4,716 research outputs found

    On Index Coding and Graph Homomorphism

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    In this work, we study the problem of index coding from graph homomorphism perspective. We show that the minimum broadcast rate of an index coding problem for different variations of the problem such as non-linear, scalar, and vector index code, can be upper bounded by the minimum broadcast rate of another index coding problem when there exists a homomorphism from the complement of the side information graph of the first problem to that of the second problem. As a result, we show that several upper bounds on scalar and vector index code problem are special cases of one of our main theorems. For the linear scalar index coding problem, it has been shown in [1] that the binary linear index of a graph is equal to a graph theoretical parameter called minrank of the graph. For undirected graphs, in [2] it is shown that minrank(G)=k\mathrm{minrank}(G) = k if and only if there exists a homomorphism from Gˉ\bar{G} to a predefined graph Gˉk\bar{G}_k. Combining these two results, it follows that for undirected graphs, all the digraphs with linear index of at most k coincide with the graphs GG for which there exists a homomorphism from Gˉ\bar{G} to Gˉk\bar{G}_k. In this paper, we give a direct proof to this result that works for digraphs as well. We show how to use this classification result to generate lower bounds on scalar and vector index. In particular, we provide a lower bound for the scalar index of a digraph in terms of the chromatic number of its complement. Using our framework, we show that by changing the field size, linear index of a digraph can be at most increased by a factor that is independent from the number of the nodes.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in "IEEE Information Theory Workshop", 201

    Subdeterminant Maximization via Nonconvex Relaxations and Anti-concentration

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    Several fundamental problems that arise in optimization and computer science can be cast as follows: Given vectors v1,…,vm∈Rdv_1,\ldots,v_m \in \mathbb{R}^d and a constraint family B⊆2[m]{\cal B}\subseteq 2^{[m]}, find a set S∈BS \in \cal{B} that maximizes the squared volume of the simplex spanned by the vectors in SS. A motivating example is the data-summarization problem in machine learning where one is given a collection of vectors that represent data such as documents or images. The volume of a set of vectors is used as a measure of their diversity, and partition or matroid constraints over [m][m] are imposed in order to ensure resource or fairness constraints. Recently, Nikolov and Singh presented a convex program and showed how it can be used to estimate the value of the most diverse set when B{\cal B} corresponds to a partition matroid. This result was recently extended to regular matroids in works of Straszak and Vishnoi, and Anari and Oveis Gharan. The question of whether these estimation algorithms can be converted into the more useful approximation algorithms -- that also output a set -- remained open. The main contribution of this paper is to give the first approximation algorithms for both partition and regular matroids. We present novel formulations for the subdeterminant maximization problem for these matroids; this reduces them to the problem of finding a point that maximizes the absolute value of a nonconvex function over a Cartesian product of probability simplices. The technical core of our results is a new anti-concentration inequality for dependent random variables that allows us to relate the optimal value of these nonconvex functions to their value at a random point. Unlike prior work on the constrained subdeterminant maximization problem, our proofs do not rely on real-stability or convexity and could be of independent interest both in algorithms and complexity.Comment: in FOCS 201

    On the Sample Information About Parameter and Prediction

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    The Bayesian measure of sample information about the parameter, known as Lindley's measure, is widely used in various problems such as developing prior distributions, models for the likelihood functions and optimal designs. The predictive information is defined similarly and used for model selection and optimal designs, though to a lesser extent. The parameter and predictive information measures are proper utility functions and have been also used in combination. Yet the relationship between the two measures and the effects of conditional dependence between the observable quantities on the Bayesian information measures remain unexplored. We address both issues. The relationship between the two information measures is explored through the information provided by the sample about the parameter and prediction jointly. The role of dependence is explored along with the interplay between the information measures, prior and sampling design. For the conditionally independent sequence of observable quantities, decompositions of the joint information characterize Lindley's measure as the sample information about the parameter and prediction jointly and the predictive information as part of it. For the conditionally dependent case, the joint information about parameter and prediction exceeds Lindley's measure by an amount due to the dependence. More specific results are shown for the normal linear models and a broad subfamily of the exponential family. Conditionally independent samples provide relatively little information for prediction, and the gap between the parameter and predictive information measures grows rapidly with the sample size.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-STS329 the Statistical Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Time-ordering and a generalized Magnus expansion

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    Both the classical time-ordering and the Magnus expansion are well-known in the context of linear initial value problems. Motivated by the noncommutativity between time-ordering and time derivation, and related problems raised recently in statistical physics, we introduce a generalization of the Magnus expansion. Whereas the classical expansion computes the logarithm of the evolution operator of a linear differential equation, our generalization addresses the same problem, including however directly a non-trivial initial condition. As a by-product we recover a variant of the time ordering operation, known as T*-ordering. Eventually, placing our results in the general context of Rota-Baxter algebras permits us to present them in a more natural algebraic setting. It encompasses, for example, the case where one considers linear difference equations instead of linear differential equations

    Fractional forcing number of graphs

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    The notion of forcing sets for perfect matchings was introduced by Harary, Klein, and \v{Z}ivkovi\'{c}. The application of this problem in chemistry, as well as its interesting theoretical aspects, made this subject very active. In this work, we introduce the notion of the forcing function of fractional perfect matchings which is continuous analogous to forcing sets defined over the perfect matching polytope of graphs. We show that our defined object is a continuous and concave function extension of the integral forcing set. Then, we use our results about this extension to conclude new bounds and results about the integral case of forcing sets for the family of edge and vertex-transitive graphs and in particular, hypercube graphs

    Exponential renormalization

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    Moving beyond the classical additive and multiplicative approaches, we present an "exponential" method for perturbative renormalization. Using Dyson's identity for Green's functions as well as the link between the Faa di Bruno Hopf algebra and the Hopf algebras of Feynman graphs, its relation to the composition of formal power series is analyzed. Eventually, we argue that the new method has several attractive features and encompasses the BPHZ method. The latter can be seen as a special case of the new procedure for renormalization scheme maps with the Rota-Baxter property. To our best knowledge, although very natural from group-theoretical and physical points of view, several ideas introduced in the present paper seem to be new (besides the exponential method, let us mention the notions of counterfactors and of order n bare coupling constants).Comment: revised version; accepted for publication in Annales Henri Poincar
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