66 research outputs found


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    Mobile games are considered as one of the emerging mobile services in recent years and mobile gaming is the fastest and most popular service among the innovations in mobile and network technologies. The mobile game market value is increasing remarkably and the number of players is rapidly growing. For this reason, the acceptance factors of mobile games can be considered as an important research problem. In this paper, we attempt to investigate the factors influencing the usage and acceptance of mobile games, based on the extended version of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to give directions to mobile game service providers on how to design their products in order to increase acceptance of their games. Data are collected by an online survey consisting of 34 questions from 112 participants. After applying the exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to eliminate insignificant data, the remaining data are analyzed and evaluated by using the structural equation modeling (SEM). The statistical results show that Use Context, Flow Experience, Perceived Enjoyment, and Perceived Convenience have a direct effect on intention to play mobile game


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    Economies of developed countries are primarily based on the services sector, where the hospitality industry plays an important role. As such, new service design and service innovation are vital for maintaining competitive advantage. Recently, ubiquitous computing has emerged as a key enabler in various industries in support of service innovation by facilitating the design of new services. This study aims to investigate the benefits provided by ubiquitous computing in the hospitality domain for improved service quality, customer satisfaction, and profitability. First, the literature on service quality is presented, and important quality dimensions are selected accordingly. After providing a brief review of related technologies and existing applications, a ubiquitous computing framework is proposed in support of innovative services for the hotel industry. Via the analysis of the framework, changes in business processes are exposed and the contributions of ubiquitous computing are discussed according to the identified service quality dimensions

    Assessment of process capabilities in transition to a data-driven organisation: A multidisciplinary approach

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    The ability to leverage data science can generate valuable insights and actions in organisations by enhancing data-driven decision-making to find optimal solutions based on complex business parameters and data. However, only a small percentage of the organisations can successfully obtain a business value from their investments due to a lack of organisational management, alignment, and culture. Becoming a data-driven organisation requires an organisational change that should be managed and fostered from a holistic multidisciplinary perspective. Accordingly, this study seeks to address these problems by developing the Data Drivenness Process Capability Determination Model (DDPCDM) based on the ISO/IEC 330xx family of standards. The proposed model enables organisations to determine their current management capabilities, derivation of a gap analysis, and the creation of a comprehensive roadmap for improvement in a structured and standardised way. DDPCDM comprises two main dimensions: process and capability. The process dimension consists of five organisational management processes: change management, skill and talent management, strategic alignment, organisational learning, and sponsorship and portfolio management. The capability dimension embraces six levels, from incomplete to innovating. The applicability and usability of DDPCDM are also evaluated by conducting a multiple-case study in two organisations. The results reveal that the proposed model is able to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of an organisation in adopting, managing, and fostering the transition to a data-driven organisation and providing a roadmap for continuously improving the data-drivenness of organisations


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    Amaç: Literatürde dijital dönüşüm için geliştirilmiş olgunluk modellerinin incelenmesi ve yeni bir indeks yapısının temellerinin oluşturulması hedeflenmektedir. Böylece, işletmelerin mevcut dijital dönüşüm düzeylerini analiz edebilmesi, diğer işletmelerle objektif bir şekilde kıyas yapabilmesi, etkin bir şekilde dijital dönüşümü yönetebilmesi ve verimliliğini artırması beklenmektedir. Yöntem: Sistematik literatür taraması sonucunda tespit edilen 23 Olgunluk Modeli kapsam, amaca uygunluk, boyutların tamlığı gibi bir dizi kritere göre karşılaştırılarak analiz edilmiştir. Belirlenen eksiklikleri gidermek amacıyla işletmelerin dijital dönüşüm yeteneklerini kantitatif olarak değerlendiren yeni bir dijital olgunluk indeksi önerilmiştir. Bulgular: Analiz edilen olgunluk modellerinden hiçbiri beklenen kriterleri tam olarak karşılamadığından iyileştirilmeleri gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, ‘Strateji, Bilgi Teknolojileri, İnsan, Veri ve Süreçler’ boyutlarının değerlendirilmesinden oluşan bütünsel bir yaklaşım sunulmuştur. Özgünlük: İşletmeler dijital dönüşüm yolculuğunda kaynaklarını en verimli şekilde kullanarak, nereden başlanması ve nelerin yapılması gerektiğiyle ilgili bir yol haritası eksikliği yaşamaktadır. Bu çalışma, yatırım geri dönüş oranı en yüksek dijital dönüşüm projelerinin takvimini içeren bir rehberlik sunarak bu alandaki literatüre katkı sağlayacaktır

    Gov-PCDM : Kamu süreç yetenek seviyesi çözüm modeli.

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    Quality problems in public domain have significant impact on society. They usually materialize as employee and citizen dissatisfaction, high costs and defect rates. As better processes will result in higher quality, the government processes need to be improved. There is a lack of systematic guidance on how to improve the quality of government processes. Although the customization of process capability/maturity models to specific domains/sectors might help, the public sector has special characteristics, which call for a specific process improvement model. This thesis presents Government Process Capability Determination Model, referred as Gov-PCDM, which utilizes the basic principles of a software process capability model of ISO/IEC TR 15504 and specializes the model for the government domain. It includes the governmental specific process definitions, a method including how to perform the assessment in a structured way, and a measurement framework providing objective rating. It is a structured and standardized approach that enables assessment of the governmental processes in a consistent, repeatable manner. It is assisted by adequate measures with guidance on actions to take to increase quality in government institutions. Development and validation of the proposed model are achieved through case studies. We performed a multiple case study, including 25 process assessment in total in four different organizations, is performed for validation. The results show that the Gov-PCDM is applicable for identifying the current state of the process capability and the gaps with the assessed capability level of the processes performed in governmental organizations.  Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    Bir konfeksiyon fabrikası için maliyet tahmini ve üretim planlamaya aktiviteleri için bir karar destek sistemi.

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    In this study, a specific decision support system is designed and developed for Production Planning and Marketing Department of an apparel company. The developed system involves two modules with user friendly interface or data input and query. The system is designed to provide support in the following fields of decision making; pre cost estimation, capacity planning, master production planning and production scheduling. A detailed analysis of the existing system is conducted and Microsoft Access is used for the development of software. The cost and benefits of the implementing the system are also discussed in addition to basics, sample reports and the user interface of the developed program.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Blockchain-Based Supply Chain Management: Understanding the Determinants of Adoption in the Context of Organizations

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    This study investigates the importance of the determinants affecting the adoption and usage of blockchain-based SCM systems in the context of organizations. Hence, an SLR method was followed to uncover critical determinants in the literature. Then, a research model, including 14 key determinants, was developed based on the TOE Framework. Subsequently, the AHP method was applied to rank the adoption determinants. The findings reveal that environment-related determinants are more critical than technology-related or organization-related determinants

    Tıbbi görüntüleme araçları için bulut bilişim tabanlı öngörücü bakım uygulama çatısı

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    Nesnelerin İnterneti ve Bulut Bilişim alanlarındaki son teknolojik gelişmeler, hastanelerde sunulan sağlık hizmetlerinin kalitesinin iyileştirilmesine olanak sağlamaktadır. Bu teknolojilerden biri olan, akıllı sensör ve aktüatör teknolojilerinin hastanelerde yaygın kullanımı ile çeşitli tıbbi cihazlardan toplanan veriler sayesinde, sunulan sağlık hizmetlerinin iyileştirilmesi sağlanmaktadır. Örneğin, cihazlarda oluşacak hataları önceden görerek, bu hataların düzeltilmesini kapsayan öngörücü bakım sistemleri için biyomedikal cihazlardan toplanan veriler önemli bir potansiyele sahiptirler. Ancak, öngörücü bakım sistemlerinden azami fayda elde etmek, bakım maliyetlerini düşürmek ve sağlık hizmetlerini iyileştirilmek için Bulut Bilişim ve Nesnelerin İnterneti teknolojilerinin tıbbi görüntüleme cihazları ile entegrasyonun etkin bir şekilde gerçekleştiği bir çözüme ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Literatürde bu sorunu çözmek için umut verici bazı çalışmalar olmasına rağmen, günümüz bilgi çağında kullanılması için henüz yeterli olgunlukta değillerdir. Bu nedenle, bu çalışma kapsamında, temel olarak, tıbbi görüntüleme cihazları için Bulut Bilişim ve Nesnelerin İnterneti teknolojilerine dayanan bir öngörücü bakım uygulama çatısı tanımlanmıştır. Ardından, önerilen bu uygulama çatısının faydaları ve zararları tartışılmıştır.Recent technological advancements in Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud Computing domains, enable improving quality of health services in hospitals. The widespread use of smart sensor and actuator technologies in hospitals allow us to improve healthcare services by collecting data from various medical devices. Therefore, hospitals grasp noteworthy potential to convert these collected data into valuable information for predictive maintenance of biomedical devices. However, in order to obtain maximum benefit from the predictive maintenance system to reduce maintenance costs and improve healthcare services, a well-integrated solution is needed to combine cloud computing and IoT technologies with medical imaging devices. Despite some promising efforts in this area to solve this problem, they are not sufficient to be used in the information era. Thus, in this study, we primarily focus on the problem of how to define a predictive maintenance framework for medical imaging devices based on cloud computing and IoT technologies. Then, we identify the benefits and challenges of the proposed predictive maintenance framework. Anahtar Kelimele

    Developing Process Definition for Financial and Physical Resource Management Process in Government Domain

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    Public Financial and Physical Resource Management (PFPRM) is becoming a core competency critical to a government organization's competitive advantage. Recent studies have shown that organizations with established PFPRM are able to generate millions of dollars in additional savings and have a distinct competitive advantage. Our literature review showed that there is also a lack of a guideline for process capability determination and improvement of PFPRM. On the other hand, after observing benefits in software organizations, The ISO/IEC 15504 is used as a baseline to generate capability/maturity models for different specific domains/sectors. Accordingly, the same approach is utilized in the government domain, and process definition of PFPRM based on the requirements of ISO/IEC 15504 is developed. Therefore, PFPRM can be assessed based on ISO/IEC 15504 to be consistently applied, managed, and controlled across governmental agencies. A case study, including the assessment of an organization's PFPRM capability level is performed. The assessment results are used to develop a road-map for implementing process improvement in the study. The initial findings show the applicability and adequacy of the proposed approach

    Proposing an ISO/IEC 15504 Based Process Improvement Method for the Government Domain

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    Model based process improvement has been successfully applied for software organizations. After observing this success, customizing it to specific domains/sectors becomes one of the most critical challenges. On the other side, there are some quality problems in government domain as: low efficiency and process performance, employee and citizen dissatisfaction, high cost and defect rates. Assuming that successful processes will be reflected in higher quality, the government processes have to be improved. However known capability/maturity models don't deal with particularities of government domain. Therefore, it's necessary to design and evaluate a domain-specific capability model. Towards this goal, we develop Government Process Capability Determination Model based on ISO/IEC 15504. Moreover, we propose a method which is a disciplined guidance for governmental organizations to perform process capability assessment systematically. The method is described in detail in the study