

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    Architecture and urban planning should contribute to urban progress by preserving the fragile values of inherited landscapes, integrating the old and the new. It is thus essential to investigate the transformations of each site has undergone, using graphic sources and checking their reliability. The case of the first views of Malaga in the 16th century is discussed here. Apart from reviewing symbolic representations of little documentary value, the views drawn by Anton van den Wyngaerde in 1564 and the one published in Civitates Orbis Terrarum in 1572 are analyzed; all of which provide exceptional testimonies of a landscape transformed through the centuries.La arquitectura y el urbanismo deben contribuir al progreso urbano preservando los frágiles valores de los paisajes heredados, integrando lo viejo y lo nuevo. Para ello resulta esencial investigar la evolución de cada lugar, usando fuentes gráficas y cotejando su fiabilidad. Aquí se aborda el caso de las primeras vistas de Málaga en el siglo XVI. Tras citar representaciones simbólicas de escaso valor documental, se analiza la elaboración de las vistas de Anton van den Wyngaerde en 1564 y de la vista publicada en el Civitates Orbis Terrarum en 1572, que aportan excepcionales testimonios de un paisaje transformado durante siglos

    Las fuentes gráficas para el estudio y restauración de la Casa Consistorial de Sevilla

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    The aim of this study is to outline the use of antique plans and photographs of the 19th century of Seville City Hall, in order to learn about the shape of its decorative motifs before being restored. By doing so, the most advisable and suitable restauration patterns have been selected in the various restoration stages. Up to now, seven restoration projects have been carried out. The two firsts inside the building itself: the 16th century Sala Capitular Baja and the renaissance stairs; additionally, five different projects of both the renaissance and neorenaissance facade

    El uso del BIM y del SIG en la investigación y la enseñanza de la Arquitectura

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    This paper describes the use of BIM and GIS in our research of architecture heritage and the experience gained from their implementation from Y ear 1 to ��ear 5 in the subjects “Drawing and Machine” and “Drawing 3, Graphical Analysis” taught in the Department of Architectural Graphical Expression of the Seville School of Architecture during the academic years 2014/2015 and 2015/2016. ��e propose a transition towards a teaching model that integrates analogue and digital with a gradual and coherent approach based on an understanding of architecture itself as a complex system made up of various elements and attributes, both visual and alphanumeric, which allow the “graphical” to transcend the visual and incorporate different types of information

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    Resumen: El modelado paramétrico integra tanto los diseños experimentales (CAD) como su materialización (CAM) y su verificación (CAE). Se trata de sistemas generativos susceptibles de variaciones y `mutaciones¿, a partir de parámetros que son traducidos en un lenguaje de programación mediante `algoritmos genéticos¿, tal y como los denominó John Holland en 1970. Se plantea así la posibilidad de operar, de forma simultánea, con soluciones múltiples, en aras de la ideación y posterior construcción de prototipos. Estos prototipos parametrizados mediante programación con Grasshopper, pueden llegar incluso a convertirse en objetos inteligentes con Arduino, un hardware microprocesador con programación de componentes electrónicos. Abstract: Parametric modeling integrates both experimental designs (CAD) as its materialization (CAM) and verification (CAE). It is susceptible generative systems variations and 'mutations', from parameters that are translated into a programming language through 'genetic algorithms', as the named John Holland in 1970. This raises the possibility to operate, simultaneously, with multiple solutions, for the sake of ideation and subsequent construction of prototypes. These prototypes programmatically parameterized with Grasshopper, may even become smart objects with Arduino hardware microprocessor programming electronic components