18 research outputs found

    A combined computational and NMR-spectroscopic approach for tautomer elucidation under extreme conditions towards investigating the robustness of genetic codes

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    The goal of this work was to establish a combined computational and experimental workflow for the prediction of tautomeric ratios of small molecules in solution under various environmental conditions. Quantum chemical (QC) calculations using the embedded cluster reference interaction site model (EC-RISM), which takes into account the solvent structure and the mutual polarization of solute and solvent and is able to incorporate environmental effects via appropriate correction terms, form the computational part of this workflow, NMR experiments the experimental part. Benchmarking of EC-RISM for the prediction of tautomeric ratios was performed using the SAMPL2 dataset and histamine, for which the workflow was extensively tested at ambient conditions and used to identify the nuclei most sensitive to tautomerism. This system was also used to develop an EC-RISM based force field (FF) reparametrization workflow. A temperature-dependent correction term for EC-RISM was developed, benchmarked, and used in conjunction with a pressure-dependent correction term to calculate NMR chemical shifts. Various computational NMR referencing methods were developed using reference shielding constants of trimethylsilylpropanesulfonate (DSS) and ammonia and their performance was tested on N-methyl-acetamide (NMA) and trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO). The tautomeric ratios of nucleobases were calculated at different pressures and temperatures for the natural species and the hachimoji expanded genetic alphabet. Initial steps were also taken towards the prediction of the tautomeric ratios of larger nucleic acid building blocks such as nucleotides

    The SAMPL6 challenge on predicting octanol–water partition coefficients from EC-RISM theory

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    Results are reported for octanol–water partition coefficients (log P) of the neutral states of drug-like molecules provided during the SAMPL6 (Statistical Assessment of Modeling of Proteins and Ligands) blind prediction challenge from applying the “embedded cluster reference interaction site model” (EC-RISM) as a solvation model for quantum-chemical calculations. Following the strategy outlined during earlier SAMPL challenges we first train 1- and 2-parameter water-free (“dry”) and water-saturated (“wet”) models for n-octanol solvation Gibbs energies with respect to experimental values from the “Minnesota Solvation Database” (MNSOL), yielding a root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.5 kcal mol−1 for the best-performing 2-parameter wet model, while the optimal water model developed for the pKa part of the SAMPL6 challenge is kept unchanged (RMSE 1.6 kcal mol−1 for neutral compounds from a model trained on both neutral and ionic species). Applying these models to the blind prediction set yields a log P RMSE of less than 0.5 for our best model (2-parameters, wet). Further analysis of our results reveals that a single compound is responsible for most of the error, SM15, without which the RMSE drops to 0.2. Since this is the only compound in the challenge dataset with a hydroxyl group we investigate other alcohols for which Gibbs energy of solvation data for both water and n-octanol are available in the MNSOL database to demonstrate a systematic cause of error and to discuss strategies for improvement

    Quantum–mechanical property prediction of solvated drug molecules: what have we learned from a decade of SAMPL blind prediction challenges?

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    Joint academic–industrial projects supporting drug discovery are frequently pursued to deploy and benchmark cutting-edge methodical developments from academia in a real-world industrial environment at different scales. The dimensionality of tasks ranges from small molecule physicochemical property assessment over protein–ligand interaction up to statistical analyses of biological data. This way, method development and usability both benefit from insights gained at both ends, when predictiveness and readiness of novel approaches are confirmed, but the pharmaceutical drug makers get early access to novel tools for the quality of drug products and benefit of patients. Quantum–mechanical and simulation methods particularly fall into this group of methods, as they require skills and expense in their development but also significant resources in their application, thus are comparatively slowly dripping into the realm of industrial use. Nevertheless, these physics-based methods are becoming more and more useful. Starting with a general overview of these and in particular quantum–mechanical methods for drug discovery we review a decade-long and ongoing collaboration between Sanofi and the Kast group focused on the application of the embedded cluster reference interaction site model (EC-RISM), a solvation model for quantum chemistry, to study small molecule chemistry in the context of joint participation in several SAMPL (Statistical Assessment of Modeling of Proteins and Ligands) blind prediction challenges. Starting with early application to tautomer equilibria in water (SAMPL2) the methodology was further developed to allow for challenge contributions related to predictions of distribution coefficients (SAMPL5) and acidity constants (SAMPL6) over the years. Particular emphasis is put on a frequently overlooked aspect of measuring the quality of models, namely the retrospective analysis of earlier datasets and predictions in light of more recent and advanced developments. We therefore demonstrate the performance of the current methodical state of the art as developed and optimized for the SAMPL6 pKa and octanol–water log P challenges when re-applied to the earlier SAMPL5 cyclohexane-water log D and SAMPL2 tautomer equilibria datasets. Systematic improvement is not consistently found throughout despite the similarity of the problem class, i.e. protonation reactions and phase distribution. Hence, it is possible to learn about hidden bias in model assessment, as results derived from more elaborate methods do not necessarily improve quantitative agreement. This indicates the role of chance or coincidence for model development on the one hand which allows for the identification of systematic error and opportunities toward improvement and reveals possible sources of experimental uncertainty on the other. These insights are particularly useful for further academia–industry collaborations, as both partners are then enabled to optimize both the computational and experimental settings for data generation

    Chemically stabilized DNA barcodes for DNA-encoded chemistry

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    DNA-encoded compound libraries are a widely used small molecule screening technology. One important aim in library design is the coverage of chemical space through structurally diverse molecules. Yet, the chemical reactivity of native DNA barcodes limits the toolbox of reactions for library design. Substituting the chemically vulnerable purines by 7-deazaadenine, which exhibits tautomerization stability similar to natural adenine with respect to the formation of stable Watson–Crick pairs, yielded ligation-competent, amplifiable, and readable DNA barcodes for encoded chemistry with enhanced stability against protic acid- and metal ion-promoted depurination. The barcode stability allowed for straightforward translation of 16 exemplary reactions that included isocyanide multicomponent reactions, acid-promoted Pictet–Spengler and Biginelli reactions, and metal-promoted pyrazole syntheses on controlled pore glass-coupled barcodes for diverse DEL design. The Boc protective group of reaction products offered a convenient handle for encoded compound purification

    Tautomeric equilibria of nucleobases in the hachimoji expanded genetic alphabet

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    Evolution has yielded biopolymers that are constructed from exactly four building blocks and are able to support Darwinian evolution. Synthetic biology aims to extend this alphabet, and we recently showed that 8-letter (hachimoji) DNA can support rule-based information encoding. One source of replicative error in non-natural DNA-like systems, however, is the occurrence of alternative tautomeric forms, which pair differently. Unfortunately, little is known about how structural modifications impact free-energy differences between tautomers of the non-natural nucleoÂŹbases used in the hachimoji expanded genetic alphabet. Determining experimental tautomer ratios is technically difficult and so strategies for improving hachimoji DNA replication efficiency will benefit from accurate computational predictions of equilibrium tautomeric ratios. We now report that high-level quantum-chemical calculations in aqueous solution by the embedded cluster reference interaction site model (EC-RISM), benchmarked against free energy molecular simulations for solvation thermodynamics, provide useful quantitative information on the tautomer ratios of both Watson-Crick and hachimoji nucleobases. In agreement with previous computational studies, all four Watson-Crick nucleobases adopt essentially only one tautomer in water. This is not the case, however, for non-natural nucleobases and their analogs. For example, although the enols of isoguanine and a series of related purines are not populated in water, these heterocycles possess N1-H and N3-H keto tautomers that are similar in energy thereby adversely impacting accurate nucleobase pairing. These robust computational strategies offer a firm basis for improving experimental measurements of tautomeric ratios, which are currently limited to studying molecules that exist only as two tautomers in solution

    Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Vascular Development in Zebrafish

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    The establishment of a functional cardiovascular system is crucial for the development of all vertebrates. Defects in the development of the cardiovascular system lead to cardiovascular diseases, which are among the top 10 causes of death worldwide. However, we are just beginning to understand which signaling pathways guide blood vessel growth in different tissues and organs. The advantages of the model organism zebrafish (Danio rerio) helped to identify novel cellular and molecular mechanisms of vascular growth. In this review we will discuss the current knowledge of vasculogenesis and angiogenesis in the zebrafish embryo. In particular, we describe the molecular mechanisms that contribute to the formation of blood vessels in different vascular beds within the embryo

    High pressure response of 1H NMR chemical shifts of purine nucleotides

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    The study of the pressure response by NMR spectroscopy provides information on the thermodynamics of conformational equilibria in proteins and nucleic acids. For obtaining a database for expected pressure effects on free nucleotides and nucleotides bound in macromolecular complexes, the pressure response of H-1 chemical shifts and J-coupling constants of the purine 5'-ribonucleotides AMP, ADP, ATP, GMP, GDP, and GTP were studied in the absence and presence of Mg2+-ions. Experiments are supported by quantum-chemical calculations of populations and chemical shift differences in order to corroborate structural interpretations and to estimate missing data for AMP. The preference of the ribose S puckering obtained from the analysis of the experimental J-couplings is also confirmed by the calculations. In addition, the pressure response of the non-hydrolysable GTP analogues GppNHp, GppCH(2)p, and GTP gamma S was examined within a pressure range up to 200 MPa. As observed earlier for P-31 NMR chemical shifts of these nucleotides the pressure dependence of chemical shifts is clearly non-linear in most cases. In di- and tri-phospho nucleosides, the resonances of the two protons bound to the ribose 5' carbon are non-equivalent and can be observed separately. The gg-rotamer at C4'-C5' bond is strongly preferred and the downfield shifted resonance can be assigned to the H5 '' proton in the nucleotides. In contrast, in adenosine itself the frequencies of the two resonances are interchanged

    Pressure-dependent electronic structure calculations using integral equation-based solvation models

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    Recent methodological progress in quantum-chemical calculations using the "embedded cluster reference interaction site model" (EC-RISM) integral equation theory is reviewed in the context of applying it as a solvation model for calculating pressure-dependent thermodynamic and spectroscopic properties of molecules immersed in water. The methodology is based on self-consistent calculations of electronic and solvation structure around dissolved molecules where pressure enters the equations via an appropriately chosen solvent response function and the pure solvent density. Besides specification of a dispersion-repulsion force field for solute-solvent interactions, the EC-RISM approach derives the electrostatic interaction contributions directly from the wave function. We further develop and apply the method to a variety of benchmark cases for which computational or experimental reference data are either available in the literature or are generated specifically for this purpose in this work. Starting with an enhancement to predict hydration free energies at non-ambient pressures, which is the basis for pressure-dependent molecular population estimation, we demonstrate the performance on the calculation of the autoionization constant of water. Spectroscopic problems are addressed by studying the biologically relevant small osmolyte TMAO (trimethylamine N-oxide). Pressure-dependent NMR shifts are predicted and compared to experiments taking into account proper computational referencing methods that extend earlier work. The experimentally observed IR blue-shifts of certain vibrational bands of TMAO as well as of the cyanide anion are reproduced by novel methodology that allows for weighing equilibrium and non-equilibrium solvent relaxation effects. Taken together, the model systems investigated allow for an assessment of the reliability of the EC-RISM approach for studying pressure-dependent biophysical processes