1,477 research outputs found

    Steelfibre for High performance shotcrete, the way to more cost efficiency

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    This paper shows the relations between costs and time of high performance products and process optimazing. Owner and at least contractors are under permanent cost and time pressure. The experiance in the shotcrete pumps and machine are in a high level in case of volume and performance. However looks the contractor for more value engineering too save money and time. The important step is to change the established way and optimazing the process to more efficiency. The ready mix are fast, well applicable and the end result of the concrete is allways in a good or high quality. Steel fibre manifacturer optimaze theirs steel fibers to high performance products, with 2’200 Mpa. The compination of high performance concrete and high performance steel help to minimazing time consuption and abrasion in pipes, pumps and nozzle. Invitation of bids take the wording of standarts and guidelines, that’s meaning they need 30 kg/m3 steelfibers for 700 J in the apsorbtion test. High performance fibre take more than 1800 J with this dosage rate. The involved parties must work together to fund the cost and time effective solution. The presentation show the audiance the technical frame, the way of development for the using on the sites with differnet samples. The steps to develop the end redymix are sometime theoretical and some more empiric. But allways we need less fibre ( The presentation show us the handling of the requirements, basis, standarts, guideline and more form designers view, the contractors view and the owners view. How we manage this and how big the result of this is. April 2019 Martin Eberl

    Stunned myocardium—an unfinished puzzle

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    Nachbehandlung nach medikamentös beschichteten Stents

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    Zusammenfassung: Die medikamentös beschichteten Stents, die sog. "drug-eluting stents" (DES), haben die Restenoserate und damit die Notwendigkeit einer erneuten Revaskularisation nach perkutaner koronarer Intervention (PCI) um 50-71% gesenkt. Sie werden zunehmend bei anatomisch schwierigen VerhĂ€ltnissen, wie langen, dĂŒnnkalibrigen GefĂ€ĂŸen, TotalverschlĂŒssen und Bifurkationsstenosen, eingesetzt. Eine seltene, jedoch folgenschwere Komplikation der Stenteinlagen ist die Stentthrombose, eine partielle oder vollstĂ€ndige Obstruktion des Implantats. Die zunehmend komplexen Interventionen mittels DES, die potentiell prothrombotische Wirkung der antiproliferativen Substanzen und die verlangsamte Endothelialisierung verlĂ€ngern und erhöhen theoretisch das Stentthromboserisiko nach Implantation eines DES. Eine 1-jĂ€hrige doppelte plĂ€ttchenhemmende Therapie wird deshalb zur Nachbehandlung empfohlen. FĂŒr den Nutzen einer routinemĂ€ĂŸigen doppelten plĂ€ttchenhemmenden Therapie ĂŒber 1 Jahr hinaus fehlen zurzeit die Grundlagen. Nichtkardiale chirurgische Eingriffe sollten fĂŒr 1 Jahr aufgeschoben werden oder nach Möglichkeit unter dem Schutz von AcetylsalicylsĂ€ure durchgefĂŒhrt werde

    Bioactive Scaffolds for the Controlled Formation of Complex Skeletal Tissues

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    Tissue Engineering may offer new treatment alternatives for organ replacement or repair deteriorated organs. Among the clinical applications of Tissue Engineering are the production of artificial skin for burn patients, tissue engineered trachea, cartilage for knee-replacement procedures, urinary bladder replacement, urethra substitutes and cellular therapies for the treatment of urinary incontinence. The Tissue Engineering approach has major advantages over traditional organ transplantation and circumvents the problem of organ shortage. Tissues reconstructed from readily available biopsy material induce only minimal or no immunogenicity when reimplanted in the patient. This book is aimed at anyone interested in the application of Tissue Engineering in different organ systems. It offers insights into a wide variety of strategies applying the principles of Tissue Engineering to tissue and organ regeneration

    Unusual combination of bilateral testicular microlithiasis and tubular ectasia of the rete testis with left intra‐ and extratesticular varicocele in a 17‐year‐old boy

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    We describe the rare combination of testicular microlithiasis, unilateral intra/extratesticular varicocele, and tubular ectasia of the rete testis in a 17‐year‐old boy who presented with testicular pain following a trauma. He had a prior history of undescended testis and orchiopexy in childhood. His workup included a normal abdominal ultrasound and a sperm analysis demonstrating a low sperm count with sperm dysmotility. A follow‐up ultrasound was unchanged, and he has been managed conservatively. This combined set of findings has not been previously reported. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Clin Ultrasound, 2012Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/91107/1/20878_ftp.pd

    Vision Based Position Control for MAVs Using One Single Circular Landmark

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    This paper presents a real-time vision based algorithm for 5 degrees-of-freedom pose estimation and set-point control for a Micro Aerial Vehicle (MAV). The camera is mounted on-board a quadrotor helicopter. Camera pose estimation is based on the appearance of two concentric circles which are used as landmark. We show that that by using a calibrated camera, conic sections, and the assumption that yaw is controlled independently, it is possible to determine the six degrees-of-freedom pose of the MAV. First we show how to detect the landmark in the image frame. Then we present a geometric approach for camera pose estimation from the elliptic appearance of a circle in perspective projection. Using this information we are able to determine the pose of the vehicle. Finally, given a set point in the image frame we are able to control the quadrotor such that the feature appears in the respective target position. The performance of the proposed method is presented through experimental result

    Coronary artery spasm and non-Q-wave myocardial infarction following intravenous ephedrine in two healthy women under spinal anaesthesia

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    Vasovagal episodes occur frequently in young healthy patients undergoing venous cannulation and loco-regional anaesthesia. We report two cases of severe coronary vasospasm and non-Qwave infarction in healthy young women after administration of ephedrine for vasovagal symptoms at the onset of spinal anaesthesia. In the light of unopposed vagal predominance predisposing patients to coronary vasospasm, even in young healthy patients, atrophine and not ephedrine should be the first line treatment for bradycardia with or without hypotension under spinal anaesthesi

    Targeting Metabolic Vulnerabilities to Overcome Prostate Cancer Resistance: Dual Therapy with Apalutamide and Complex I Inhibition

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    Prostate cancer (PCa) often becomes drug-treatment-resistant, posing a significant challenge to effective management. Although initial treatment with androgen deprivation therapy can control advanced PCa, subsequent resistance mechanisms allow tumor cells to continue growing, necessitating alternative approaches. This study delves into the specific metabolic dependencies of different PCa subtypes and explores the potential synergistic effects of combining androgen receptor (AR) inhibition (ARN with mitochondrial complex I inhibition (IACS)). We examined the metabolic behaviors of normal prostate epithelial cells (PNT1A), androgen-sensitive cells (LNCaP and C4-2), and androgen-independent cells (PC-3) when treated with ARN, IACS, or a combination. The results uncovered distinct mitochondrial activities across PCa subtypes, with androgen-dependent cells exhibiting heightened oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). The combination of ARN and IACS significantly curbed cell proliferation in multiple PCa cell lines. Cellular bioenergetics analysis revealed that IACS reduced OXPHOS, while ARN hindered glycolysis in certain PCa cells. Additionally, galactose supplementation disrupted compensatory glycolytic mechanisms induced by metabolic reprogramming. Notably, glucose-deprived conditions heightened the sensitivity of PCa cells to mitochondrial inhibition, especially in the resistant PC-3 cells. Overall, this study illuminates the intricate interplay between AR signaling, metabolic adaptations, and treatment resistance in PCa. The findings offer valuable insights into subtype-specific metabolic profiles and propose a promising strategy to target PCa cells by exploiting their metabolic vulnerabilities
