276 research outputs found

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    Intrapreneurship in der beruflichen Erstausbildung: Versuch einer begrifflichen Klärung und Operationalisierung

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    In den letzten Jahren ist in Forschung und Praxis ein zunehmendes Interesse an unternehmerisch orientierten MitarbeiterInnen, sogenannten IntrapreneurInnen, zu beobachten. Der vorliegende Artikel beschreibt ein Modell für Intrapreneurship in der beruflichen Erstausbildung (Lehre), das empirisch überprüft wird. Es besteht aus den Dimensionen Eigeninitiative, Innovationsorientierung, Leistungsmotivation, Sozialkompetenz, ausbildungsspezifisches Berufskönnen und ausbildungsspezifische Selbständigkeit. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen die postulierte Dimensionalität.There has been an increasing interest in the phenomenon of 'intrapreneurship' (entrepreneurial oriented employees) in the last few years both in research and practice. This paper describes a model of intrapreneurship in the vocational training of young adults which consists of the following dimensions: personal initiative, innovation orientation, need for achievement, social competence, training-specific 'jobability', training- specific autonomous activity. The results show a clear empirical confirmation of the postulated factorial structure

    Imaging morphological details and pathological differences of red blood cells using tapping-mode AFM

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    The surface topography of red blood cells (RBCs) was investigated under nearphysiological conditions using atomic force microscopy (AFM). An immobilization protocol was established where RBCs are coupled via molecular bonds of the membrane glycoproteins to wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), which is covalently and flexibly tethered to the support. This results in a tight but noninvasive attachment of the cells. Using tappingmode AFM, which is known as gentle imaging mode and therefore most appropriate for soft biological samples like erythrocytes, it was possible to resolve membrane skeleton structures without major distortions or deformations of the cell surface. Significant differences in the morphology of RBCs from healthy humans and patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) were observed on topographical images. The surface of RBCs from SLE patients showed characteristic circularshaped holes with approx. 200 nm in diameter under physiological conditions, a possible morphological correlate to previously published changes in the SLE erythrocyte membrane

    AFM imaging of functionalized double-walled carbon nanotubes

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    We present a comparative study of several non-covalent approaches to disperse, debundle and noncovalently functionalize double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWNTs). We investigated the ability of bovine serum albumin (BSA), phospholipids grafted onto amine-terminated polyethylene glycol (PLPEG2000-NH2), as well as a combination thereof, to coat purified DWNTs. Topographical imaging with the atomic force microscope (AFM) was used to assess the coating of individual DWNTs and the degree of debundling and dispersion. Topographical images showed that functionalized DWNTs are better separated and less aggregated than pristine DWNTs and that the different coating methods differ in their abilities to successfully debundle and disperse DWNTs. Height profiles indicated an increase in the diameter of DWNTs depending on the functionalization method and revealed adsorption of single molecules onto the nanotubes. Biofunctionalization of the DWNT surface was achieved by coating DWNTs with biotinylated BSA, providing for biospecific binding of streptavidin in a simple incubation step. Finally, biotin-BSA-functionalized DWNTs were immobilized on an avidin layer via the specific avidin–biotin interaction

    AFM imaging of functionalized carbon nanotubes on biological membranes

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    Multifunctional carbon nanotubes are promising for biomedical applications as their nano-size, together with their physical stability, gives access into the cell and various cellular compartments including the nucleus. However, the direct and label-free detection of carbon nanotube uptake into cells is a challenging task. The atomic force microscope (AFM) is capable of resolving details of cellular surfaces at the nanometer scale and thus allows following of the docking of carbon nanotubes to biological membranes. Here we present topographical AFM images of non-covalently functionalized single walled (SWNT) and double walled carbon nanotubes (DWNT) immobilized on different biological membranes, such as plasma membranes and nuclear envelopes, as well as on a monolayer of avidin molecules. We were able to visualize DWNT on the nuclear membrane while at the same time resolving individual nuclear pore complexes. Furthermore, we succeeded in localizing individual SWNT at the border of incubated cells and in identifying bundles of DWNT on cell surfaces by AFM imaging

    A p38MAPK/MK2 signaling pathway leading to redox stress, cell death and ischemia/reperfusion injury

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    Background Many diseases and pathological conditions are characterized by transient or constitutive overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS are causal for ischemia/reperfusion (IR)-associated tissue injury (IRI), a major contributor to organ dysfunction or failure. Preventing IRI with antioxidants failed in the clinic, most likely due to the difficulty to timely and efficiently target them to the site of ROS production and action. IR is also characterized by changes in the activity of intracellular signaling molecules including the stress kinase p38MAPK. While ROS can cause the activation of p38MAPK, we recently obtained in vitro evidence that p38MAPK activation is responsible for elevated mitochondrial ROS levels, thus suggesting a role for p38MAPK upstream of ROS and their damaging effects.<p></p> Results Here we identified p38MAPKα as the predominantly expressed isoform in HL-1 cardiomyocytes and siRNA-mediated knockdown demonstrated the pro-oxidant role of p38MAPKα signaling. Moreover, the knockout of the p38MAPK effector MAPKAP kinase 2 (MK2) reproduced the effect of inhibiting or knocking down p38MAPK. To translate these findings into a setting closer to the clinic a stringent kidney clamping model was used. p38MAPK activity increased upon reperfusion and p38MAPK inhibition by the inhibitor BIRB796 almost completely prevented severe functional impairment caused by IR. Histological and molecular analyses showed that protection resulted from decreased redox stress and apoptotic cell death.<p></p> Conclusions These data highlight a novel and important mechanism for p38MAPK to cause IRI and suggest it as a potential therapeutic target for prevention of tissue injury.<p></p&gt

    The importance of high quality real-life social interactions during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The coronavirus pandemic has brought about dramatic restrictions to real-life social interactions and a shift towards more online social encounters. Positive social interactions have been highlighted as an important protective factor, with previous studies suggesting an involvement of the amygdala in the relationship between social embeddedness and well-being. The present study investigated the effect of the quality of real-life and online social interactions on mood, and explored whether this association is affected by an individual’s amygdala activity. Sixty-two participants of a longitudinal study took part in a one-week ecological momentary assessment (EMA) during the first lockdown, reporting their momentary well-being and their engagement in real-life and online social interactions eight times per day (N ~ 3000 observations). Amygdala activity was assessed before the pandemic during an emotion-processing task. Mixed models were calculated to estimate the association between social interactions and well-being, including two-way interactions to test for the moderating effect of amygdala activity. We found a positive relationship between real-life interactions and momentary well-being. In contrast, online interactions had no effect on well-being. Moreover, positive real-life social interactions augmented this social affective benefit, especially in individuals with higher amygdala being more sensitive to the interaction quality. Our findings demonstrate a mood-lifting effect of positive real-life social interactions during the pandemic, which was dependent on amygdala activity before the pandemic. As no corresponding effect was found between online social interactions and well-being, it can be concluded that increased online social interactions may not compensate for the absence of real-life social interactions

    Implante mamário de silicone e Síndrome ASIA: uma revisão de literatura Silicone / Breast Implant and ASIA Syndrome: A Literature Review

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    OBJETIVO: O estudo objetiva indicar a correlação entre os implantes mamários e a ocorrência da Síndrome ASIA. METODOLOGIA: Os artigos foram selecionados na base de dados PubMed, publicados entre os anos de 2016 e 2021. A pesquisa utilizou os Descritores em Ciência da Saúde (DeCS) e seus sinônimos, em inglês: breast implants, silicones, autoimmune diseases e rheumatic diseases. RESULTADOS: Apesar dos resultados divergentes entre os estudos analisados, em sua maioria a correlação é evidente entre o implante mamário e a ocorrência de doenças autoimunes. DISCUSSÃO: A síndrome ASIA envolve-se como fator adjuvante para o desenvolvimento de autoimunidade, visto que há exacerbação da resposta imunológica, com liberação de citocinas e células de defesa do organismo com a presença dos implantes mamários. O diagnóstico é feito pela sintomatologia e história pregressa da paciente, em que há sintomas característicos. Sendo o principal tratamento a extração das próteses mamárias. Há uma correlação importante entre os baixos níveis de vitamina D com a síndrome ASIA, além da presença de outras doenças autoimunes. CONCLUSÃO: O implante mamário pode ser adjuvante para a ocorrência da síndrome ASIA, sendo reafirmado pelos fatores de melhora após a retirada do silicone