3 research outputs found

    Application of long period gratings sensors to respiratory function monitoring

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    A series of in-line curvature sensors on a garment are used to monitor the thoracic and abdominal movements of a human during respiration. These results are used to obtain volumetric tidal changes of the human torso showing reasonable agreement with a spirometer used simultaneously to record the volume at the mouth during breathing. The curvature sensors are based upon long period gratings written in a progressive three layered fibre that are insensitive to refractive index changes. The sensor platform consists of the long period grating laid upon a carbon fibre ribbon, which is encapsulated in a low temperature curing silicone rubber. An array of sensors is also used to reconstruct the shape changes of a resuscitation manikin during simulated respiration. The data for reconstruction is obtained by two methods of multiplexing and interrogation: firstly using the transmission spectral profile of the LPG's attenuation bands measured using an optical spectrum analyser; secondly using a derivative spectroscopy technique

    Bending and orientational characteristics of long period gratings written in D-shaped optical fiber

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    Long period gratings (LPGs) were written into a D-shaped single-mode fiber. These LPGs were subjected to a range of curvatures, and it was found that as curvature increased, there was increasingly strong coupling to certain higher order cladding modes without the usual splitting of the LPGs stopbands. A bend-induced stopband yielded a spectral sensitivity of 12.55 nm · m for curvature and 2.2 × 10-2 nm°C-1 for temperature. It was also found that the wavelength separation between adjacent bend-induced stopbands varied linearly as a function of curvature. Blue and red wavelength shifts of the stopbands were observed as the sensor was rotated around a fixed axis for a given curvature; thus, in principle, this sensor could be used to obtain bending and orientational information. The behavior of the stopbands was successfully modeled using a finite element approach

    The spectral sensitivity of long period gratings fabricated in elliptical core D-shaped optical fibre

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    Long period gratings (LPGs) were written into a D-shaped optical fibre that has an elliptical core with a W-shaped refractive index profile and the first detailed investigation of such LPGs is presented. The LPGs’ attenuation bands were found to be sensitive to the polarisation of the interrogating light with a spectral separation of about 15 nm between the two orthogonal polarisation states. A finite element method was successfully used to model many of the behavioural features of the LPGs. In addition, two spectrally overlapping attenuation bands corresponding to orthogonal polarisation states were observed; modelling successfully reproduced this spectral feature. The spectral sensitivity of both orthogonal states was experimentally measured with respect to temperature and bending. These LPG devices produced blue and red wavelength shifts depending upon the orientation of the bend with measured maximum sensitivities of -3.56 and +6.51 nm m, suggesting that this type of fibre LPG may be useful as a shape/bend orientation sensor with reduced errors associated with polarisation dependence. The use of neighbouring bands to discriminate between temperature and bending was also demonstrated, leading to an overall curvature error of ±0.14 m-1 and an overall temperature error of ±0.3 °C with a maximum polarisation dependence error of ±8 × 10-2 m-1 for curvature and ±5 × 10-2 °C for temperature