94 research outputs found

    La fiel infantería: un discurso social

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    Actas del Segundo Congreso Internacional de Historia y Cine organizado por el Instituto de Cultura y Tecnología Miguel de Unamuno y celebrado del 9 al 11 de septiembre de 2010 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridEsta comunicación pretende describir el impacto social que supuso en la ciudad de Lleida la filmación de la película La fiel infantería. Con guión de Rafael García Serrano y José Luis Dibildos, el film describe la historia coral de unos soldados que pasan unos días de permiso en la retaguardia descansando antes de una acción bélica que supone para muchos de ellos una muerte heroica en el cumplimiento del deber, como corresponde al infante español. La película fue filmada, excepto algunas breves escenas de interior, en su totalidad en la ciudad de Lleida en el año 1959. Desde el punto de vista histórico, las circunstancias del rodaje representan una fuente inapreciable para el estudio de la sociedad leridana del momento. Desde el punto de vista sociológico, la película significó un hito en el imaginario popular hasta el punto que aún hoy día está presente en la memoria ciudadana.This paper expects describe the social impact in the city of Lleida with the filming of the movie “La Fiel Infantería”. The screen play belongs to Rafael García Serrano and José Luis Dibildos. It is a choral story about a group of soldiers who spend two days of license in rearguard in the eve of an attack which can suppose for some of them a heroic death in the line of duty, as it corresponds to a Spanish soldier. The movie was totally filmed, except some scenes inside, in the town of Lleida in 1959. From the point of historic view the shooting circumstances represent a very important source for Lleida society; from the point of sociologic view the movie meant a remarkable point in the popular imaginary so important that nowadays it is still present in the citizen memory.Publicad

    Slip, Trip and Fall Risk Among Elderly Men and Women Living in the Hawaii Adult Foster Care Home System

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    Adults 65 years of age and older (hereby referred to as “elderly”) are one of the fastest growing populations in the United States (U.S.). A major public health concern affecting the elderly population is unintentional injuries, particularly slips, trips, and falls (STFs). While there is extensive research on STFs among the elderly living in the community and long-term health care facilities, little to no research is found on STFs among the elderly living in community-based health care facilities. Research has also shown that STFs are caused by the interaction between multiple risk factors. Therefore, the purpose of this quasi-experimental study is to determine the STF risk among elderly men and women living in community-based health care facilities known as Hawaii Adult Foster Care Homes (AFCHs). A total of 105 elderly (50 men, 55 women) were evaluated for STF risk factors (cognitive function, number of medications, home safety hazards, caregiver’s knowledge of STFs, physical activity, assessment of the caregiver, and overall STF risk). Chi-square test, Wilcoxon signed rank test, simple regression, and multiple regression models were used to determine STF risk among elderly men and women. Cognitive function (p=0.048 (men), p=0.048 (women)), number of medication (p=0.015 (both)), home safety hazards (lack of sturdy handrails) (p=0.016 (both)), caregiver’s knowledge of STFs (p=0.040 (men)), physical activity (p=0.030 (men)), assessment of the caregiver (p=0.001 (men), p=0.020 (men), p=0.001 (women)), and overall STF risk (p=0.026 (men), p=0.012 (women)) were statistically significant. Overall, STF hazard reduction strategies should be continued and/or implemented to ensure quality of care is being provided to elderly men and women living in the Hawaii AFCH system

    Unintentional Home Injury Risks Among the Elderly in Southern Nevada

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    The elderly population (65 years of age and older) is one of the fastest growing populations in the US. A major public health concern involving the elderly population is unintentional injuries in the home. Since elderly adults typically spend the majority of their time in the home, minimizing unintentional home injury hazards is crucial for this population. The Nevada Healthy Homes Partnership (NHHP) program is a grant funded effort that helps to improve the quality and availability of safe and healthy homes in Nevada. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the NHHP program interventions in reducing home injury hazards among the elderly living in Southern Nevada and to compare visual observations with elderly perceptions of hazard reduction. A total of 23 participants that completed pre- and post-intervention home visits were included in this study. Wilcoxon signed rank test and McNemar\u27s test were utilized to compare pre- and post-intervention visual observations and elderly perceptions of home injury hazards. Specificity, sensitivity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and the phi coefficient (F) were obtained to determine the consistency between visual observations and elderly perceptions. There was a statistically significant change in fire hazards less than 1m (p=0.030) as measured by visual observations, and trip or fall hazards (p=0.039), smoke detector (p=0.003), fire extinguisher (p=0.002), and carbon monoxide detector (p0.001) as measured by questionnaire responses. Overall, the NHHP program is a vital program that reduces unintentional home injury hazard risks among the elderly living in Southern Nevada

    An Integrated Architecture for Corrosion Monitoring and Testing, Data mining, Modeling and Diagnostics/Prognostics

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    It has been established that corrosion is one of the most important factors causing deterioration and decreased performance and reliability in critical aerospace and industrial systems. Corrosion monitoring, detection, and quantification are recognized as key enabling technologies to reduce the impact of corrosion on the integrity of aircraft and industrial assets. Accurate and reliable detection of corrosion initiation and propagation, with specified false alarm rates, requires novel tools and methods, including verifiable simulation and modeling methods. This paper reports an experimental investigation of the detection and quantification of pitting corrosion on aluminum alloy panels using 3D surface metrology methods and image processing techniques. Panel surfaces were evaluated by laser microscopy and stylus-based profilometry to characterize global and local surface features. Promising imaging and texture features were extracted and compared between coated and uncoated aluminum panels at different exposure times under accelerated corrosion conditions. Image processing, information processing, and data mining techniques were utilized to evaluate the presence and extent of pitting corrosion. A new modeling framework for corrosion stages is introduced that emphasizes the representation of pitting corrosion and ultimately the crack formation process. Detection and prediction of the evolution of corrosion stages relies on data, a particle filtering method, and the corrosion propagation model. Results from these experimental studies demonstrate the efficacy of this proposed methodology


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    País Vasco: modernidad y tradición .

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    Monográfico: "País Vasco: modernidad y tradición

    In processu Hyacintae de Salas et Pedroso, viduae Caesaraugustae habitatoris super apprehensione. En este processo para exclusion de la Excelentissima señora Condesa de Aranda... / [D. Miguel Vincencio de Echauz]

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    Fecha al final: "Zaragoça y octubre a 30 de 1693" -- Enc. perg. -- Enc. junto a otras alegacionesMala calidad de la obra original.Copia digital. Zaragoza, 200

    Anuario de los hechos.

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