14 research outputs found

    Impact of case management by advanced practice nurses in primary care on unplanned hospital admissions: a controlled intervention study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Increasing unplanned hospital admissions disrupt planned health care, lead to additional morbidity and are expensive. A recent review found only weak evidence for case management preventing unplanned admissions, yet case management of older people is being implemented widely in the UK. We aimed to study the effect of advanced practice nurse case management on unplanned medical and geriatric hospital admission rates in patients 50 years and over, and on admission risk in a 'higher risk' sub-group of patients in the UK.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Case management by advanced practice nurses in NHS primary care practices in the Swansea Local Health Board area, Wales, UK. We conducted a prospective non-randomized controlled intervention study comparing unplanned medical and geriatric patient admissions between five intervention and thirty non-intervention practices during a pre-intervention year and an intervention year.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For all lengths of stay, comparing intervention (n = 5) with non-intervention practices (n = 30) from pre-intervention to intervention year, we found that the unplanned medical and geriatric admission rate was significantly lower in the intervention group – adjusted relative risk of 0.909; relative risk reduction 9.1% (95% credible limit 0.840 to 0.984, p = 0.018); absolute risk reduction 0.99 admissions per 100 patients (95% credible limit 0.17 to 1.86, p = 0.018). For lengths of stay of one night or more we observed a stronger effect – adjusted relative risk 0.896; relative risk reduction 10.41% (95%, credible limit 0.820 to 0.979, p = 0.015). Most of the rate reduction was due to a reduction in the number of new admissions but much less so for admissions of lengths of stay of at least one night, compared to all lengths of stay. We did not find a statistically significant effect on re-admission or multiple re-admission rates in 'higher risk' patients previously admitted one or more times – adjusted relative risk of further multiple admissions per previously admitted patient 0.908 (95% credible limit 0.765, 1.077); relative risk reduction 9.3%; adjusted relative risk of total admissions per multiple admitter 0.995 (95% credible limit 0.940, 1.053) relative risk reduction 0.6%.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although this study reports a reduction in unplanned admission rates in the intervention practices, this appears to be only in part directly due to nurse case management: most of the reduction did not occur in multipe admitters whom were case managed. Further research is needed to explain this finding, to elucidate how best to target the attention of case managers and to examine the complexity of potential outcomes in terms of the nature and necessity of admissions and most suitable lengths-of-stay in terms of acute care or rehabilittion need.</p

    The effect of gender, age, and geographical location on the incidence and prevalence of renal replacement therapy in Wales

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    BACKGROUND: This study used a cross sectional survey to examine the effect of gender, age, and geographical location on the population prevalence of renal replacement therapy (RRT) provision in Wales. METHODS: Physicians in renal centres in Wales and in adjacent areas of England were asked to undertake a census of patients on renal replacement therapy on 30 June 2004 using an agreed protocol. Data were collated and analysed in anonymous form. RESULTS: 2434 patients were on RRT in Wales at the census date. Median age of patients on RRT was 56 years, peritoneal dialysis 58 years, haemodialysis 66 years and transplantation 50 years. The three treatment modalities had significantly different age-specific peak prevalence rates and distributions. RRT age-specific prevalence rates peaked at around 70 years (1790 pmp), transplantation at around 60 years (924 pmp), haemodialysis at around 80 years (1080 pmp) and peritoneal dialysis did not have a clear peak prevalence rate. Age-specific incidence of RRT peaked at a rate of 488 pmp at 79 years, as did incidence rates for haemodialysis, which peaked at the same age. Age had less effect on the initiation of peritoneal dialysis, which had a broad plateau between the early fifties and late seventies. Kidney transplantation rates were highest in the early fifties but were markedly absent in old age. CONCLUSION: Differences in the provision of RRT are evident, particularly in the very elderly, where the gender difference for haemodialysis is particularly marked. The study illustrates that grouping patients over 75 years into a single age-band may mask significant diversity within this age group. Significant numbers of very elderly patients who are currently not receiving RRT may wish to receive RRT as the elderly population increases, and as technology improves survival and quality of life on RRT. The study suggests that if technologies that are more effective were developed, and which had a lower impact on quality of life, there might be up to a 17% increase in demand for RRT in those aged over 75 years; around 90% of this increased demand would be for haemodialysis

    Assessing, measuring and monitoring local health inequalities

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    This briefing has been put together by Eastern Region PHO outlining how to measure and monitor health inequalities in a local area, such as a primary care trust (PCT) or a local authority. It has been designed to help support action to tackle health inequalities in new NHS organisations and for Local Area Agreements (LAAs). Click on the link to view the document

    Briefing 15: Small area geography - MSOA vs Ward

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    In this briefing we compare and contrast different small areas, particularly in the context of their use for examining health inequalities

    Active East - A Physical Activity Framework for the East of England 2006

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    This document sets out the role of physical activity, not just in terms of its known health benefits (prevention of obesity), but also its wider social contribution. Physical activity is a cross cutting agenda and needs to involve a variety of organisations working in partnership with the health sector

    East in Focus: Infants

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    An overview of infant health in the East of England. Includes: infant mortality - distribution by deprivation, geographical variation, inequality in social class; breastfeeding; perinatal mortality - effects of education ; causes of death in infancy; vital statistics - births and deaths in infancy

    Health Profiles for the East of England

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    A collection of Health Profiles for the East of Englan

    Health inequalities - area profile

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    Atlas maps data from health inequality profile

    Editorial page: Health Needs Assessment

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    Health needs assessment is a systematic approach to improving the health of the population by ensuring that health services are delivered efficiently and in a manner that reduces inequalities