3 research outputs found

    Itsas maskorrak eta infografia

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    [EU] Naturan era askotako egiturak aurki daitezke, eta sarritan betetzen dituzten propietateengatik imitatzen edota horien kopiak sortzen saiatu da gizakia. Lan honetan, itsas maskorrek itsasoko bizi-baldintza bortitzetan bizirauteko daukaten gaitasunaz erakarrita, deskribatzen dituzten gainazalak aztertuko dira. Lehenik, ahal denik eta itsas maskor gehienen gainazalak deskribatzeko gai izango den eredu geometrikoa eraikiko da. Ondoren, eredu hori erabiliz itsas maskorren argazkien kopia errealistak lortuko dira. Gainera, lanean zenbait irudi, animazio eta bideo tartekatzen dira, prestakuntza matematiko berezirik ez duten irakurleek modu erakargarrian ulertzeko gai izan daitezen.[ES] En la naturaleza hay una gran variedad de estructuras que el ser humano ha tratado de imitar o crear copias de las mismas por sus propiedades que a menudo ocupan. En este trabajo se analizarán las superficies que describen las conchas marinas, atraídas por su capacidad de supervivencia en condiciones violentas de vida en el mar. En primer lugar, se construirá un modelo geométrico capaz de describir las superficies de la mayor parte de las conchas marinas. Posteriormente, con este modelo se obtendrán copias realistas de las fotografías de las conchas marinas. Además, en el trabajo se intercalan imágenes, animaciones y vídeos para que los lectores sin formación matemática especial puedan entenderlos de forma atractiva

    Speeding-up Evolutionary Algorithms to solve Black-Box Optimization Problems

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    Population-based evolutionary algorithms are often considered when approaching computationally expensive black-box optimization problems. They employ a selection mechanism to choose the best solutions from a given population after comparing their objective values, which are then used to generate the next population. This iterative process explores the solution space efficiently, leading to improved solutions over time. However, these algorithms require a large number of evaluations to provide a quality solution, which might be computationally expensive when the evaluation cost is high. In some cases, it is possible to replace the original objective function with a less accurate approximation of lower cost. This introduces a trade-off between the evaluation cost and its accuracy. In this paper, we propose a technique capable of choosing an appropriate approximate function cost during the execution of the optimization algorithm. The proposal finds the minimum evaluation cost at which the solutions are still properly ranked, and consequently, more evaluations can be computed in the same amount of time with minimal accuracy loss. An experimental section on four very different problems reveals that the proposed approach can reach the same objective value in less than half of the time in certain cases

    Bidaia geometrikoa kurbetatik itsas maskorretara

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    Naturako objektu asko harrigarriak dira, bai beren egituren formagatik eta bai betetzen dituzten propietateengatik. Baina, normalean, egitura misteriotsuak direla sinestearekin konformatzen gara, haien azterketa gure jakinduriaren irispidean ez dagoela uste baitugu. Artikulu honetan, itsas maskorrek itsasoko bizi-baldintza bortitzetan bizirauteko daukaten gaitasunaz erakarrita, erakutsiko dugu beren gorputzek deskribatzen dituzten egiturak argitu, ulertu eta imitatu ere egin ditzakegula. Horretarako, guztiok ezagun ditugun elementu geometriko batzuez baliatuko gara: kurbak. Kurbak izango dira eredu geometriko baten eraikuntzaren oinarria, zeinak, konputazio grafikoak eskaintzen dituen tresnekin batera, itsas maskorren mundura bidaiatzea ahal-bidetuko digun garraioa osatuko duen. Bidaia irudi errealisten sorkuntzarekin amaituko da.; There are many objects in nature which are amazing both for the shape of their structures and for the properties they fulfill. But, we usually settle for believing that they are mysterious structures, since we think that the study of them is not within the reach of our wisdom. In this article, attracted by the shells’ ability to survive in the harsh living conditions at sea, we will show that it is possible to reveal, understand and even imitate the structures that describe their bodies. To achieve this goal, we will make use of geometric elements that we all know, curves. Curves will be the basis for the construction of a geometric model that, together with the tools provided by computer graphics, will make up the transport that will allow us to travel to the world of seashells. The trip will end with obtaining photorealistic images that are difficult to distinguish from reality