6 research outputs found

    Aspects of life-event history of the Dutch population, part 3, history of language, health and possesions, and political preference 1994

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    Aspects of course of life P1211A Language: languages and/or dialects respondent uses at present in contacts with parents, children, colleagues, neighbours and relatives / languages and/or dialects respondent uses for reading and writing, as well as at home as at work / to which languages/dialects respondent listens on radio, tv and VCR / in which language and /or dialect respondent learned to speak, read and write before his eighth birthday / in which language respondent got instructed at the elementary school P1211B: Health and possessions: whether respondent suffered from physical disorders at present, and at the age of 15, 25, 35 and 45, for at least three months / respondent: during how many periods longer than two months in r.'s life, r. was unable to go to work or to school, as a result of being ill or an accident, and whether r. was hospitalized during those periods / visiting children, parents, other relatives, neighbours, colleagues and friends in hospital. Possession of parents when r. was 12 years old: house, car(s), boat, caravan etc. / age respondent left parental home / possessions of r. at present: house, car(s), boat, caravan etc. P1211C: Political preference: r'.s voting behaviour if there should be elections now, and at the elections in 1946, 1948, 1952, 1956, 1959, 1963, 1967, 1971, 1972, 1977, 1981, 1982, 1986, 1989, and 1994 / left-right scaling by respondent / number of changes in voting behaviour / political interest of r.'s parents when respondent was 15 years old, membership of parents of political party, political preference of parents, / religious affiliation / church membership in the past / age at which r. ended church membership / frequency of church attendance / church attendance at the age of 10-15, 16-20, 21-30, 31-50, 51 and older, church membership of parents when they were growing up / denomination of r'. school at the age of 15 / whether friends, relatives and neighbours of parents had the same religious convictions, when r. was 15 years old. / religion of class fellows at the age of 12 / frequency of reading newspapers and newsmagazines / frequency of watching 'NOS-Journaal' and 'NOVA' / frequency of political discussions / respondents opinion about euthanasia, income levelling, and environmental pollution, and whether r. knows about the attitude of political parties towards these problems at present and 10 years ago. Background variables: basic characteristics/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ characteristics of parental family/household/ occupation/employment/ education/ politics/ religion/ consumption of durables/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposur

    Aspects of life-event history of the Dutch population, part 2, history of cultural participation, division of domestic tasks, income, and use of social contacts in finding a job. 1994

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    P1195a: present cultural activities: spending leisure time / time spent at mentioned activities. P1195b: past cultural activities: spending leisure time at the age of 15, 21 and 30 / spending leisure time by r.'s parents when r. was 15 years old / possessing domestic appliances and other possessions in and around the house when r. was 15, 21 and 30 years old / number of rooms at r.'s residence. P1195c: division of domestic tasks: sharing domestic work with partner / having domestic help / sharing domestic tasks in the past by r.'s parents when r. was growing up / sharing tasks with partner concerning caring and upbringing of r.'s children / sharing tasks concerning caring and upbringing, between r.'s parents, when r. was growing up / r'.s opinion about role patterns of partners concerning care for (young) children, working outdoors / working outdoors and/or not working outdoors of r. and partner before and after children were born. P1195d: income: overview of employment history of respondent (see also P1107) / whether r. had one or more sources of income during periods of unemployment, and if yes which kind of income / overview of r.'s income from r.'s first job through r.'s present job. P11095e: role of social contacts in getting a job: age at which r. left school / profession of friends and parents / profession of r.'s two best friends (partner excluded), and-or family-members at the age of 35 and at the age of 50 ' profession of r'.s two best friends (partner excluded), and-or family-members at present and whether those two persons know each other / role of relationships (friends, (partner excluded), and-or family members) in changing job(s) / whether r. got his-her first, former, very last, present job via a personal contact and if yes, kind of contact and profession of contact person / most important reason(s) why r. ceased from former, very last job / concerning former, very last, present job: relationship with colleagues with a higher, lower and-or the same function / whether r. knew staff-members rather well before r. applied for present job, function of those staff-members / having applied for a job and being refused, kind of job and how r. came into contact with that vacancy, possible role of a contact person and if yes relationship with that person and his-her profession / contact with friends, relatives, acquaintances having different professional backgrounds. Background variables: basic characteristics/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ educatio

    Aspecten van de levensloop van de Nederlandse bevolking, 3e tranche 1994 : Geschiedenis van het taalgebruik, gezondheid en bezit, en politieke voorkeur.

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    Aspects of course of life P1211A Language: languages and/or dialects respondent uses at present in contacts with parents, children, colleagues, neighbours and relatives / languages and/or dialects respondent uses for reading and writing, as well as at home as at work / to which languages/dialects respondent listens on radio, tv and VCR / in which language and /or dialect respondent learned to speak, read and write before his eighth birthday / in which language respondent got instructed at the elementary school P1211B: Health and possessions: whether respondent suffered from physical disorders at present, and at the age of 15, 25, 35 and 45, for at least three months / respondent: during how many periods longer than two months in r.'s life, r. was unable to go to work or to school, as a result of being ill or an accident, and whether r. was hospitalized during those periods / visiting children, parents, other relatives, neighbours, colleagues and friends in hospital. Possession of parents when r. was 12 years old: house, car(s), boat, caravan etc. / age respondent left parental home / possessions of r. at present: house, car(s), boat, caravan etc. P1211C: Political preference: r'.s voting behaviour if there should be elections now, and at the elections in 1946, 1948, 1952, 1956, 1959, 1963, 1967, 1971, 1972, 1977, 1981, 1982, 1986, 1989, and 1994 / left-right scaling by respondent / number of changes in voting behaviour / political interest of r.'s parents when respondent was 15 years old, membership of parents of political party, political preference of parents, / religious affiliation / church membership in the past / age at which r. ended church membership / frequency of church attendance / church attendance at the age of 10-15, 16-20, 21-30, 31-50, 51 and older, church membership of parents when they were growing up / denomination of r'. school at the age of 15 / whether friends, relatives and neighbours of parents had the same religious convictions, when r. was 15 years old. / religion of class fellows at the age of 12 / frequency of reading newspapers and newsmagazines / frequency of watching 'NOS-Journaal' and 'NOVA' / frequency of political discussions / respondents opinion about euthanasia, income levelling, and environmental pollution, and whether r. knows about the attitude of political parties towards these problems at present and 10 years ago. Background variables: basic characteristics/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ characteristics of parental family/household/ occupation/employment/ education/ politics/ religion/ consumption of durables/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposur

    Aspecten van de levensloop van de Nederlandse bevolking, 2e tranche 1994 : Geschiedenis cultuurparticipatie, taakverdeling in het huishouden, inkomen, en sociale contacten bij het vinden van een baan.

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    P1195a: present cultural activities: spending leisure time / time spent at mentioned activities. P1195b: past cultural activities: spending leisure time at the age of 15, 21 and 30 / spending leisure time by r.'s parents when r. was 15 years old / possessing domestic appliances and other possessions in and around the house when r. was 15, 21 and 30 years old / number of rooms at r.'s residence. P1195c: division of domestic tasks: sharing domestic work with partner / having domestic help / sharing domestic tasks in the past by r.'s parents when r. was growing up / sharing tasks with partner concerning caring and upbringing of r.'s children / sharing tasks concerning caring and upbringing, between r.'s parents, when r. was growing up / r'.s opinion about role patterns of partners concerning care for (young) children, working outdoors / working outdoors and/or not working outdoors of r. and partner before and after children were born. P1195d: income: overview of employment history of respondent (see also P1107) / whether r. had one or more sources of income during periods of unemployment, and if yes which kind of income / overview of r.'s income from r.'s first job through r.'s present job. P11095e: role of social contacts in getting a job: age at which r. left school / profession of friends and parents / profession of r.'s two best friends (partner excluded), and-or family-members at the age of 35 and at the age of 50 ' profession of r'.s two best friends (partner excluded), and-or family-members at present and whether those two persons know each other / role of relationships (friends, (partner excluded), and-or family members) in changing job(s) / whether r. got his-her first, former, very last, present job via a personal contact and if yes, kind of contact and profession of contact person / most important reason(s) why r. ceased from former, very last job / concerning former, very last, present job: relationship with colleagues with a higher, lower and-or the same function / whether r. knew staff-members rather well before r. applied for present job, function of those staff-members / having applied for a job and being refused, kind of job and how r. came into contact with that vacancy, possible role of a contact person and if yes relationship with that person and his-her profession / contact with friends, relatives, acquaintances having different professional backgrounds. Background variables: basic characteristics/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ educatio