95 research outputs found

    Crisis of Industrialization in Nigeria

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    This paper explores the industrial crisis facing Nigeria. This crisis has been a consistent theme in the underdevelopment challenges confronting the nation. The paper made in-road into the persistent electricity problem and argues that institutional inadequacies and pervasive corruption have colluded to crippled the attempt at industrialization. It also identified several challenges bedeviling the quest for industrialization. To fix these problems, the paper calls for strong political commitment, increase in investment in science and technology, improvement in the infrastructure base and encouragement of the private sector

    Effect of saline extract of alligator pepper (Zingiberaceae aframomum melegueta) on serum progesterone in pregnant Sprague Dawley rats

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    This study was done to determine the cellular basis of the abortifacient effect of Alligator pepper on first trimester pregnancy using forty five female Sprague-Dawley rats mated with male rats for three days. Thereafter, the female rats were randomly selected into three groups, A, B and C. The rats in each group were further randomly selected into three subgroups A1, A2, A3; B1, B2, B3; and C1, C2 , C3 for groups A, B and C respectively. Each rat in group A was administered with intra-peritoneal injection of 2ml of normal saline, while each rat in groups B and C was administered with 6.7mg/kg and 13.3mg/kg/body weight of saline extract of Alligator pepper on day 4 of gestation respectively. Blood was collected from A1, B1, C1 on day 7; from A2, B2, C2 on day 14 and from A3, B3, C3 on day 21 by intra-ventricular aspiration and assayed for progesterone using ELISA technique. Results showed that progesterone level decreased significantly on days 7 and 21 of pregnancy among rats administered with 6.7mg/kg body weight, but day 7, only those treated with 13.3mg/kg /body weight of saline extract of Alligator pepper. Alligator pepper is  anti-progesterone.Keywords: Saline extract, Alligator pepper, Progesterone, Sprague Dawley Rats, Pregnanc

    Cellular Mechanisms of Saline Extract of Alligator Pepper (Zingiberaceae Aframomum melegueta) for Specific Protection against Preeclampsia

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    Preeclampsia is a clinical syndrome defined as the new onset of hypertension and proteinuria during the second half of pregnancy. Though it is easily diagnosed clinically, affected persons must book in a health service facility for the diagnosis to be made. Furthermore regular screening is necessary during several antenatal visits and skilled attendant's supervised labor before diagnosis can be made. Predictive tests are not yet well developed and not readily available in developing countries and medically underserved areas where they are needed most. There is therefore a need for specific protection against preeclampsia to be developed. This will ensure that all women are protected even when they choose not to visit an antenatal clinic. Specific protection is potentially capable of preventing preeclampsia in 5 % to 7% of pregnant women, the proportion of pregnant women that are affected by preeclampsia worldwide. This article builds on a previous article on the study of the cellular mechanisms underlying gestational weight gain and litter weight reduction effect of aqueous extract of Alligator pepper and attempts to analyze how the anti-hyperinsulinemic property of the constituents of Alligator pepper in that study can also prevent preeclampsia and suggests the use of some of the constituents of alligator pepper as specific protection (vaccine) for the prevention of preeclampsia

    Methodological Usefulness of Content Analysis in Social Science Research

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    The thrust of this paper was to crystallize the methodological value of content analysis as a tool in social science research. In order to achieve that, it sets out to do a conceptualization of content analysis and situate it within the operational rubrics common to other research designs. The various stages in content analysis notably the problem identification, selection and definition of units of analysis in content analysis were succinctly considered. The usefulness of the method was finally discussed and particularly its strength which rests in its ability to handle the areas of weaknesses and challenges of other sister methodological tools. Among such strengths unique to content analysis is the economy of time and money in the research process; its ability to effectively handle the situation of botched up data collection process in contrast to survey or field research; and the fact of its unobtrusive nature which is a major flaw of the rest methods.Key Words: Content analysis, methodological tool, social research, data collection, usefulnes

    Effect of hydromethanolic extract of Rauvolfia vomitoria leaf on blood glucose, plasma insulin and histomorphology of the pancreas of streptozotocin-induced diabetic male wistar rats

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus is one of the most dreaded health issues worldwide due to its exponential increasing rate and the limitations of synthetic drugs in providing complete cure for it, hence, the call by health stakeholders, for more researches on medicinal plants due to their promising results in providing solutions to some health issues with little or no side effect. In response to this call, this study investigates the effects of Rauvolfia vomitoria leaf extract on blood glucose, plasma insulin and histomorphology of the pancreas of diabetic rats in an attempt to evaluate its anti-diabetic potentials. Methods: Diabetes was induced via intraperitoneal injection of 55mg/kg b. wt. streptozotocin and treated with hydromethanolic extract of Rauvolfia vomitoria leaf (250mg/kg and 500mg/kg b. wt. doses) and glyburide (5mg/kg b. wt.) for 28 days. Blood glucose levels were measured after every 4 days of treatment during treatment period. Plasma insulin levels were estimated after 14 and 28 days of treatment via immunoassay; while the histomorphological study was done using hematoxylin and eosin staining technique. Results: Results from this study show dose dependent significant (P<0.05) decrease in blood glucose levels and a dose dependent significant increase in plasma insulin of the extract treated groups which were comparable to those of glyburide treated group. The histological study of the pancreas showed an improvement on the deranged pancreas of diabetic rats following 28-days treatment with Rauvolfia vomitoria leaf extract. This possibly explains the increase in plasma insulin levels and a corresponding decrease in blood glucose. Conclusion: From the results of this study, it is therefore concluded that Rauvolfia vomitoria has strong anti-diabetic property. The results show that Rauvolfia vomitoria leaf extract effect its anti-diabetic action by enhancing the regeneration of the pancreatic islets thereby increasing insulin secretion and plasma insulin level

    Variations of peak expiratory flow rate with anthropometric determinants in a population of healthy adult Nigerians

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    PEFR was measured in 300 healthy adult male and female staff and students of the University of Benin, Benin City, and the College of Education, Ekiadolor, near Benin. The variations of Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR) with respect to height (ht), weight (wt) and chest circumference (cc) were determined in these subjects. PEFR values fell within the middle to the lower limits of the range for the general male and female populations. There was a linear increase in PEFR with respect to the three anthropometric variables (ht, wt and cc) only in the young adult males, whereas in the older adult males and females, PEFR fluctuated considerably with the variables. PEFR correlates more with ht, wt and cc in young adults than in older adults. Respiratory function indices collected from healthy young adults may be more reliable and predictable than those from older adults. Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences Vol. 20(1&2) 2005: 85-8

    Current developments in the physiology and management of asthma

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    No Abstract. Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences Vol. 20(1&2) 2005: 19-2

    Political Participation and Nigerian Democracy: A Survey of the Electorate in the 2012 Governorship Election in Edo State

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    This paper explores Nigerians’ political participation in Nigeria’s democracy. It situates the core indices frustrating the emergence of an effective democratic culture within the context of domestic instability and crisis. The paper adopted both primary and secondary sources in collecting data. Whilst, employing both ethnicity and Elite theories to further buttress the focus of this paper, political issues in Nigeria therefore, were discovered to be driven by the “moneyed-class” while the majority of the masses feel alienated. Also discovered is that access to the political space is a function of wealth. Electoral violence was also discovered as a core variable militating against effective political participation. The paper concludes that there is the need to reform the electorate system in Nigeria if Nigeria is to escape from the present atrocious political situation, political parties in addition, must be able to observe internal democracy within their ranks and also there should be periodic public sensitization, while elections must also be credible. The paper recommends among others; that political parties members must have opportunity to make input into the decision making process in this respect, the overwhelming influence of the rich and powerful Godfathers will be reduced to the barest minimum. As a logical follow up to the above, there should be a conscious attempt at reducing illiteracy among majority of Nigerians. This will enable citizens to be aware of their civil rights and responsibilities and finally among others, sustainable effort at economic empowerment of the people must also be guaranteed. This will certainly serve as an antidote to vote buying. It is therefore, also, important that the government meet the basic economic needs of its citizens to forestall the regular occurrence of these perverted tendencies Keywords: Politics, Political Participation, Democracy, Election and Nigeri

    An Assessment of Citizens’ Participation in the 2016 Governorship Electoral Process in Edo State, Nigeria: A Content Analysis Approach

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    The major focus of this paper is to demonstrate the application of content analysis as a methodological tool especially in data collection in social research. In order to contextualize the essence of the paper, an assessment of the role of citizens’ participation in electoral process in Nigeria with particular reference to Edo state 2016 Governorship Election in Nigeria was done. The entire research process, starting with problem identification, study, objectives, research theme, data collection, analysis, findings and conclusion were carried out. Though a purely methodology paper, it demonstrated succinctly the expected harmony between the object of research and the tool or technique with which it is carried out.Key Words: Content analysis, methodology, social research, electoral process, citizens’ participatio

    Influence of smoking on respiratory symptoms and lung function indices in sawmill workers in Benin city, Nigeria.

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    The study was done to assess the influence of smoking on respiratory symptoms and respiratory function in sawmill workers in Benin City. 150 sawmill workers who were all males and aged between 18 and 50 years, and had been in continuous employment in sawmill factories for aminimum of one year were studied. They were selected by a two - stage random sampling process from sawmills in Benin City. These were compared to 150 age and sex matched controls in order to determine the effect of sawdust exposure on the respiratory system. Questionnaire was used to elicit morbidity patterns and anthropometric measurements were also made. Respiratory rates, Peak Expiratory Flow Rates and Blood Pressures were measured in both groups. Respiratory symptoms were more common among sawmill workers compared to the controls. Smoking by some of these workers further aggravated their respiratory symptoms. Although blood pressure was similar in both groups, Respiratory rates were higher and Peak Flow Rates were lower in the sawmill workers compared to the controls (20.83 +- 2.02 cycles/minute and 516.72 +- 38.48 L/minute for the sawmill workers; 15.45 +- 1.23 cycles/minute and 575.37 +- 27.34 L/minute for the controls, respectively). Less than 5% of the sawmill workers wore protective devices/clothing, and health and safety standards were neither practiced nor enforced. The findings suggest that respiratory symptoms especially sputum production and chest pain are common in sawmill workers. Respiratory function is compromised in these workers.Key Words: Respiratory symptoms, smoking, sawmill workers
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