3 research outputs found

    Atlas 2022 of African health Statistics: Key results towards achieving the health-related SDGs targets

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    Introduction: The Atlas 2022 of African Health Statistics is a comprehensive tool that gives an overview of the health ecosystem in the African region. As such, it tracks progress towards globally agreed objectives, such as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), assesses the capacity of African countries to achieve them, and helps policymakers identify gaps and areas requiring substantial reinforcement. Methods: We analyzed health-related SDGs’ key indicators in the Atlas 2022 of African Health Statistics. This platform is a nexus for consistent and comparable data sources across countries. A review of studies addressing the evolution of health-related SDG indicators in Africa was also considered for discussion and recommendations. Results: Hunger and different forms of malnutrition remain prevalent in the Region. Maternal and neonatal mortality is still high compared to other regions, with increasing incidences of non-communicable diseases and poor mechanisms to address mental health issues. Many inequalities are noted in violence against women, access to health services, or access to water and basic sanitation, which is exacerbated in rural areas. Regarding achieving the SDGs, the trend of most indicators shows they will be challenging to perform at the Regional level. However, a few countries are on track to achieve some goals. These results clearly show that countries have different experiences and, therefore, different progress in achieving sustainable development goals. The delays experienced by many countries in terms of development in other sectors, such as climate and the environment, poverty reduction and economic growth, equity and justice, etc., will make it even more difficult to achieve the health-related SDGs. Achieving these goals should, therefore, be seen as a transdisciplinary and inclusive process. Conclusion: Beyond the COVID-19 pandemic that has recently challenged health systems worldwide, the African Region is also dealing with several threats, jeopardizing its progress toward achieving the SDGs by 2030. Given the Region’s particular context, a readjustment of the regional targets and/or deadlines would be advisable to ensure they are achievable

    Factors associated with asthma control: MOSAR study (Multicenter Observational Study of Asthma in Rabat-Morocco)

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    Abstract Background The purpose of the study is to describe the profile of patients with asthma and to identify the signifiant risks and the protective factors associated with asthma control. Methods A prospective epidemiological study was conducted in three hospitals of Rabat-Morocco and included 396 patients with asthma. Differences in characteristics across the levels of asthma control were compared by the one-way analysis of variance for continuous variables, and chi-square test was used for categorical variables. The risk and protective factors associated with the asthma control levels were determined by Proportional Odds Model (POM) for bivariate and multivariate ordinal logistic regression, also expressed as Odds Ratios (OR) and 95% Confidence Intervals (95% CI). Results From 7440 patients screened by 28 physicians, 396 were included in study. 53% of the particiants sufferd controlled, 18% had partly controlled and 29% had uncontrolled asthma symptoms. A multivariate ordinal logistic regression analysis showed that having respiratory infections (AOR = 5.71), suffering from concomitant diseases (AOR = 3.36) and being allergic to animals (AOR = 2.76) were positively associated with poor control of asthma. However, adherence to treatement (AOR = 0.07), possession of health insurance (AOR = 0.41) and having more than 2 children (AOR = 0.47) were associated with good asthma control. Conclusion The study established a clinical-epidemiological profile of asthmatic patients in Rabat region in Morocco. By ordinal logistic regression we found that 6 factors - respiratory infections, concomitant diseases, animals allergy, adherence to treatment, health insurance and having more than two children – were associated with asthma control

    Thoracotomies à l’Hôpital General de Douala : Indications et résultats

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    Introduction : La thoracotomie est une procédure chirurgicale majeure pouvant être conduite dans un contexte d’urgence ou électif. Celle-ci peut avoir diverses indications et comme tout acte chirurgical conduire à de nombreuses complications avec un taux de mortalité relativement élevé dans notre contexte où le plateau technique est souvent limité. Objectif : Le but de notre étude était de déterminer les indications et les résultats des thoracotomies à l’hôpital général de Douala entre 2006 et 2017. Patients et Méthode : Il s’agissait d’une étude rétrospective qui s’est déroulée dans le service de chirurgie de l’hôpital général de Douala dans la période allant du 1er Janvier 2006 au 31 Décembre 2017. Au total 35 dossiers de patients ayant bénéficié d’une thoracotomie ont été inclus. Résultats : Les principales indications retrouvées étaient les traumatismes thoraciques avec 37 % de cas suivies de la persistance du canal artériel 14 % et les séquelles de tuberculose 11 %. Les complications étaient retrouvées dans 17 % des cas (n=5) avec comme principale complication l’empyème avec 11% de cas. Le taux de mortalité était de 6 %.Conclusion : Au terme de notre étude, nous avons observé que les indications de thoracotomies étaient aussi bien traumatiques que non traumatiques avec une légère prédominance pour les indications traumatiques. Le taux de mortalité bien qu’acceptable était non négligeable. Mots clés : Thoracotomie, indications, complications, Douala English title: Thoracotomies at Douala General Hospital: Indications and resultsIntroduction: thoracotomy is a major surgical procedure that can be done in the context of an emergency or as elective. It can have diverse indication and like every other surgical act, has numerous complications with a relatively high mortality rate in limited technical facilities settings. Objective: The aim of our study was to determine the indication and results of thoracotomies at the Douala General Hospital between 2006 and 2017. Patients and Methods: We conducted a retrospective study in the surgical unit of the Douala General Hospital. The file of 37 patients who underwent thoracotomy between 1st January 2006 to the 31st of December 2017 were included Results: The main indication found were thoracic trauma with 37% of cases, following patient by ductus arteriosus closure 14% and tuberculosis sequels (11%). Complications were found in 17% of the case (n = 5) with main complication being empyema. The mortality rate was of 6%. Conclusion: The present study showed that the indication for thoracotomy could be traumatic as well as not traumatic with a predominance of traumatic indications. The mortality rate was 6%. Keywords : Thoracotomy, indication, complications, Doual